Cardio for the Confused - Comments

  • requiem.

    requiem. (205)

    United States
    The short description made me click! I love the subtle jokes in the first paragraph about the crocs LOL. Her cousin seems really uptight. The image of a big, muscle guy in a pink apron is just... kinda hot haha! I wonder why Jolene doesn't like Kale. I'm totally not taking any package from a weird, stuttering stranger. I'm way to paranoid of bombs and/or ricin scares. SLIPPING ON A BANANA PEEL. lmfao A BODYGUARD?!

    THe end just... got me. I like how the short description made the story seem very suspensful and thriller-y. But the jokes in the opening paragraph lighten the mood and you sorta fall in love with Jolene's personality right away. The stranger guy that gives her the package makes a person go "uh-oh". But the whole running away scene was suspenseful, yet humorous at the same time. And then the end when Irwin realizes the guy's not a bad guy! I could totally see this in like, a comedy-crime movie. Like 21 Jump Street or something!
    May 27th, 2014 at 11:02pm