Let Them Heal - Comments

  • @ santi santi

    Thank you for the applause! :)) I hope you enjoyed it! Much love!
    January 22nd, 2015 at 05:00am
  • Clap
    January 21st, 2015 at 10:16pm
  • @ hotmidnightstar

    Lmao! That'll do. Gosh, I hope I didn't lose anyone over Eva and Patrick finally getting to this point lol! Thank you so much for reading and commenting! Males me super happy that this story is still floating around :))
    January 21st, 2015 at 08:33pm
  • You want a comment? How about Holy Shit and About Time. Awesome job.
    January 21st, 2015 at 07:36pm
  • @ ziramrivera18

    Lol you should see the new update for this story ;) And yes, I have been working on the next chapter of Crimson and Clover. O have some ideas and I have been going through some rough drafts for it. Its quite a stellar one, and most definitely more adult themed and sexually explicit than what I've put out so far (haha, 'put out'. I crack myself up). I have a few things to take care of during the week, so hopefully I can update Crimson, along with this one over the weekend. We shall definitely see! Thank you for all the support you have given to this story. You truly keep me going! Much love!
    January 21st, 2015 at 07:26pm
  • @ mswrite85
    Yehey! Another update with some Patrick and Evaa lovin'. I can't wait!! :D speaking of lovin' how bout some Crimson and Clover? :)))
    January 21st, 2015 at 08:50am
  • @ ziramrivera18
    Lol! I'm glad you liked Pete's little sticker system for the guys! I always picture Pete doing silly small stuff like that, so I figured why not out my imagination to work and brew it up in the sorry haha! Yeah, Elisa might come in full force or not. Its going to be quite an adventure when we get down to the divorce business. But I want to focus a little bit more on Eva and Patrick before we get there. Besides, these two need some major time alone and they need a few chapters to themselves. Amiright?! Haha! I will hopefully be updating soon since I have the next few chapters kind of mapped out in my head. I font want to dwindle the next update and not have it prepared, so I'm brainstorming and drafting the next two as I type. Again, thank you for the constant support for this story! Much love!
    January 21st, 2015 at 04:59am
  • @ JustOneYoungVolcano

    Well, I hope the update wad to your liking and I love keeping things in suspense or taking a slight turn. I enjoy it when I read, so I hope I can do the same with this story. We will be seeing what happens with Elisa and what she plans on doing, but I think I have neglected Patrick and Eva for far too long. I'm going to focus on those two for a little while and get some couple time with them two before we start seeing some rumbles and tumbles :))

    Thank you for reading and commenting. I hope to have another update soon! Much love!
    January 21st, 2015 at 04:55am
  • OMG! You updated again!! Haha! I love that Momma Stump supported him and the first part with Pete and the 'Hello Kitty' sticker made me laugh! :D Great job! As for Elisa... we'll I've said it before so I can't wait to see what will happen.

    PS: I really can't believe you updated after 2 days!
    January 19th, 2015 at 11:02am
  • January 18th, 2015 at 05:56pm
  • So you did it again, made me gasp because I saw the update in my e-mail. This chapter was just what I needed today. So I feel like this chapter might be the calm before the storm. I think Elisa is going to fight tooth and nail to keep Patrick in anyway possible or just make his life miserable. I think this was a good chapter. I don't know what you have planned but I am excited for it. Btw the chapters are always made better with Pete and Janessa ;)
    And Hayley Williams :)
    January 18th, 2015 at 05:50pm
  • @ JustOneYoungVolcano

    Thank you!! I am excited that you got excited for an update :)) I needed to get things really cemented here at my new home, so I am sorry for such a delay in updates, but I'm happy to be back. You're words struck me in such a way that I can't put into words. I truly am happy and excited that you have enjoyed this story. It means so much to me and I am floored that this has been your first and favorite fanfic. I do hope I can keep it updated for everyone will keep enjoying it. Thank you for reading and commenting and sticking with me on this story. Much love!
    January 16th, 2015 at 03:56am
  • @ ziramrivera18

