Delicate - Comments

  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    Another brief but bittersweet chapter. You get the characters pain, loss and grief over the ending of a relationship that obviously meant so much to them. Lost love is one of the worse feelings in this world, and I truly emphasise with the characters pining and regret. I like the realism of her wondering about whether he had shared their special place with someone else, or if he kept it sacred, perhaps in the hope that if he did, it would mean he still thought of her, that she was still special to him. Her thoughts about being naked in front of someone else shows her lack of confidence and the tell tale sign of 'once bitten-twice shy' syndrome most people feel when they lose their first love, and again I think it's something many people feel and experience.

    Wonderful chapter, well written and executed, and I enjoyed this update a lot.
    July 10th, 2014 at 08:49pm
  • Lyra

    Lyra (100)

    Yay, I get first comment!

    So, let me start this off by saying I love your opening chapter. It's short, something I normally avoid, but you are one of those few writers I've met that can pack a lot into such short chapters. They're screenshots into these intense moments, and they're so imaginatively captured.

    The description of him coming into focus like a camera was great, and I wished I had used it, lol. Your writing is awesome. I love how you describe things, and how you you make the reader feel like they're living the moment. I'm subscribing to this, and recommending. Great work!
    July 7th, 2014 at 06:54pm