He Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty - Comments

  • cancer kills

    cancer kills (100)

    United States
    bring this back :(
    November 8th, 2014 at 11:00pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    September 6th, 2014 at 07:38am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    So the first chapter was intense but now it's cute. Hmm...
    I can see the approach though. It's good to show why she fell in love with him, and that he loved her sweetly at one point. It shows that it wasn't always rough and it provides reasoning as to why Olivia's still with him now...
    So are the next chapters going to lead up to the honeymoon or was this just sort of a temporary flashback? Just wondering. Either way, I'm interested in seeing how this story unfolds. Maybe do the occasional chapter with a flashback like this to break up the intensity. Maybe switch back and forth between past and present, if that wasn't what you were already planning on doing. But that's just a thought.
    Great job with the update. Ah, I love stargazing, very romantic chapter but couldn't help but feel sad as I read it, considering the situation.
    I'm just wondering like, if his abusiveness was always there, deep down, or if it just spurred at that moment in the supermarket. It'd be interesting to see his thoughts on things. If he realizes what he's doing and if he realizes it's wrong, and just... what exactly's happening.
    Can't wait to see what all you have in store. I highly suggest you continue this because I have yet to see someone work with this idea for an Alex story, and even though it's brutal it will show the realities of abusive relationships. But it's totally your choice because, this is hard enough to read so I can only imagine how difficult it is to write for it.
    But I'll be here for this story too if you do continue with it. :)
    July 29th, 2014 at 03:08am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Oh lawdy this is intense. Idk if I can handle it...
    But I'm going to try reading it. For the different-ness of it and I want to see what happens, especially by the end.
    God I was just like yelling at her the whole first chapter! Yell back at him, do... something! Idk I guess it just goes with what I would do... like I would not put up with that shit at all.
    So it's gonna be difficult for me to read this, like I said, especially because the character is acting the total opposite of what should be happening for well-being.
    But anyway, can't wait for more!
    July 18th, 2014 at 11:01am