One Love - Comments

  • This story seems a little fast paced but in a good way and I'm really enjoying it. Audio and Blake are really cute together, and I hope they get a happy ending, whether they're together or not when this story comes to a close. I just hope that Andy gets his comeuppance.

    Anyways the chemistry between the characters make them seem more realistic and I'm glad you suggested this story to me because I really enjoyed it.

    I saw a few minor spelling errors but it's nothing a good spell checker can't handle and the errors didn't break the flow of the story which is also good.

    I hope to read more soon.
    July 15th, 2014 at 04:09pm
  • @ domi823

    Oh yay thank you!
    July 15th, 2014 at 03:36am
  • The boys in the banner are really cute. Just saying tehe

    I only read the first for chapters so far so that's what this comment is based off of.

    Anyway, I really dislike Andy already. Audio seems like a really sweet guy and it breaks my heart to see him being treated like that. I wish he would trust Blake and tell him what's up. Blake seems like he really cares. I also love his character. I'm not sure why, but there's something really cool about him. I hope he steps in between Andy and Audio. Also, I wonder why Audio doesn't leave? I know it's difficult to just get up and go in those situations but everyone always has something that's holding them back. I wonder what Andy's is? Hopefully he gets the courage to leave soon!

    I'm going to go continue reading this now! :D
    July 14th, 2014 at 06:24am
  • @ Tipsy Returns

    I'll fix it when I get back on :3
    July 13th, 2014 at 08:27pm
  • @ Tipsy Returns
    Chapter 2. (:
    July 13th, 2014 at 10:41am
  • @ Tipsy Returns

    Thank you so much! Which chapter was the mistake in so I can fix it?
    July 12th, 2014 at 08:01pm
  • Hi!
    This is my first time reading a boy X boy story, but I’m so much in love with it. Your writing is really amazing, you bring out every emotion so beautifully. Hope you keep that up.

    I HATE HATE HATE that Andy. He can f***ing go to hell. Maybe I’ll kill him myself. A**hole.

    I love Audio, he’s just…so sweet. You could feel it, how sad he was with that good-for-nothing boyfriend of his. But I’m wondering…why is Blake so annoyed when Tyler mentioned Audio? As for Blake, I can tell he cares deeply for his best friend. They’d make such a cute couple.

    Another thing, that might not seem so important, but did make me sad was Blake’s mom. It’s just so depressing to know she couldn’t accept her son for who he was. And in the fourth chapter, when Blake slams the door at her face…she’s your mother goddamn it! I understand the situation, but behaving like that? Unacceptable.

    I’m so sorry about the bad language, but I tend to get sentimental. Overall, this is a wonderful story, with brilliant execution. Keep it up!

    There’s a slight something I noticed – ” I leaded my back against the wall with one foot propped up against the wall as well.” . I think it’d be “leaned” instead of “leaded”. But that’d be all. Definitely recommending and subscribing! (:

    P.S. Your layout is beautiful!
    July 12th, 2014 at 01:53pm
  • @ charity_hope

    Audio actually doesn't have parents. They died when he was younger so he lived with his brother but his brother also abandoned him because he was gay so he was left with only Andy's family to take him in. That long comment was so much appreciated thank you for taking the time to comment one each chapter :)

    I think at the time when Andy came to the hospital they were scared for their lives so they didn't necessarily think.
    July 8th, 2014 at 04:02am
  • First of all, I love that you use Luke and Calum as the face claim. tehe

    Chapter 1
    I hate Andy already. File Audio seemed like a sweet kid, really. But he sounded so miserable and sad. Ah... feel better soon, hun. Arms

    Chapter 2
    Awww... poor Blake. His own mother couldn't accept him for who he was. It must've felt horrible. Arms

    Why was Blake being so sensitive when Tyler mentioned Audion? Weird

    Awww... that hug. Arms I could tell that Blake really cared for Audio. In Love

    Chapter 3
    It pains me to see how much Andy made Audio so detached from everything. Everything he did was to please Andy and not to make him angry because he was scared. Urgh... poor Audio.

