One Love - Comments

  • I like the set up of this. Two obviously broken young men, both of them dealing with their own hardships and trying to find where they fit in.

    Audio's introduction is tragic. He seems to be a sweet guy, who's gotten trapped in a bad relationship that only brings him pain and misery. I almost want to shake him, tell him to just leave but it's not as simple as that and you get that across.

    Blake's story is heartbreakingly sad. There's nothing more hurtful than a parent not accepting you. He's accepted who he is, but it's hard to find yourself when your own mother won't acknowledge who you truly are. His seeking approval from other men is a realistic reaction to what is happening in his home life, and I would love to just give him a hug.

    I love the layout and banner, and the writing is well done. Your styles are similar, so there isn't a disparity between the different point of views (which I've seen in many co-writes), which makes the story easier to read. This is a great story so far, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it!
    June 15th, 2014 at 05:22pm
  • @ catharsis.

    I'm so glad you like the story. I'm also glad that you think their relationship is realistic because I was really worried it would be.
    June 15th, 2014 at 12:58am
  • I really like the first two chapters, and I'm really interested in how you're handling Audio and Andy's relationship, it's pretty realistic so far and I like that.
    June 15th, 2014 at 12:29am