M500 XC - Comments

  • I actually want to learn literature. Facepalm But I love Physics too and I love learning what I'm learning. It's so interesting!

    Ah... it's their loss. I mean I'd been stalking your stories since yesterday and you're really an amazing author. Weird I sound like such a creep.
    June 9th, 2014 at 07:48am
  • @ charity_hope
    Alas, I would love to be an engineer, and I adore sci-fi. xD
    Because I just posted it this morning! Really though, I am a little disappointed that what I write makes me unpopular. :6
    June 9th, 2014 at 07:42am
  • I see science stuff all the time in my textbooks so I would like to keep my other reading materials not too Science-y. tehe

    You're welcome!

    I'm actually amazed that no one actually reads this! Why? Shocked
    June 9th, 2014 at 07:40am
  • @ charity_hope
    You're an engineer? And you don't like science fiction? Blasphemy! XD

    Thank you! Basically my relationship with my Toshiba, half the time it is too slow on opening things and simply gives up. Peters and XC have never really gotten along.

    SPOILER They actually did, except XC's clock was off and got them really confused. XD

    Thank you again, I am amazed someone actually came by to read it! LOL
    June 9th, 2014 at 07:33am
  • I'd never been much fan of Sc-fi to be honest. Mostly because it confuses me (and this comes from an engineering student who learns about technology on a daily basis. I'm a shame to my kind, really. Facepalm)

    But this is interesting to read. And I love the banter between Dr. Peter and XC. Especially when he tried to open the map thing and the computer couldn't access it and he got super-frustrated. I always feel that way with technology. They frustrates me sometimes. XD

    And then about the end-of-the-world thing. I think it's an interesting twist that they didn't die at the end. But what did really happen? And the XC's speech about the world is a big paradox and stuff. And how Dr. Peter thinks that this whole world is a computer too and then the 8 billion other people don't really exist. There are really so much things to ponder from this story.

    I am impressed. XD
    June 9th, 2014 at 07:26am