    Uh-oh... Blake was soooooooo going to see those bruises. File Why was Audio living with Blake in the first place? Didn't he have parents? Think

    Chapter 4
    Ouch... Audio, that's harsh. Blake was just trying to be caring. He's your best friend, after all. Just open up and let him in, honey. Arms

    Chapter 5
    Awww... my baby Audio. Don't cry. Arms (Yeah... I'm just easily attached to the characters so I'm sorry if I seem creepy. Sorry)

    And awww... Audio. Why did you hurt yourself? You don't deserve that. You're a wonderful person. Andy was a jerk face and he didn't deserve you. Don't let what he said get to you.

    Uh-oh... Audio. You would get in so much trouble if Andy ever found out about this. Twitch

    Chapter 6
    You can tell that Blake was as affected with the fight as Audio was. He shouldn't go to that party. I could sense that Audio was going to get in trouble. Blake, you should be there to protect him!!!!

    Chapter 7

    I'm confused. Jackson seemed like a nice dude. Will he play an important part in the future of this story?

    Crazy Twitch Cheese Shocked mrgun

    BLAKE WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER THE DAMN PHONE, YOU DIMWIT! URGH!! (I'm sorry I get emotional Sorry)

    Chapter 8
    Blake my dear, instead of beating Andy up, you should've called the cops! Ah... but at least you were there on time to save Audio. Cry

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10
    Yeah... why wouldn't they just call the police? Even at the hospital, they should've called the security.

    But... I don't like Blake's mom. File

    Chapter 11
    Yes, Audio! That's it! You're a brave person. You need to do this. You need to stand up. You're doing the right thing here. Arms

    Chapter 12
    Blake, don't yell at Audio please. He didn't need that. He needed you to be there and support him. He's vulnerable already without you adding to the wounds, although I know you meant well. Arms

    They kissed! Weird *le gasp* What...? Oh no! Now they're all awkward with each other.

    Please don't let it be awkward.
    July 7th, 2014 at 06:16pm
  • Great update! Glad they got out of there before that jerk Andy got to him. Haha at what Kelly said to their mom! tehe
    June 29th, 2014 at 06:16pm
  • @ heroes.

    I don't even know how to respond except to be all giddy with happiness that our characters are affecting you in the way we're trying to get across.
    June 22nd, 2014 at 07:41pm
  • Don Don Don

    AUDIO. Cry

    Andy is a terrible human and he needs to be dragged to the deepest pits of Hell, I'm not even joking, he's demonic anyway, so it would probably be a-okay for him because he's a little shit and I HATE HIM SO MUCH I CANNOT BELIEVE HE JUST--TO SWEET AUDIO AND HE--GAH. Twitch

    Before I click to the next chapter, I am just terrified for the poor baby and please Blake come save him please please you'RE HIS BEST FRIEND BLAKE THOSE BETTER NOT BE YOUR LAST WORDS AUDIO. You have done an amazing job at making me flail with emotion. Oh, dear.

    Blake. Blake. Blake.

    "I do not have good taste when I'm drunk, I noted." lmfao He is just the best thing, oh my gosh, I love him. WAIT NO BLAKE SOME DUDE KEEPS CALLING DON'T L E A V E IT. Yes, okay, seriously? As soon as he listened to the voicemail, I felt washed with relief, I'm so happy. Thank goodness he's getting Mr. One Night Stand (tehe) to drive him there, and oh my gosh Audio's in bad shape, oh, no. My feelings are being thrown everywhere.


    The friendship is repaired and they're so cute and I love these two characters, love them to death, oh my goodness, you guys have done a perfect job.

    YES BLAKE MAKE GOOD USE OF MR. ONE NIGHT STAND THAT IS PERFECT. I hope Andy gets what's coming to him and he and Mr. One Night Stand aren't, like, actually besties or something. He deserves to get destroyed.

