Stop Playing Around - Comments

  • This story is too good to be laid out :( Please, continue it
    May 3rd, 2017 at 05:15pm
  • @ Helena Hathaway
    hmm, good point. that's the worst. wish I could help but idk either. this story is oddly genius though, and kind of outlandish but in a good way, so I honestly think you could take it most of everywhere
    January 4th, 2015 at 02:07am
  • @ ShotToRemember
    I intend to sometime soon, but I'm not sure what to do with the story, I've reached somewhat of an impasse.
    January 4th, 2015 at 01:19am
  • ooh I didn't realize this was yours too. you really are incredible. is this something you're still working on?
    January 3rd, 2015 at 10:35pm
  • please update soon!!:)
    November 14th, 2014 at 08:22pm
  • .-.
    October 22nd, 2014 at 07:06pm
  • omg, I love this, I can't wait to their first kiss <3
    October 22nd, 2014 at 02:34am

    okayokay. The relationship between Brendon and Gerard is incredible. So funny. I enjoy every moment of it. And Frank is perfectly likable/hatable-- I adore him as well. This whole story is just a collection of fantastic characters set in a comical but also really endearing story with some really great points about what people are and how they relate to each other. Reading all the way from the first chapter to the latest one in the past few hours, it's obvious that you're improving as a writer as you go. Seriously, the stuff you're doing now is wonderful in comparison to the other stuff. Not that the other stuff was bad, but your improvement is downright impressive. I wish I could improve like that. Keep writing. I'm so effing excited for the next update. I love how Frank and Gerard's relationship is developing. Also Frank's character is really rounded and realistic and I love him. And the blog-- is it Pete writing it? I'm trying to figure it out and I don't know. At first I thought it was Frank, in all honestyXD

    Anyways, incredible work. Love it! Please update again soon!!!
    October 21st, 2014 at 10:53pm
  • So happy you updated. Thank you! Can't wait for more!
    September 3rd, 2014 at 05:38pm
  • Yes! Update! Woo-Hoo!

    I haven't commenting on the last two chapters, so-

    I love Mikey. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders, and he seems to be a very open,non judgemental kind of guy. And it's about time Gerard pointed out to Brendon that he needs to get over his preconception of Frank. I was wondering about Pete, and why he disappeared. I felt so bad for Frank; I know what it's like to out with a group of people you don't know, and it's very uncomfortable. Mikey is right to force it though; Frank needs to learn how to deal with social situations with people he doesn't know. If he's going to work in the real world, he needs to know how to make the effort and learn how to get involved.

    Last chapter, where Brendon is showing Frank how to make grilled cheese, was awesome. I don't hate him anymore. Brendon doesn't have to be uber nice to Frank, but he needs to be understanding, and he's showing that in this chapter. Instead of complaining about the idea of Frank being dependant on them, he's being proactive and showing Frank how to fend for himself, which is exactly what he needs.

    And I'm glad Pete's reasons for running off weren't because he didn't care. I sympathise, actually. It must have been a hard thing to watch - almost like when you see an ad on TV that makes you feel bad or guilty, so you look away. He's making up for it though, and I hope to see more of Pete!

    The last couple of chapter show that Frank is willing to be shown how to fit in and take care of himself, which I admire and I like how the survivalist is beginning to overcome the pity party he was throwing.

    Can't wait for more!
    August 18th, 2014 at 05:58pm
  • I love Mikey!!!!
    August 11th, 2014 at 06:57am
  • Comparing this to the whole Rachel thing...? I'm sorry, but I think, after 10 seasons, she's still a bitch! Lol but they're all, kinda, so... Anyway, I think it's gonna be interesting to see Gerard helping Frank out, and I can't wait to see Brendon's (possible) part in it. Then again, he might even grow to like Frank... Point is, I can't wait to see!!!! Also, I love that, in helping/teaching Frank, Gerard is learning and growing too... *does excited dance for more chapters to come* =D.
    August 5th, 2014 at 12:59pm
  • @ Lyra
    Oh yeah the whole Brendon thing was to make you realize that Gerard is in no way perfect. Otherwise I'd have made Patrick the roommate because we all know how in love with Patrick Stump I am. I wouldn't have been able to make Patrick the roommate in the equation without totally going OOC. Brendon is definitely not perfect, but he was essential for the dynamic where Frank has now been put.

