Bothersome Boys - Comments

  • chasingdaisies;

    chasingdaisies; (120)

    United States
    @ Enteis-Love

    Well, I'm glad you enjoy the whole title/chapter thing. If you could elaborate a bit more on the being a bit fast thing, I would appreciate it, a lot. Thank you for reading! (:
    July 13th, 2014 at 12:23am
  • Ne0nAbyss

    Ne0nAbyss (465)

    United States
    When you see the title, you think it'll be kind of like one of those lists that have stories attached to reasons but I was pleasantly surprised to see that you were actually writing a chapter with each reason and I enjoy that.

    There's not much I can say but I didn't see anything really wrong with the two chapters but I did notice that it was moving a bit fast when reading. There wasn't too many stopping points but that could've just been me.

    The layout is perfect for the story as it's fairly simple and easy to read.

    Wish you the best with updating, I'll be following your updates :)
    July 12th, 2014 at 11:10pm
  • Ne0nAbyss

    Ne0nAbyss (465)

    United States
    When you see the title, you think it'll be kind of like one of those lists that have stories attached to reasons but I was pleasantly surprised to see that you were actually writing a chapter with each reason and I enjoy that.

    There's not much I can say but I didn't see anything really wrong with the two chapters but I did notice that it was moving a bit fast when reading. There wasn't too many stopping points but that could've just been me.

    The layout is perfect for the story as it's fairly simple and easy to read.

    Wish you the best with updating, I'll be following your updates :)
    July 12th, 2014 at 11:09pm