    I love this so much! In Love
    June 22nd, 2014 at 02:44pm
  • @ Synical

    Yeah I write Audio. Thanks, I was really trying to capture how abuse can escalate at the flick of a switch.

    @ hawker!
    Thank you for the kind words!
    June 22nd, 2014 at 07:19am
  • This is so great. I love Blake and Audio and they're both so vivid as characters, but it's so heartbreaking to read about their situations. I'm so glad they're coming together, though - even if they just end up friends, it's still sweet to read about two humans pulling through for each other in times of hardship. (God, I hope Andy gets his ass whooped!) Anyways, keep up the awesome work - I can't wait to read more! :)
    June 22nd, 2014 at 05:04am
  • @ Synical
    Thank you so much. tehe In Love
    June 22nd, 2014 at 04:56am
  • Well then.....Okay I just read all 7 chapters. Not because I needed to for comment swap, but because I was so interested in the story!

    Enteis-Love, you write Audio right? I love his character. I felt so bad for him when he got stabbed and about the awful ways Andy treats/treated him. Audio seems like he could be really happy and fun if he didn't have that dirt bag controlling him. I'm glad that Blake was there to find him and get him to the hospital. I can't believe Andy actually stabbed him! Wtf? That threw me for a loop. Twitch

    Cola Frank, I love Blake too. I like how he has this back story of being promiscuous with a bunch of different guys. I also like how he clearly cares about Audio and is concerned for him. I can't wait to see when or if they kick Andy's ass real good! I like the parts you added about Blake's sister and their sibling relationship in a brief way that added depth to his character more. Overall I enjoy this story and I've recommended it and subscribed. Good job you too. Mr. Green
    June 21st, 2014 at 08:37pm
  • @ heroes.

    You made me do giddy with happiness from your comment and have completely made my day. I write the Audio parts and I was so scared that the stuff with Audio just wasn't realistic and didn't really get through to the readers but this really made me happy and feel confident in what I'm doing. I think we have 2 or so more parts coming up too that adds a bit of a heartache so I hope you like them!
    June 21st, 2014 at 10:21am
  • Can we talk about how much I love this.

    It reads so smoothly and it's so good, I love it. Audio and Blake are both screwed in their own ways, Audio hiding under concealer and Blake hiding absolutely nowhere, hunting for approval. I love both of them so much already, I just want to give them lots and lots of hugs, aw.

    I can't find any errors anywhere, which makes for an even better read, and the characterization is just so incredibly A+, I love the boys. Poor Audio, he has to deal with this shit hand of a shit boyfriend, the disaster that is Andy keeping him chained and tied into this hell of a relationship. He has to watch everything he says and the moment Andy said, Don't tell me what to do," I was so angry. Audio can't do a thing with such an asshole on his neck.

    Blake, I love him just as much. He's also got a shit deal, his mother failing to accept him for who he is and constantly trying to set him up as everything good he has done and will do just slips from her eyes. It hurts me, and I will say that I understand because I have someone who, as soon as I slip a little, apparently I'm at the bottom and there are thousands of things I could better. Sigh. But poor Blake as well, he's wonderful and he wants to bring Audio out of that hellish relationship but he can't because he knows it just won't work, not where they are now and it's so sad, aggggh. AND NOW WHO IS THIS GUY SITTING BESIDE TOTALLY DRUNK AS BUTTS BLAKE? OH GOSH. GOING TO YOUR PLACE DUDE HE CAN HARDLY WALK. WHY DO I NOT FEEL OKAY WITH THIS?

    This is sososo good so far, I can't wait for more, and I am for sure subscribing! This is wonderful!
    June 21st, 2014 at 06:09am
  • @ Lyra

    Ah thank you! That makes me so happy to hear :)
    June 15th, 2014 at 10:53pm
  • @ Lyra
    Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
    June 15th, 2014 at 09:46pm