    I'm glad that it resonated in the fact that both of them saw each other as sort of fake humans, because it's key to the way they learn to treat each other.
    August 5th, 2014 at 04:52am
  • I felt really bad for Frank. There's a two faceness to Gerard that made him go down in my estimation a little. For a person who could do such a nice thing for a guy he doesn't like, to turn around and say such horrible stuff within earshot but not to Frank's face, is just something that made me dislike him in that moment. I get that Frank may have treated him horribly, but if Gerard is going to help him, he has to move on from it. He's right about making ground rules, and ensuring that Frank realises he's in a different world now, but cutting Frank to shreds again when he's already down on his luck is not going to help. Also, he already gave Frank a piece of his mind, and doing that again was just bitchiness.

    Brendon needs to learn manners. Seriously. I wanna smack him over the head. I get that he listened to Gerard give out and moan, but he only heard one version of a story, and also, Gerard was angry and it's safe to assume he embellished just how awful Frank was. Brendon, as an adult who is also struggling in the world and occasionally leans on Gerard to get by, should know better than to treat a person like that. I was so disappointed in him, and I can only hope that by having Frank around, he'll learn how he's no better a person than Frank. Frank grew up in a place where treating people like shit was acceptable - I have a feeling Brendon was brought up better than that, and it makes it more despicable.

    Kudos to Frank for telling Gerard just how low it was for him to bitch to Brendon like that. I also respect his pride, and that he didn't just go back without making Gerard apologise. I also respect that he wasn't stubborn enough not to accept the apology. Gerard is right - Frank couldn't survive on the streets.

    I adore Gerard's little speech on pride. It's so true - it's something that gets shattered over the years time and time again. Frank is starting to learn that now, but I don't think it's the end of his lesson.

    And Gerard's realisation that Frank is a real person I felt was quite interesting - in a way, he thought about Frank in a way that's akin to how Frank saw him. Neither of them saw the other as a proper human being with real feelings. They're more alike then they realise.

    I can't wait for more!!! This is ssooo so good!
    August 5th, 2014 at 01:00am
  • I'm addicted
    August 3rd, 2014 at 04:02am
  • One of my favourite stories to read at the moment!!! I have high hopes for Frankie!!!
    July 31st, 2014 at 12:50pm
  • @ Helena Hathaway
    Oh goody! I'm really excited about it! I can't wait to see what you have planned! And you're very welcome! I know how much it sucks when you work hard, and you don't receive any feedback. It really kills the mood! I've actually taken a break from Frerard altogether, but I couldn't stay away from your writing, to be honest. I believe you deserve more love on your work than you receive.

    Okay, I'm babbling, and this has nothing to do with the update, so please feel free to shut me up!
    July 31st, 2014 at 07:46am
  • @ pixiewayro
    Brendon's reaction has been fun to write, and Pete's part in this story is not over yet. And thanks for the long-ass comment, they are a million and ten times more fun to read!
    July 31st, 2014 at 07:04am
  • Okay, so...After reading these last two updates, I really actually feel sorry for Frank. Not because he now has no money, but because of the way his father did him in. What parent could ever be so cruel to their own child? First, he raised him with some seriously warped ideas, then he dumps him practically on his ass, with no idea how to actually function on his own.

    I'm a little surprised at Spencer and Pete, I have to admit. They were so quick to stand up for Gerard when he needed the support, but now that Frank really needs someone, Gerard is the only one to show him any compassion. Not only that, but Spencer actually openly admits that he's only sticking around for money.

    I actually enjoyed the fact that Gerard and Frank still can't really stand each other, and that Frank is still kind of a douche. I think it makes it a bit more realistic.

    It would be interesting to see the friction that would no doubt be between these two boys now that Frank will be living with Gerard (not to mention Brendon's reaction).

    I'm really glad that you decided to continue this story, because I still love this!
    July 31st, 2014 at 05:29am
  • @ Lyra
    Gorgeous review, loved it. I've also missed your long-ass comments. As an author, the longer the comment the more excited I am to read it, and the more weight it holds.
    July 30th, 2014 at 02:37am