    Lol I had fun writing Janessa getting all worked up about Eva and Patrick. So I had a good time getting her dialogue down. On the issue of Elisa - you are right about one thing. She was involved with Patrick for several years, and she is getting blindsided with divorce papers, but she is going to be putting up a fight. What kind? We'll definitely see ;). Thank you for your constant support! I hope more can come forward with some comments to let me know that things are alright with the story lol Much love!
    January 16th, 2015 at 03:50am
  • I literally gasped when I checked my e-mail this morning and saw that this story had been updated. I am soooooo happy to be reading another chapter. Not that much happened in this chapter but I still loved it. And of course I am still reading this! This was the first FOB fanfiction I read and to this day it is still the best FOB fanfiction I've read. I just love the way you write the characters and you write FOB so well. I didn't mean to make this comment so long. Sounds like you went through some stuff, so for you I'm hoping that 2015 is an awesome year.
    January 16th, 2015 at 12:20am
  • I literary laughed out loud when Janessa asked eva if patrick wore a fedora while doing it! Hahah :D also, I think Elisa would put up a fight. She was inlove with him after all and Patrick is such a catch, she's too stupid not to fight. Anyays, congratulations on your move to a bigger and better place! I hope you gt settled right away! :)
    January 15th, 2015 at 11:00am
  • @ milesandmaisy

    Darlin'... I believe I owe you and everyone an apology for such a wait. I greatly appreciate your constant support and that you didn't find that saucy scene out of focused for the two :)) Now, I can't promise we'll be seeing something like this soon, but I hope when we do... It'll be worth the wait. I will lend a hint: It will be detailed and more than likely a two or three part rendezvous. I mean, hell, these two deserve it! Along with that, we got a few events to get over and on top of that, what is gonna happen when Patrick goes on tour with the guys. Ooohhhh the suspense. Thank you for the love and support to this story, and for Eva and Patrick. Much love!!
    January 15th, 2015 at 10:29am
  • ruined it? ruined it? that was amazing! I was totally hoping for something like that and when I first started reading it I scrolled down to the bottom and saw the word 'erection' and knew it was going to be good ;) I actually had to read this slowly so I could savor the words. I love, love, love this and am soooo happy you finally updated! I know life gets in the way sometimes and this stuff takes a backseat to everything else, so no worries, but I am super glad you're back. hope you're doing okay. much love <3 <3
    September 29th, 2014 at 06:40pm
  • @ deathXbeforeXdisco

    Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your kind words. I can't think of anything that could suffice my feelings for this comment. I have stated before that when I first started this story, I wanted to make sure I kept a realistic point of view. I wanted them to go through problems, and have careers and deal with business matters that they possibly have to go through. And to stay true to their personalities. I am just so honestly humbled that you enjoyed this story and that you feel that strongly about it. I could never be able to justify that in words, so I hope I can do that with my work and this story. Thank you. Thank you... Than you for leaving me such an amazing comment. Much love!
    September 29th, 2014 at 10:01am
  • @ Ali Cat
    Thanks, Boo Boo and yay! So happy you enjoyed the last update. I am happy that you enjoyed the last update and that it was well worth the wait. I appreciate it!! And yes, we're not done with these two, but I am thinking of how to do about the rest of their stay together. Believe me, I am not done. I am glad you pointed out the title of the chapter 'Beautiful War'. There is a new Kings of Leon song titled Beautiful War and that was the full inspiration to this chapter. If you have a chance, listen to it! Thanks for being mu cheerleader and much love! Muaaahhh!

    @ bobobo

    Yep! I am alliivveee!! And I'm glad that you enjoyed the last update! It's great to be back and I hope to keep a nice continuing pace of updates! Much love!
    September 29th, 2014 at 09:56am
  • @ Flickering Lights
    Thank you for the welcome back comment! And thank you for your well wishes for my father. I will be seeing him soon, by tomorrow morning so hopefully we'll be greeted with some better news. I am glad you enjoyed the update since I haven't updated in quote some time AND it took a slight turn than what was expected.

    @ ziramrivera18
    I'm glad to be back!! Thank you for the welcoming greeting! I missed everyone on here and just being able to get out my stories and plots down. I am happy you enjoyed this last update, and I'm glad that it didn't seem so out of character. I had hoped it was somewhat realistic since I know Patrick and Eva have had an uphill battle. And still have more to go. I can assure everyone, even though it will take some time for me to get back on track, this story is not nearly done. Thank you so much for thr comments and the love foe this story of mine. Much love!

    @ blkngld87

    It's great to be back!! Thank you for thr comment! Much love!
    September 29th, 2014 at 09:44am