You Can't Push It Underground - Comments

    April 6th, 2015 at 08:08am
  • I am so. effing. excited. to read the sequel. this was amazing. I can't get over how good your are at creating fully rounded characters, and you do it in such a way that it looks so. EASY. and the little bits of humor you put in, too. goodness. you just, in general, make writing look easy. I struggle to be half as good as you are, my friend.

    *rides into the sunset* I'm off to the sequel!
    January 3rd, 2015 at 09:27pm
  • @ ShotToRemember
    Haha, that's great. I get the same way in a car, can't read either, it gives me a massive headache. I hope you enjoy it as much as you did the others. This is, tbh, one of my favorites that I've written even if it's not one of the more popular ones, and it's got a bonus of having two sequels so yay?
    December 31st, 2014 at 11:57pm
  • I just read the chapter descriptions for this, but haven't gotten to the story yet. I've read a few more of your incredible one-shots today (the elevator one? oh goodness whew that was hot), but I'm in a car on a long trip home and reading makes me carsick so I'm gonna hold off on this one. just thought I'd let you know that the chapter descriptions alone are incredible and I'm pumped to read this story and I still am here and still in love with you.
    December 31st, 2014 at 06:42pm
  • Aww my goodness!!!! I seriously don't know if I want to squeal, cry, dance or laugh right now! I can't believe this is over!!!! I had such a wonderful time reading it! I adored all the characters (especially Brendon), and I loved the way you shaped them, and how I was actually able to visualise their reactions and mannerisms. There wasn't a single moment that I did not enjoy reading this amazing story! Kudos!!!!

    I love that Frank is able to be with Gerard now, without completely freaking out - even though he still remains a bit of an asshole and an idiot! He's amazing!

    I love how much Gerard loves Frankie, accepting him for who and what he is and feels, accepting that issues may arise in the future, but completely willing to stand by Frank through it, working it out like a mature couple!

    And OMF Frank is in a relationship!!!!!!!! I can't get over it! It's kinda like a fairy tale, only not... Lol.

    I'm so super glad Brendon and Mikey intervened, because these two really belong together! It's so great that he actually got what started the whole bet in the first place, and I seriously hope the neighbours stop harassing them now, even though he has his yummy boyfriend to scare them off with his very flamboyant hair!

    Also, the part with the guitar, at the end...? Ugh! It nearly killed me! My heart!

    Again, because I couldn't possibly express it enough, I absolutely adore this story!!!! <3
    August 5th, 2014 at 11:44am
  • @ Lyra
    ... you just gave me an idea for a one-shot based off of this then. I was actually thinking about that because a few people over on AO3 said there should an afterwards, and given the fact that the title of this comes from the song "Time Is Running Out" I was listening to that and couldn't help but hear possible sequel titles in the lyrics. It's probably, so keep your eyes out for that. It may include the idea of living room sex now that you bring that idea up.
    August 5th, 2014 at 04:39am
  • This story was so amazing. I'm so sad that it's over! Is there any chance of a one shot of them in the future or something? I really don't want this to be the last I read of Frank and Gerard.

    I love your character development. There's almost a Pride and Prejudice element to this, in how Frank and Gerard judge and make preconceptions of each other, before getting over their respective prejudices and falling in love.

    Frank was so utterly annoying and yet adorable at the same time. He's a character whose flaws are easy to relate to, and his fears are also a little understandable to people who have actually thought about the concept of love and what it entails. His lifestyle of floating from one guy to another in order to avoid the ups and downs of an actual connection was realistic and almost a part of our society now, and I like how you get across how it can be a damaging lifestyle, without passing judgement. I personally don't feel people should be shamed or feel bad for living their life that way, but it's not without it's downsides, and through Frank's eyes we can see how the lack of emotional connections with others can lead to a fear of forging those connections when we forget just how important they are to how we function as people.

    Gerard's introduction in this didn't endear me to him in the slightest, something I feel was deliberate with hindsight. He judges Frank the way I almost judged him. He was the opposite end of the spectrum - he's a guy who seeks out the emotional connection with others, to the point where he holds on to ties he needs to cut. He doesn't fear getting hurt - he almost relished it in a masochistic way, maybe because he isn't afraid of being human.

    Brendon was just awesome, and provided much appreciated comic relief. He's the friend I wish I had. He could see what Frank couldn't, and when Frank was about to ruin the best thing that ever happened to him, he took matters into his own hands and made Frank realise he owned a pair of balls.

    The Sinclairs were the characters I loved to hate. I giggled with glee whenever they made an appearance. And when Brendon answered the door was literary gold. The only thing that beat that moment was the end, when Frank wakes up and Gerard answered the door for him! I totally wanted them to do a full out make out session in front of them! Oh, even better, a scene where the Sinclairs are at the door, so they have loud, obnoxious sex in the living room with the curtains wide open to get them off the property! oh, you need to write that. Seriously.

    Overall, this was just amazing, awesome,and I enjoyed reading this so, so much. Your writing was impeccable as always! Well done!
    August 5th, 2014 at 12:28am
  • Loved this chapter . If there's only one left please tell me there will be a sequel of their life in the future? Sad Very Happy
    August 2nd, 2014 at 12:20am
  • *Le Sigh*

    I have no sympathy for Frank, whatsoever. I get that he's scared, and in some respects I even empathise with his fear. Letting anybody in, whether it be in the form of friendship or otherwise, is a scary thing. But he's obviously so freaking miserable anyway! He's only seeing one side of his own argument - regret is something that comes later, and it won't be too long before it sinks in, and he'll realise he would be better of trying and getting hurt, then not trying and hurting himself anyway. It's not only himself he hurt either. Gerard was obviously falling for Frank, and he was beginning to detach himself from the hook he was on with his ex, and now in his pain he may go back to his ex. I really hope not. Frank is so short sighted and self involved, and it really makes me wanna punch him. I wanna write myself into this, and punch him.

