The Longest Day - Comments

  • @ Goddess_Of_Muse
    Thank you so much! It took a bit of work to pull that together in the right way, haha.

    And I'm glad you're still enjoying it! I've gotten a little bit of feedback on other sites like Wattpad, but nothing much. I've never had high expectations though, since I know it's going to take a while before more people start reading. Anything and everything I can get is good right now!

    I went back over my plot outline the other day just to smooth everything out and make sure it all flows properly since I've added a few things that I didn't originally have, and Slay's and his men have a few more parts in there now, so hopefully that will be interesting. :)

    Thank you again!
    July 2nd, 2014 at 02:34am
  • Fear spread from one person to the next, almost like smoke, the way it twisted its fingers softly around each of them, catching the breath in their throats. - This line is AMAZING. I just HAD to tell you how much I love it!

    I just like commenting regularly so that you know I am still reading... I know how it feels not to receive much feedback, so yeah. Shifty

    As always, your story is going great! I really am interested to see where this is going to go, with Slay's men coming to the village and all. I'll give your Facebook page a like too! Very Happy
    July 1st, 2014 at 05:42pm
  • @ Goddess_Of_Muse
    I was a bit apprehensive of the fight scene for that reason, so thank you! The vocabulary was a bit tricky at times, especially with Tahni's injury. There are only so many ways you can say something felt painful before it gets repetitive, haha.

    And I'm really glad you're enjoying his character! It's awesome that I've written him well enough to still be interesting even though there hasn't been much insight into his past or anything like that yet. :)
    June 23rd, 2014 at 11:25pm
  • You write fight scenes so well! Usually when it comes to fight scenes in books, I tend to skim over them very lightly because I can never keep track of what's going on - just that they're fighting or whatever. You wrote that scene really well, with a varied vocabulary that kept me interested. Cute

    Lord Slay is an awesome character. I always love the villains in a story, and he sounds like a good strong one, especially since he didn't give his cutthroats a second chance. Keep it up, I'm still enjoying this story a lot!! :D
    June 23rd, 2014 at 05:34pm
  • @ Goddess_Of_Muse
    Thank you!! I always worry that I'm taking too long to really get into it and there's nothing to capture the reader, haha. I'm glad it's still been interesting enough for you to keep up with! :)

    I'm actually really happy with the layout as well! I didn't think I'd be able to make something I liked, but it just kind of happened, haha. And thanks again, it's absolutely awesome that you like it so much!
    June 13th, 2014 at 05:55pm
  • I'm still loving this story! I don't mind that the chapters are moving slowly - my stories are always like that too, and the books I read are often in a similar style. Cute

    I love what you've done with the layout! It really fits the story. And as always, it's written so well with great description and everything! Keep it up Very Happy
    June 13th, 2014 at 05:29pm
  • @ Goddess_Of_Muse
    Thank you so much, that's such a huge compliment!! I'm working on figuring out a decent layout for it so hopefully I'll be able to make it a bit more appealing soon, haha. If you've got any suggestions on what you think would look alright for the story, let me know since it'll probably take a while for me to find something I'm really happy with.
    And thank you for the rec and subscribe! Hopefully everyone will enjoy the rest of the story, haha. Smile
    June 7th, 2014 at 05:09pm
  • This story is really well written! Your description is incredible... it really did paint great pictures in my head. Although there are quite a few stories that start off with the whole idea of a great prophecy surrounding one person, I'm interested to see where this goes. The whole concept of the Sisters and Brothers of the Sense is really intriguing, and being a fan of fantasy stories, I can't wait to find out more about exactly what that means. Cute

    One thing that I think would make it better to read would be a layout. If you don't know how to work the layout maker thingy, I could try and make one for you if you gave me pictures/ideas of pictures, a colour scheme, etc. It's only a suggestion though! tehe

    I've recommended and subscribed. Hug
    June 7th, 2014 at 04:54pm