She's Killing Me. - Comments

  • i hate you guys. ive always been a silent reader until NOW. you cant do this with my feelings. ive read a lot of your previous the maine/rocket fanfics, theyre great, but this ones better with the two of you working on it. i just. ughhhhh. i cant wait for this week to pass and for you to update the next chapter.
    November 27th, 2014 at 08:58am
  • I love this story SO MUCH :)
    November 22nd, 2014 at 07:05am
  • THE EMJOIS MAKE PERFECT SENSE. HOW DID YOU FIND THOSE SO PERFECTLY???? These two give me the biggest feels. They are so so so cute and I kinda want them to get along in front of the guys but the bickering is so cute. You girls totally surprised me with this chapter. I'm very excited for next week. I love you both and I'm sorry I'm a psychotic bitch. I have good intentions I promise
    November 19th, 2014 at 06:33am
  • I feel better about Gar but still not 100%. I would say I am at an 85% with him. I also think that the missing "necklace" will cause another fight if Garrett doesn't give it back effective immediately.
    November 12th, 2014 at 05:15pm
  • Okay, I meant truly fighting i.e. ignoring each other and not bickering.
    Also, I AM SO MAD AT YOU TWO. NO ONE GAVE ME ANY WARNING THAT THIS CHAPTER WOULD DAMN NEAR KILL ME. First, we have Garrett thinking John isn't wearing pants/underwear which zomg, feels. THEN, we have Garrett blowing up on Sydney which is HUGE progress for our boy. Then, Garrett's bloody nose and Zo being his personal nurse. AND LASTLY, HE APOLOGIZES. AND SHE FORGIVES HIM. AND THEY FRICKE FRACKLE. Now please tell me why I wasn't given a warning? I could've read this in class. Or at work. Just a simple "hey, read the update when you're alone and emotionally stable" would've sufficed. But, wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. This was such a wonderful chapter. I'm so excited for the next update. #EFTDC
    November 12th, 2014 at 01:33pm
  • YOU WERENT LYING ABOUT SANTINO. He's so intuitive. And so stinking cute. I don't like Gare and Zo fighting. They're so cute together and it breaks my little heart. Can't wait for next week :) #eatfreshtodeathcrew
    November 6th, 2014 at 05:47am
  • Normally I am more of a silent reader but your current chapters have me so riled up. I wish I had the ability to go into a story just so I could slap Garrett and hug Zoe. I am officially anxiously awaiting the next post and cannot wait to see what happens next.
    November 5th, 2014 at 10:16pm
  • Ok! I've finally caught up and nooooooo it was going so well! Stupid Garrett! Stupid Sydney! And it started off so promising! :(
    October 30th, 2014 at 02:45am
  • Shitballs, why you gotta mess things up Garrett, everything was going so perfect.
    October 30th, 2014 at 01:31am
  • NOTE TO SELF: Do not read updates while in class. I was grinning like an idiot during the Tim joke. I wanted to cry when he called her that she-devil. I'm a mess. AND THEYRE SO CUTE. They were watching The X-Files together and texting about it, relationship goals. AND I WILL DEFINITELY TELL THE BOYS YOU SAID HELLO. I WILL ALSO GET/GIVE HUGS FOR YOU. Love you <3 #eatfreshtodeathcrew
    October 29th, 2014 at 07:25pm
  • GIRLS! OH MY GOD. I. I CANT EVEN FORM WORDS RIGHT NOW. LIKE I DONT FEEL LIKE I CAN PROPERLY COMMENT. But John :(((((( I love Brooke but I kinda dislike her?? She's hurting my babe :( ugh. So many feels. I love you girls. I love this story. I love the Maine. I love the #eatfreshtodeathcrew. I just love. I kinda want spoilers, but I kinda don't. Ugh. Such good. Such feels.
    October 24th, 2014 at 04:36am
  • MEL AND CHELSEA. COULD YOU TWO NOT KILL ME ONE UPDATE? THIS IS PROBABLY MY FAVORITE CHAPTER SO FAR. CAN YOU FEEEL THE LOOOOOOVE TONIGHT???? IM AT WORK GRINNING LIKE A FREAKING IDIOT BECAUSE THEYRE SO CUTE. SO MUCH FEELS. But, I am sad for my Johnny boy. Hopefully Brooke pulls her head out of Tristian's ass and makes a real decision, because sad John breaks my heart. #eatfreshtodeathcrew #sheskillingmeISKILLINGME you ladies obviously knocked it out of the part this week. I'm so excited for the next update! :)
    October 16th, 2014 at 02:08am
  • This was the cutest chapter ever! I like sweet Garrett. Now they just need to tell everyone so they can stop sneaking around! The pretend fights are exhausting for me and Tim! Ha.
    October 9th, 2014 at 03:10pm
  • My favorite chapter thus far! It was so adorable and cute and just amazing!! Update soon please :)
    October 9th, 2014 at 06:49am
  • IM SQUEALING! THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER. Ugh, the Garrett feels are going to be the death of me. Mel & Chelsea, you two really knocked it out of the park. It killed to me to stop reading and talk to my mom. I truly hope they become less public enemies soon because I'm dying. Can't wait for the next chapter!
    October 9th, 2014 at 06:01am
  • Wow. Ladies, this chapter was superb. It really, truly felt like I was watching this all unfold. I love that last paragraph about how Garrett is changing her. I think that they're both having that effect on one another. They both seem to be so much more happy. I just wish they would overcome their stubbornness and at least be friends in front of everyone else. I have a feeling that Sydney might pop in sometime soon. And as for John, I would happily volunteer to be his gal. There's just something about that twig of a man that I adore.
    And for being loyal, it's my pleasure. You guys are fantastic and I love reading what you wrote. I'm very much so looking forward to what happens next :) have a lovely week!! :)
    October 2nd, 2014 at 06:43am
  • I love the fact that they're still fighting the fact that they have at least a little something. They just need to confess their feelings and be happy together. My heart does go out to John. Poor guy is obviously heart broken, but is too damn stubborn to admit it. Can't wait for the next update!
    September 25th, 2014 at 08:24am
  • I really dig the whole hate/love relationship. Yes, I said dig. I'm bringing it back...

    I already can't wait for the next chapter. I know I'm sounding like a broken record but I'm seriously in love with this story. Very Happy
    September 18th, 2014 at 04:23am
  • They admitted to liking to kiss each other, I'll take what I can get lol :) this was a wonderful chapter. I can't wait to see what else you two have up your sleeves!
    September 18th, 2014 at 02:06am
  • Omggggg this was literally the most precious thing ever! I love when they have happy moments and actually like each other! There needs to be more! Loved this chapter! :)
    September 12th, 2014 at 02:21am