    I can't wait to see what Brendon has planned! I hope Gerard will be waiting for him somewhere, and Frank will see that he's being a selfish asshole who needs to grow up and start to see that pain is unavoidable, and that as cliché as it sounds, he needs to find the right person who's worth suffering for.

    Can't wait for more!
    July 29th, 2014 at 11:53pm
  • Yay! 19, now? I'm certainly not gonna complain! Great chapter, describing exactly how miserable and disgusting Frank is right now. I gotta say, I really love that he didn't completely give in to Brendon, but still held on to just a bit of his stubbornness (even if only in the form of unwashed socks). He wouldn't really be Frank, otherwise, right?
    July 27th, 2014 at 11:13am
  • @ pixiewayro
    Thank you! That's what I was going for. Frank is, by all means, a total idiot, but he is still scared shitless.
    July 25th, 2014 at 05:38am
  • Okay, so... Yes, Frank is acting like a moron, BUT we have to consider the fact that he actually is scared beyond his wits. I know, it's absolutely no excuse to treat Gerard that way, to keep him hanging, and then just dump him on his lily white ass over a seemingly shitty reason... But he is, in fact, scared. But, ugh! He needs to realise that relationships aren't always rainbows and butterflies anyway, so he'll need to try to actually get it right. Which all just brings me back to the fact that he's an idiot, because he made this choice, and I'm not even truly convinced that he even wants his old lifestyle anymore...

    Anyway, awesome chapter! Loved Brendon, as usual! And I'm pretty excited to see what you have planned for the end! =D
    July 25th, 2014 at 05:17am
  • I love how often these updates are! This fic is too cute.
    July 21st, 2014 at 06:27pm
  • These two are so awesome, and they really are perfect for each other! I adored Frank’s views on kissing! I loved that kissing is so awesome and natural between them, that he can so easily draw the connection between the pleasure that it brings and the pleasure sex brings him. It really made me smile. As for the girl and her family...? Are there really people who are still that guarded from the world? Sheesh!

    Aaaanyway, I know that this is the first time I've commented on this story, and it's almost done, so... *hides*, but I only just read it all, and I couldn't not comment, because it's really entertaining to read! Also, I have to say... I really love what you did with Brendon in this baby!
    July 21st, 2014 at 01:45pm
  • This chapter was amazing hun. I like how freaking awkward the two of them were at first, it was really kinda adorable. The way Frank chose to sit in a way that gave Gerard easy access just shows that while Frank is trying to not be such a sex crazed douchebag, he's still the same Frank underneath lol. And Gerard flirting with Frank, and complimenting him, was just so cute!

    On the topic of the 'Trek vs Wars' thing, I'm sorry, but I so lost a little respect for Frank. I'm so on Gerard's side.

    And yes, THANK YOU for making Gerard finally kiss him. It's about time they gave in to their obvious mutual sexual attraction. But I'm so not happy that you interrupted them . I'm a little torn over Gerard answering his phone. I mean, I know he hung up at first, but he should have turned his phone off and just erased the voice-mails later. I don't entirely blame Frank for getting pissy and insecure over it - I know it isn't Gerard's fault that his ex is calling, but it's still a no-no to actually answer, even if it is to tell him not to call.

    And I don't agree with Brendon. Having a gay best friend who you have never had a relationship with, and it's been explained to Gerard that there's nothing there (which was pretty obvious when you see them interacting, anyway) and having a clingy ex, who you have been on/off with for years and have had problems breaking things off with are two different things. Gerard's history with his ex is far from platonic, there's still some kind of connection there even if Gerard is making steps to move on. He was right to tell Frank to get over it, and go back out to Gerard - Gerard was obviously embarrassed, but telling Frank he was wrong to be annoyed and a little jealous that Gerard was talking to his ex on their date (even just to tell him to go away), and comparing it with their platonic relationship, shows that Brendon isn't quite as wise as he appears to be.

    Awesome chapter, and yay for smoochies times!
    July 20th, 2014 at 10:32pm
  • Omg pleaseupdate i love this ><
    July 20th, 2014 at 05:10pm
  • Amazing chapter as always. Good job at throwing in Benedict Cumberbatch he's a really great actor. PlEaSe UpDaTe!!!!
    July 19th, 2014 at 01:45am
  • I apologise for my lack of commenting. But, I'm back. So, let's get stuck in.

    Brendon is just such a wonderful character in this. He's so devious and manipulative, and yet so utterly charming and adorable that I really can't hold it against him. He's using it for good! He SO played Gerard, and I was laughing when Gerard copped it on.

    I really feel for Frank, oddly. You do an amazing job of showing just how scary the idea of falling for someone is, especially to a person who has never fallen before. I've fully warmed up to Gerard by now, and I almost wanna scream 'JUST KISS HIM ALREADY' at my screen. But I won't since I have a little more self control. Also, I'm way to0 tired right now.

    Oh, and Brendon with the pringles...I can picture it. And I was delighted that someone did indeed, throw up in the Sinclar's garden. I'm just disappointed the whole yard wasn't covered in it. I can't wait to see their date, please let them kiss!!!!!
    July 18th, 2014 at 10:00pm
  • It's great I laughed a lot especially how Brendon seemed to be a walking thesaurus and was being teased by his choice of words xD Update please!!!!!
    July 17th, 2014 at 08:34am
  • “Maybe, do you think maybe you could maybe invite him too... maybe?" Frank is me when I ask for something UpDaTe SoOn PlEaSe!!
    July 15th, 2014 at 06:08pm