An Easy Job - Comments

  • Wow!!! This is gorgeous, I love it when a story actually starts to creep me out and that doesn't happen often. Like seriously, such a awesome but creepy idea.

    You could so expand this or have more mini stories based on this if you wanted, and I would read them all.

    Absolutely love this <3 keep writing good stuff!! :)
    August 13th, 2014 at 06:12pm
  • Okay, so this story is so good, and has me at the edge of my seat! I'm commenting again because I got to actually read the last update.

    “Make a sound, and you’ll be bound,”

    This thoroughly creeped me out, like whoa! I have to ask, what inspired you to write this?
    July 31st, 2014 at 08:39am
  • It’s a little
    ironic if you think about it – a professional thief that’s afraid of the dark

    Ahaha! What?! This made me happy, thieves with quirks, nice! Also Valone is a rude son of a gun.

    The second was the woman on the other side of the room staring back
    at me.

    This cliff hanger is tasteful.

    Hydro company, chuckle chuckle. I'd honestly lose my shit if I saw something like a mannequin.

    I'm boarding the nope train, I love this!
    July 25th, 2014 at 08:19pm