Let Them Heal - Comments

  • mswrite85

    mswrite85 (100)

    United States
    @ bobobo
    Oh, we'll be seeing it rather soon. I'm in deep with three chapters to edit, so I'm hoping I can keep everyone on their toes as this story gets closer and closer to some ugly issues and ill-fated drama. We'll just have to see.... ;) Thank you again for your comments! Much love!

    @ milesandmaisy
    It's hard to swallow the idea that even though you have millions of people who adore you, you can still feel empty and alone. In a way, I wanted to convey that with Patrick's personal life. It was kind of hard to write this chapter through out. He is in a marriage and is supposed to be happy, but he's not. Then he has his female friend whom he is starting to care for more than what he expected to and he can't be with her, even if it meant to be around her company. It'll definitely be something to see how I come up with situations for these three folks. And we'll be getting around to what's going on with Elisa sooner than later. :) Thanks for reading and commenting and I'm glad you're seeing Patrick's character come to life through my story. I greatly appreciate it!

    @ Ali Cat
    lol yeah! Poor Patrick and his body and mind betraying him. I didn't mean to have the switch up between Elisa and Eva as he had the dream, but after editing and playing with the two situations, I went with this. I was a little worried because I didn't want to portray Patrick as a pervert who only sees Eva as a piece of meat, a body that he's only interested in physical activity, but at some point I wanted Patrick to have his thoughts begin to really come in between his most unconscious state of mind, which are his dreams. We'll definitely be seeing how things start to unfold between Elisa, Patrick and Eva. I have a few twists for these three. ;)
    June 18th, 2014 at 12:13am
  • Marnz

    Marnz (100)

    Haha omfg Patrick and a wet dream!! Haha I can imagine Eva finding out one day and having a field day with the shit she could give him for that! I still think Elisa is up to something a bit on the shady side...? But idk either way I'm glad Patrick loves me for loving this story haha your an amazing writer btw
    June 17th, 2014 at 10:20pm
  • star collision.

    star collision. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Is Patrick serious right now? Wow, he has it bad for Eva. I'm worried about what this attraction will do to his marriage. A part of me still maintains that Elisa is doing something funky behind his back. Couldn't get home because she was at her parents house? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, I don't know. Maybe I'd like the drama. Wink
    I hope one day Eva finds out about Patrick's wet dream one day. Given the way they are over texts, I reckon she'd have fun with that piece of information.
    I love love love love love this story. You're awesome. Can't wait for more!!
    June 17th, 2014 at 09:44pm
  • Ali Cat

    Ali Cat (100)

    United States
    Oh shit Patrick! Getting naughty!!!! I'm scared to see what will happen with Patrick and Elisa's relationship from this point on, and extremely nervous for Eva and Patrick's relationship! I wonder if Elisa will find out about Eva and get jealous, or if Elisa is the one guilty of infidelity in the first place. I want Patrick to visit Eva in her hometown during his time off, that would be amazing and I'd probably have a heart attack omfg.
    June 17th, 2014 at 08:36pm
  • milesandmaisy

    milesandmaisy (100)

    United States
    sadly I feel like this is how Patrick's life really is. you are doing an amazing job of capturing that and his sassiness. I love this!
    June 17th, 2014 at 05:00pm
  • bobobo

    bobobo (100)

    United States
    Naughty!!! I hope we get to see how Patrick and Elisa interact, I didn't even realize that I wanted to see until i read this chapter
    June 17th, 2014 at 04:14pm
  • mswrite85

    mswrite85 (100)

    United States
    @ defend-soul-punk
    Thank you for that! I was hoping that this would kind of cement how their friendship is (Eva and Patrick) and having Pete get involved seemed to have worked. In my mind, I can see this happening with close friends in their circle of group, so I thought I'd go with it and see how y'all would take it :D I'm glad it's worked out in the end and that you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for sticking around and commenting. It means the world to me! :D

