Ascendency - Comments

  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    so first thing's first...

    Bangin bc im so ready for this!!!!!

    also the summary is kickass bc we see the setup of both haven & phoenix faced in pretty serious situations ie: the differentiating personalities that i oh-so dearly adore w/ every little part of me. also bc you told me who haven is facing in her little snippet just Ranting you stop pestering her you little shit!!!! though im so torn bc he's so hot but he's such a little fuck-bitch & grr!! & from phoenix just turning on her so-called contractor shows that she's one that would probably be hard to trust?? why phoenix? why are you such a femme fatale?? not like there's anything wrong w/ it but im worried bc it seems like you have to buy her loyalty. & it's rare that people can pull off a character like that, but im intrigued to see how you portray her - & of course bc you're jade the magnificent & you can do anything

    but also you start off chapter one w/ a bang (of course!) & from the stuff i've already told you via text (bc we're aquarian twins in love who can't live w/o e/o ex: i cannot live w/o you thus why im always pestering you to send me more thinglies) i'll just go ahead & repeat myself here.

    - you set up this super easy-to-read world where i can picture tora bby just sitting there like the hot piece of ass he is slowly getting irate @ all the stuff that's being said about the task force.

    - kei sounds like monitor from halo (oh, nik. give the game a break already...) & it just seems so cute in my head i can't help but aw whenever he just presents himself.

    - why hello ryo (or the mention of ryo, but then actually, the introduction of ryo) Naughty

    - haven, haven, haven. i keep thinking of the village of haven w/ a sprinkle of "no fucks" given attitude. kind of like how the village starts off as a dragon cult of people & then expands into the inquisition's first base & then is buried in an avalanche. HMM, THESE THINGS COULD SOMEHOW COINCIDE W/ THE FACT THAT OUR HAVEN BBY HAS SUFFERED IN EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES THAT ARE GOOD ENOUGH FOR THESE METAPHORS.

    but i'm just rambling now @ 1AM so in short what i'm trying to say is: jade, update again or i will hold satoshi for ransom. i'll do it, i'm not playin'

    LOVE YOU Arms
    July 29th, 2016 at 10:01am