Fickle Reticence - Comments

  • pixiewayro

    pixiewayro (100)

    South Africa
    Okay, so... Here's the thing. I can understand that Gerard gets so upset about the flyers, but I don't necessarily agree with it. Everybody has the right to say their say, and that includes people saying things that other people may not like, BUT that also includes Gee! If they want their voices to be heard about what they feel is right, they should accept that it's fair that everyone be granted the opportunity. (And if hate be spread, don't own the words spoken) - easier said than done, I know! Okay, having said all of that, I can totally see how Gee would be upset, even though I absolutely disagree with how it was handled! I am completely with Mikey about being mad at Gee! I understand that Gee might find it a bit difficult to open up to people, but I believe that Mikey is the one person Gee really should be opening up to, instead of attemmpting old patterns of self harm. Also, I really agree that Gee can't bitch about people not caring, if they won't be open to friends... Not all people are gonna hate them, or think they're a freak! (And if people don't understand the situation completely, like Frank, at first, then they still might stick around after getting to know Gee better! Provided, Gee is not being a bitch...). Also, I really think Frank could be good for Gee to have round, because he has this energy that is infectiouss. If Gee is starting to make friends, I think starting with Frank is an awesome idea! And, oh, hey! I don't think this gets said enough, but I really love Mikey in this! Can I have him, please? Thank you! Xx
    August 5th, 2014 at 12:37pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    This chapter made me laugh, before I just went cold with anger at the end.

    The conspiracy theories part was freaking hilarious, and as always, I enjoy the banter between Frank and Mikey. They have the kind of friendship only true friends have. They annoy each other, they deliberately rile each other up, and yet they're still there for each other.

    Frank's need to know about Gee/Gerard is cute, and I love just how open and honest he is in his feelings. He's putting himself out there in a way I fear Gee/Gerard never will.

    When Gee/Gerard wouldn't answer the door, I had a bad feeling that it might have been related to violence, but then they open the door, and they're all bruised up, and it just made me so sad. Even worse, when they put the leaflet through the door, and I just felt anger. Those kinds of organisations are just so frustrating, hypocritical, and by no means do they actually follow 'Christian values' when they preach hate and intolerance, something Jesus fought against in the bible. Of course, bible bashers tend to skip over the parts that contradict the validity of their actions.

    Ugh, I just hate how this has made Gee/Gerard take so many steps back, just after Frank had gotten them to open up the tiniest bit. I can only hope that since Frank got them to open up once, he can do it again. Poor, poor Gee/Gerard.

    Great chapter, as always. Please update soon, I need to know that Gee/Gerard is alright!
    August 5th, 2014 at 12:40am
  • ShadowMooses

    ShadowMooses (100)

    United Kingdom
    I was away for a month without internet so I got to binge on updates for this! But when I was away this story kept getting stuck in my head because it's so good, and has actually caused me to leave my friends toothbrush outside to freeze when we were camping because it seemed such a good idea :P but in all honesty this is one of my favourites, I love how it is based on a subject which is very rarely touched on, and the humour is really good! :D
    August 4th, 2014 at 06:01pm
  • RedRomRomance

    RedRomRomance (100)

    United States
    Noooooo! How dare anybody fucking touch my baby!!! *Huggles Gerard and never let's him go* Don't worry. Mikey and Frank and I will kill them all. *nodnod*

    Okay, seriously though, this story has kept me enthralled since I have found it and I'm in love. I love your descriptions of thing and you totally have the majority of college kids down in the way you write them. The fucking ass 14 page essays with deadlines at ass o'clock in the morning that you memorize because you KNOW you are going to be up working until then.

    I just wanted to get out my love and it is going on two in the morning here so I shouldn't be up, but ere I am writing this so I at least hope you get a kick out of this.

    Mikey has all my love and Gerard is my baby and Frankie just makes me wanna hug him forever. I really wish I could just take Gerard and move him here with me and all my friends. Would fit in magically. <3

    I love your writing and please never stop!

    May your favorite pen never run out of ink,
    August 4th, 2014 at 07:34am
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    This chapter was ADORABLE! Seriously!

    I love the conversation at the start of the chapter. I completely relate to the whole 'I just want to do anything' mode - in fact, it pretty much describes how I feel 24/7. I like how Gee/Gerard is slowly opening up to Frank. There's something realistic to the build up of their relationship. It's natural, and seeing them begin to bond is awesome.

    And Frank falling asleep on Gerard/Gee was just so cute, and the fact that they didn't try to wake Frank up was even more cute. I like how Gerard/Gee is slowly getting over their denial over their feelings for Frank, and I really hope something happens between them soon!
    July 29th, 2014 at 11:32pm
  • pixiewayro

    pixiewayro (100)

    South Africa
    Aaaand I'm guessing it will take Frank and Gee a lot more time to sort their shit out, so Mikey might be slightly premature here... Hmm... Actually, idek... Anyway, I actually agree with the notion thay Frank would be good for Gee, now it's just a matter of seeing Gee accept that fact...

    Anyway, as always, great update! =)
    July 25th, 2014 at 05:10am
  • pixiewayro

    pixiewayro (100)

    South Africa
    “Hey Mikes, just out of curiosity, do you think Gerard would ever be interested in dating someone who’s just one gender or something?” Frank asks.. Aaaaww! I found this really adorable, for some reason! I can just see Frank standing there, eyes all bright, big and utterly hopeful, biting his lips nervously, cheeks a little pink! Aaaaww! And Frank has such adorable puppy eyes!