    @ star collision.
    Buahahaha! I was wondering who was going to raise an eyebrow at the title of the chapter! I originally had it titled 'the picture paints a thousand words', but after going through the dialogue between Eva and Patrick, then getting Pete involved, I changed it. LOL! Yeah, the sour part was a little on the heavy side due to Patrick spazzing out on her unintentionally. I will definitely be putting his thoughts come the next chapter as to why since I have a few plot twists up my sleeve :D AANNDDD I'm so glad you think Eva is a total fox! She is someone that I can honestly hang with because of her laid back attitude and her spunky sense of humor. If anything, I'm glad Eva is getting a little bit of a shine (not because she one of the main characters) because at some point in this story we're going to get to the bottom of the whole "missed childhood" deal I mentioned in the chapter. Hopefully someone picked up on that, but if not, it'll all make sense in the future posts. So glad you're enjoying this and I appreciate and love the enthusiasm for this story! It makes my heart happpyyyyyy!!! Muah! Much love!
    June 17th, 2014 at 02:47am
  • mswrite85

    mswrite85 (100)

    United States
    @ bobobo
    Oh! You hit the nail right on the head with the description. It does irk me on a personal level when someone who's in a committed relationship can't seem to spot the line between friendly and flirty. It always leads the wrong way since actions or words can be misconstrued. Loved how you brought that in, but I do like the fact that the whole 'two wrongs don't make it wrong' theory plays with whatever Elisa has going on. We'll definitely be seeing her crack soon. :D Thanks for reading and commenting! Much love!

    @ TheOnlyBurningCandle
    Thanks for sticking around and commenting on the story! Love hearing y'all's opinion on it and I'm glad this chapter was golden for you! Thank you again! Much love!

    @ holysmokes13
    YES! Patrick slipped up on the account of a text message. He didn't mean to, but we'll definitely dive a little into Patrick's brain about that message in the next chapter. I love that you're enjoying this and that it's making you giggle to the point your falling off your bed haha! Thanks for reading and commenting. It means so much to me!
    June 17th, 2014 at 02:40am
  • mswrite85

    mswrite85 (100)

    United States
    @ chynnablueink
    Oh, to be a on looker at the airport! I'm glad it made you giggle a little bit! If I try to put in a little bit of humor, I want it to be as funny as possible. I'm not saying I'm the funniest person on the planet, but some of these little quotes and antics have taken place at some point in my life. Just took a little liberty with Pete and Patrick :)) Yeah, the 'Patty' thing was more for her entertainment since she knows he's not a fan of the nickname, so to get back at him or just to annoy him, she throws out that 'P' word and he huffs up lol! Thank you for your comment and I hope you have a safe trip to Egypt (SO JEALOUS) and a wonderful time!!

    @ Marnz
    Right? I was hoping I could be able to convey a somewhat sassy Patrick with a dash of asshole for humor purposes. I see sometimes when he talks to other artists that he throws playful insults or jokes with them, so I took that as a little road to explore with him and Eva. I'm glad that it seemed believable and that Eva and his friendship seems real enough to y'all. :D Thank you so much for commenting and for sticking around! Patrick loves you for it! :D

    @ Ali Cat
    Oh, Ali! My bright and shining star! I don't want you to go nuts on me, now haha! Your comments and praise surely bring out the humble shyness in me, but I do appreciate it! I'm glad you're enjoying this story and how it's developing. I have a few things coming up and a possible BIG surprise in a couple of chapters. OOOOHHH the suspense! *evil laugh* Muah! Much love!
    June 17th, 2014 at 02:33am
  • mswrite85

    mswrite85 (100)

    United States
    Thanks to everyone who has commented!! I was horribly scared about this chapter just because the humor took a slight twist and I didn't know how you guys were gonna take it. I am on the road back home from a check up, so I'll be more thorough with everyone's comment. Sit tight and I'll get to everyone ASAP! Much love!
    June 17th, 2014 at 12:07am
  • star collision.

    star collision. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I read the chapter title and immediately thought "oh my goodness are they going to sext?" But no, it kind of took a bit of a sad turn. Poor baby patrick and that wife of his. I want to hug him. And Eva, Eva is an absolute babe. I love how solid their relationship is already and the fact that they can pick fun of each other. Pete made me laugh a lot, that little nerd. This has been my favourite chapter and this is by far among the best stories I've ever read. You're awesome.

