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  • How you managed to make this cute I will never know but you did
    July 4th, 2014 at 12:01pm
  • @ brxndneweyes
    I can imagine haha
    June 6th, 2014 at 09:16pm
  • @ Light 'Em Up
    It's not so bad, but a pain sometimes.
    June 6th, 2014 at 12:16am
  • @ brxndneweyes
    I thought that was how you do it but I wasn't 100% sure and I didn't want to cause more work for you guys because doing all that can't be easy haha.
    June 6th, 2014 at 12:14am
  • @ Light 'Em Up
    Awesome! But not so awesome about the guys on your bus, haha.

    No, that's alright! You can't add those additional tags by yourself when submitting; I was the one who tagged the story. I'm the one that does most of the tagging on ATFF these days. Every few days I go back and tag whatever has been submitted, etc, and double-check the other mods' tagging because it bugs me when it's done wrong and apparently I'm a complete tag Nazi omfg.

    When you submit a story, just give us the summary and then at the bottom just say, "Additional tags: watersports, sex toys, cheating," and so on, whatever major points the story entails that we tag. This could include stuff like the pairing, so if you wrote something with, say, Hayley Williams from Paramore and Alex as a pairing, it would get tagged with Hayley's name, her band name, her ship name with Alex if she has one (Haylex), and alexband because he's with another band member. If that makes any sense.

    That's just an example, basically just list all relevant tags and we'll take care of that. We tag things by pairing and slash or non-slash (and if there's room, also by length). Tumblr has a tag limit of twenty per post which is annoying for us.
    June 5th, 2014 at 07:23pm
  • June 5th, 2014 at 03:28pm
  • @ brxndneweyes
    Thanks for the heads up about the P!ATD thing; yesterday was pretty amusing.
    June 5th, 2014 at 03:28pm
  • @ brxndneweyes
    Three A.M totally threw me off because I forgot time zones exist.

    I actually started another one on the way home from school today because I have two hour bus and what else am I going to do? But the guys behind me started reading out loud to the whole bus as payback for ruining The Fault in Our Stars for them and I just kind of gave up cx

    I'm glad I haven't been super awkward then because that tends to be a thing haha

    Also off topic but how does one add other tags like watersports when submitting because I noticed someone went back and added that I felt super bad because someone had to take their time to go back and do that just because I messed up the first time. (Well my friend did it, but whatever.)

    I'm super sorry about that by the way I let my friend do it because he was like "I got this" and like ten minuets later was like "well I just fucked that up for you, have fun!"

    He clearly didn't have it and I'm sorry I let him try
    June 4th, 2014 at 04:28am
  • @ Light 'Em Up
    omg I wanna roll around in bed and squeal cos this is so cute but I cannot because 3AM.

    But no you're super lovely, don't worry! I also hope you write more watersports in the future.
    June 4th, 2014 at 04:20am
  • @ brxndneweyes
    Haha you're welcome. I've literally been sitting here like 'how does one give compliments without being awkward and creepy' this whole time because not exactly everyday one of my favorite writers talk to me, you know? cx
    June 4th, 2014 at 04:05am
  • @ Light 'Em Up
    Just in case, haha. And wow, thank-you so much!

    Awesome! That website should amuse you for weeks on end then.
    June 4th, 2014 at 03:14am
  • @ brxndneweyes
    Lol "yum" I love that description xD

    But yeah I already knew that about the tumblr thing one of the things someone sent into you guys as an idea is how this came to be actually haha (and not to sound weird I know you did I've read tons of your stuff.)

    Ohhh cool I thoroughly enjoy Panic! At the disco haha thanks :)
    June 4th, 2014 at 02:58am
  • @ Light 'Em Up
    I like the green face haha. The others are creepy.

    Okay, well, on where I'm one of the mods, we have a /tagged/watersports (maybe you already knew about that though) and I've written a handful myself. I think I've written three Jalex and one Flykarth... anyways.

    I don't know if you like Panic! At The Disco, but either way, the authors for that fandom are INCREDIBLE. I mean incredible, like really fucking amazing. So head on over to and look down the tags on the left side until you find watersports. It might be under kinks: watersports or something, I don't remember, but wow, they're great. Really. Yum.
    June 4th, 2014 at 02:52am
  • @ brxndneweyes
    I'll definitely looks those up considering schools almost out and I virtually nothing with my life haha

    Recommend away Mr. Green

    These smiley faces are kind of weird.
    June 4th, 2014 at 01:49am
  • @ Light 'Em Up
    Damn, haha! I'm 18 now and I got into All Time Low when I was 14... I remember I used to think fanfiction was weird and gross but one day I somehow ended up on LiveJournal and it was really confusing and I read two smut Jalex fics and I was like, "Ohhhh dear." So, yeah, basically, I've read many, many, many fics since then and I know a little too much about far too many kinks. It's appalling.

    You should definitely look those fics up. Except for Let The Games Begin because it's permanently locked so nobody can read it any more cries. But yeah, the others, just type the title and author and probably "livejournal" into Google and you'll get them, they're awesome as fuck.

    If you want any more watersports fic I'd be happy to recommend.
    June 4th, 2014 at 12:05am
  • @ brxndneweyes
    I don't normally have to edit it much either but my school is so technology advanced because it's a performing arts school so it has to be for the media students but then you look at the computers and it's like "Why? What is this?"
    I definitely feel that too many fics thing. Things look organized on here but a another sight I have sixty some published and most have just the proloug but I just keep starting more. *insert gross snort at self here*
    Ah no I haven't read those sorry. I'm fairly new to the fandom. Well, the fandom that's into the fanfics anyways. I've liked ATL since early middle school (I'm a sophmore now) but I didn't really know anyone that liked them so for like three years the only songs I knew were Lost In Stereo and Just the Way I'm not. I didn't start reading fanfics until this year because I made a friend that's like hardcore obsessed and was like OMFG YOU HAVE TO READ THIS STORY ITS THE KNIFE FAN FIC DO IT and it went downhill from there.
    June 3rd, 2014 at 11:54pm
  • @ Light 'Em Up
    It's okay! I never have to edit paragraphs in because I write all my fics on a notepad document rather than word (because my laptop doesn't have it) and for some reason writing on notepad doesn't require any further editing when publishing on here...

    Aw, thank-you! I totally would but I have so many ideas to write right now. Maybe sometime in the future! Have you ever read quirky_anecdote's kink!fic Scream Your Heart Out? Or... let's see... Let The Games Begin by valeohyeah? And I think another similar one is Hopes And Expectations by apodiopsys. They're all, like, chaptered smut with a sort of game involved. I think I'd love to do a watersports series like that. I'd need to work it all out though.

    Maybe I'll take ideas for it on my Tumblr if I ever get around to it!
    June 3rd, 2014 at 04:32pm
  • @ brxndneweyes
    I'm sorry about the paragraph thing. It originally had them but my laptop wouldn't connect the wifi so I used a school laptop and I forgot that they do wacky things to the formatting of stuff all the time. >_<
    (P.S. You should definitely do one yourself yes that's a great you have there because your writing is perf.)
    June 3rd, 2014 at 03:50pm
  • I like this, watersports is like my favourite thing in the entire world and I get so happy when people write more. I've never seen one written with a contest before and I really want to do one myself if I'm honest. This was great.

    My only criticisms are that please, I beg, put paragraph breaks in. And I'd love more... description at the wetting, if that makes sense at all.

    But this was so good, well done!
    June 2nd, 2014 at 08:50pm
  • Cute!
    June 2nd, 2014 at 06:36am