    Mikey makes a noise like a really pissed off goose, and Frank decides to drop the subject.. Lol I absolutely adore your descriptions!
    July 19th, 2014 at 03:57pm
  • Helena Hathaway

    Helena Hathaway (100)

    United States
    @ Lyra
    That is honestly one of the most fantastic analysis' I have ever read of my writing.
    July 19th, 2014 at 12:04pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    If I were Mikey, I think I'd be pretty frustrated with Gee/Gerard too. I can sort of understand why Gerard is hard on themself, but, if Gerard puts themself down all the time, it'll be hard to open themselves to the possibility. It would be a little more difficult to find a person who not only accepts the person they are, but that can deal with the day to day reality of what a relationship with a genderfluid person would mean but, it's not impossible. It was a very honest dialogue between the two, and I like the comparison with people’s view on transgenders – they accept it, but only so far because they would never date a transgender person.

    And Frank is crushing on Gee/Gerard! Eeeepppp!!!! Ugh, I know Mikey is right not to interfere, but I really want him too! I think Frank is exactly the kind of person Gerard/Gee needs. Frank is a lot more outspoken but without being brash in a way that Gerard/Gee would find intimidating, and I think Frank might also be the person who can make Gerard/Gee feel more comfortable in not just their own skin, but also in being honest to the outside world about it. There's a wonderful contrast between the two - Frank hasn't fully figured himself out yet and he puts himself out there and is willing to give Gerard/Gee a shot because he likes the person inside and has no fear of what others think, while Gerard/Gee knows who they are, and yet hides away in fear and will probably try to shut out a person who would be good for them.

    Great chapter my dear, as always!
    July 19th, 2014 at 11:45am
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    You deserve applause for the last chapter. You wrote it with such amazing skill, grace and care. You did a wonderful job of explaining Gee's feelings and thoughts. I wish more people would write stories that deal with topics like this, and that promote characters like Gee, and also Frank who has shown to be wonderfully open minded and non judgemental, though part of me thinks it's shameful that acceptance has to be commended, rather than it be a norm. Not many people could write that conversation the way you do, at least not without it sounding like it was cut and pasted from Wiki. You made it real, so well done, yet again. I just hope to see Gee begin to be more confident around Frank now, and open and honest.
    July 18th, 2014 at 10:14pm
  • pixiewayro

    pixiewayro (100)

    South Africa
    Aww three cheers for Gee being brave! I know you said you were uncertain about how this chapter came out, but you really don't have to worry! It was really good! It was such a sweet moment, in a way, and hopefully it'll give Gee more confidence and reassurance! Gee is such a sweetie, and Frankie is adorable! =). I really enjoy reading this! Xx.
    July 17th, 2014 at 09:57am
  • GalacticGun

    GalacticGun (100)

    United States
    I think this came out wonderful please update soon!!!
    July 17th, 2014 at 08:51am
  • RedRomRomance

    RedRomRomance (100)

    United States
    This is so fucking waiting up and I just love this. And while I know exactly how Mikey feels through, like, all of this. I want to rip off every fucking limb off some people for hating and hurting the people I love for just the reason of being "different".

    Mikey Way has all my love.
    Along with this story.
    And everyone in it.

    July 11th, 2014 at 10:06pm
  • GalacticGun

    GalacticGun (100)

    United States
    Update please!!!
    July 11th, 2014 at 03:52am
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    Okay, I totally understand why Frank freaked out, but jeez, he's a bit melodramatic. He's right to want answers, but I completely disagree with his 'because I met him before I deserve to know what's going on with him' attitude. If I were Mikey I'd be offended by that. I like how Mikey stayed cool, and also respected Gerard/Gee's wishes to not tell Frank. I thought he would, since Frank obviously knows for a fact that something is going on and he had been pro 'tell Frank'. I agree with Mikey though, I think Gerard/Gee should take the opportunity to tell Frank, since Frank has a little bit of knowledge, and it's better for him to know the facts of the matter, for Gerard/Gee's sake.

    Great chapter as always my dear! Can't wait for the next update, where I hope Gerard/Gee will tell Frank the truth.
    July 10th, 2014 at 08:14pm
  • chihirosenn

    chihirosenn (100)

    United States
    And bang shit got real
    July 9th, 2014 at 06:23pm
  • Blood Splatter

    Blood Splatter (100)

    United States
    Wonderful as always.
    July 9th, 2014 at 04:34pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    Poor Gee! I was hoping their first meeting would've gone smoother, though it's understandable that Gee ran out like that I suppose. Part of me also really wanted Frank to run out after Gee, because Gee/Gerard could really do with a friend. I wonder what Mikey will think if, or when, Frank tells him. I'm really hoping it gets out in the open, for Gee/Gerard's sake! I love Frank in this, he's such an open minded guy, something that's lacking in a lot of people and it's wonderful to see a character like him. This is such an interesting topic to read, and you write it with a lot of heart. Wonderful!
    July 9th, 2014 at 03:01pm
  • WhydidIwriteallthis

    WhydidIwriteallthis (100)

    United States
    I express my gender along the lines Gee does, and the worst feeling is dressing the wrong way. It feels like you can't breathe or function like a normal person. Ugh, I just want to give Gerard all the hugs.
    July 3rd, 2014 at 03:34pm
  • Helena Hathaway

    Helena Hathaway (100)

    United States
    @ TwistedRomance
    awww, I love you!
    July 3rd, 2014 at 11:13am