    Patrick is definitely a sarcastic asshole as a friend, I think. He's no angel, that's for sure.

    Can I possibly reiterate how much I adore this?!?!
    June 16th, 2014 at 11:16pm
  • defend-soul-punk

    defend-soul-punk (100)

    United States
    oh my gosh, i loved this chapter. the pete/patrick/eva banter made it.
    June 16th, 2014 at 09:53pm
  • holysmokes13

    holysmokes13 (100)

    United States
    Oh this is amazing. Patrick dropped a little bomb, but I feel like there's going to be a bigger one soon! Also I loved how Pete got in! Yes, a lot of fun reading that part, I was falling off of bed from laughter. Waiting for what's up next:}
    June 16th, 2014 at 08:55pm
  • Flickering Lights

    Flickering Lights (100)

    This story is amazing and the newest chapter is my absolute favourite Mr. Green I love how it's written Smile can't wait for more Wink
    June 16th, 2014 at 06:39pm
  • bobobo

    bobobo (100)

    United States
    This is so great. A man that's called for texting another girl always skeeves me out because no one knows the difference between friendship and flirting anymore but knowing that Elisa is hiding something makes this so fucking interesting.
    June 16th, 2014 at 04:09pm
  • Ali Cat

    Ali Cat (100)

    United States
    Oh no this was honestly all so perfect, I never wanted it to end! I loved Pete and Patrick at the end, and their selfie oh my god I couldn't help but lol for real! I'm always waiting for an update for this story and I'm never disappointed, I truly love this and I'm probably a little obsessed, haha. I really can't wait to see what's going to happen. I'm nervous and excited and impatient!
    June 16th, 2014 at 04:07pm
  • Marnz

    Marnz (100)

    Perfect chapter was perfect! I can totally see Patrick being that sassy asshole friend but would also be there for you in a heart beat I still have so many questions on the Patrick and Elisa front!!! But I'll wait until you put up more of this amazing fic FYI it's quickly becoming my favourite fic
    June 16th, 2014 at 02:33pm
  • punkfiction

    punkfiction (100)

    United Kingdom
    I loved Pete's texts. I was laughing out loud in the middle of the airport, so thank you for that. ;) Seriously, excellent move. Really tickled me. Love that he's getting involved more (but we all know I'm a sucker for our Peter.) Really well written, very believable, ace dialogue (although I cringed every time she called him Patty!) I could actually picture the selfie they took, too. God I love this story.
    June 16th, 2014 at 12:58pm
  • mswrite85

    mswrite85 (100)

    United States
    @ Ali Cat
    I'm really digging how things are starting to develop. Sometimes I let the typing happen and I'll keep in mind how they talk or how they interact with one another through the story. This was one of those times where I just went free-hand in and typed out whatever first came to my head. I'm glad it was enjoyable to read! :)

    @ milesandmaisy
    Thank you so much! I'm glad that you're digging this story so far. Patrick is a lovely human being, and he's trying to keep his emotions in check, buuuutttttt a certain little lady isn't helping, so yep. We'll see how things develop, hm? ;)

    @ star collision.
    LOL! All I read was "I HATE ELISA" from that comment. Yeah, I'm sure she's not everyone's favorite person and I'm trying not to portray her as this horrible wicked wife, but for this story, she's just gonna have to the play the bitch. Hopefully within a few more chapters down the road, we'll see what's going on with Elisa and where that put's Patrick and Eva's friendship. Whole lotta situations will arise from this story. ;) Thank you for comment, love! :D
    June 15th, 2014 at 12:12am
  • star collision.

    star collision. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I adore every conversation they have! So great, so well written, so enjoyable! I hate Elisa. I can't help but feel she's hiding something from Patrick...
    June 15th, 2014 at 12:01am