Cinderella, She Seemed So Easy - Comments

  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    @ pixiewayro
    Thank you hunny bun!! Xxx

    @ BeAZombieLikeMe
    Thank you my dear! Your comment was awesome as always, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

    @ Count Synula
    *blushes* thank you so much for actually reading my story! You're such an awesome writer, so it means so much that you read and commented!!

    @ Lulie Belle
    Thank you my dear! Your comment was lovely and thanks for taking the time to read!
    August 23rd, 2014 at 08:43pm
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    I love how your characters interact with each other. Diane seriously makes me want to punch her, and I can tell Aurora feels the same way about it. Aurora is also really relateble; I've done the same thing to pretty Irish men who came to the ATV park where I worked a few summers ago (Only none of them asked me out unfortunately.) I also like how you wrote the story in present tense. usually that bugs me but in your case it made me like the story better.

    I adore your description of the inside of the Halloween Ball mansion. Bats and dead me lol :) And their meeting at the ball is beautifully written too. Most of your story makes me laugh. Seriously whenever Aurora gets angry or nervous I giggle.
    August 21st, 2014 at 10:02pm
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    Well.....just wow....I must say that I am blown away and pleasantly surprised! This story was amazing to say the least. I LOVE your writing style....the way you describe things and her experiences. I mean the way you explain the orgasm was so thrilling even. This story was definitely sexy and I enjoy how you write smut.

    There were some things you said that reminded me of me and how I write and that made me smile because I think your writing is really great! (I'm a little jelly!) I loved the story line. The whole Starbucks thing was so me too lmao. I loved the mystery and that ending was just perfect! This has totally got me in the mood to write now and I'm so glad that I got to read this. Cute Great job hun!
    August 19th, 2014 at 02:26am
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    Well.....just wow....I must say that I am blown away and pleasantly surprised! This story was amazing to say the least. I LOVE your writing style....the way you describe things and her experiences. I mean the way you explain the orgasm was so thrilling even. This story was definitely sexy and I enjoy how you write smut.

    There were some things you said that reminded me of me and how I write and that made me smile because I think your writing is really great! (I'm a little jelly!) I loved the story line. The whole Starbucks thing was so me too lmao. I loved the mystery and that ending was just perfect! This has totally got me in the mood to write now and I'm so glad that I got to read this. Cute Great job hun!
    August 19th, 2014 at 02:24am
  • naaasaaaaaDELETEME

    naaasaaaaaDELETEME (100)

    Okay so I made it the first thing on my list to read this story after coming off my little 'hiatus' form all things fun and HOLY CRAP BATMAN!! I've said it before but I'll gladly say it a thousand more times, you're writing, characterizations, and plots are PHENOMENAL! I felt my heart swell SO many times through this amazing one-shot and basically fell in love with Gerard all over again! I couldn’t get over how though most of this story Gerard was known as ‘The Creepy Guy’, I couldn’t stop laughing! I thought it was insanely clever but extremely cute! Imaging the house to the twinkle of mischief in Gee’s eyes when he led her upstairs like teenagers sneaking around made me grin and giggle like a mad woman, I couldn’t get over how magical their connection was! I love how witty and charming your characters are ad the dynamics of each one is mind blowing! For every one of your stories I’ve read I’ve NEVER reverted back to imaging the same character, mainly in this case Gerard. Each story of yours takes an amazing spin with his personality and I can’t help but fall in love with him each time!! And oh my GOSH when Aurora left him and basically indicated she’d never see him again I literally felt my heart drop and started yelling at my computer screen like a crazy person! But the ending was adorably sweet and simply perfect! And I couldn’t help but wonder if the guy Diane hooked up with was Mikey? For some reason I kept having the feeling she was lucky enough to land the other Way too, ha! All in all this was an AMAZING story and I for one can say that you have an act for story-telling and I very much look forward to reading more!! xxoxoo
    June 24th, 2014 at 12:10pm
  • pixiewayro

    pixiewayro (100)

    South Africa
    May 17th, 2014 at 12:33pm