Our Wonderland - Comments

  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)

    That first line was legitimately the best thing I have ever read. It's kind of true though, you don't hear about Dougie owning anything aside from lizards. He's the lizard boy. You've got the characterisation so on point right from the get-go though. Harry and Dougie have this super-cute joking friendship where they slag each other off constantly and this is so spot-on with that. And Dougie's getting up early being half eleven. I feel him on an emotional level.

    “I’m not opposed to getting a dog but for fuck’s sake—a poodle? Absolutely not.” - SO FREAKING SPOT-ON. That line has Doug written all over it. tehe

    IZZY. IZZY. As much as I adore her, I don't want her getting in the way of my babies. I know she's married to Harry in real life and everything but whatever. Real life doesn't matter. You did their meeting perfect justice though. And Dougie as a third wheel, oh my. tehe Dougie is just the quintessential third wheel character and it makes me so happy. I have no idea why. I think it's because he's such a little shit in real life and I love watching him be mischievous. I legitimately had this little movie playing in my mind where he was doing his usual and annoying the crap out of everyone (the penis thing. THE PENIS THING I AM DYING) and I love it so much. You have turned me into a fluffy mess already.

    The argument though. Everything was so heartfelt and Dougie would be the last person anyone would expect to blow up at anyone and it made me so sad because Harry is being a jerk and pulling Dougie along for an evil ride and that ain't what Pudd is all about. Get it together, Judd. I ain't happy with him. No

    AND THEN THE PUPPIES. THE PUPPIES. And the whole dancing queen / jungle king thing. Just no. I am melting into a puddle of fluffy Pudd feels and I am not okay with this in the slightest. But I am okay with it because this entire oneshot was all that I expected and so much more and I just love you so much for writing about it and giving me something to fangirl over.

    And that video always made me laugh. Pudd is blatez real and they should just do like this fluff and stop pretending they aren't together. Coffee
    August 2nd, 2014 at 08:35pm
  • bullets are hailing.

    bullets are hailing. (250)

    United States
    I told you that you were going to finish before me and that you had nothing to worry about. And I was right because it is finished and it is BEAUTIFUL AND OH, MY HEART. I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH. JUST. PUDD.

    Silly Dougie. Thinking half past eleven was early. For some reason that made me laugh because it reminds me of one of my fruzzins who has logic similar to that. tehe And I know I've said this before when you gave me that little snippet, but I'm so on Dougie's side. A poodle? Really? I love dogs, but I'm not really fond of poodles. Of course, Harry's joking because they're cuties and love messing with each other in ways that affect me so greatly. Like stop being adorable you two. And then the three cute little puppies are running toward him and Dougie's just all, "come to me my furry friends" and he falls in love with one of them and that image made me go awww and giggle because omg Dougie with a puppy is so fucking cute I can't handle it. Crazy

    BUT WHAT'S THIS. We're then introduced to Izzy, who's from the boys' past and I'm just like, "ohhhh shieeett" because whenever characters in a story have a run in with someone they haven't seen in a while, you know something's gonna happen. SO THEN ~*FLASHBACK*~ THAT BRINGS US BACK TO THE GOOD OL' DAYS OF '05. Not gonna lie, though, how Harry and Izzy met was sweet, but in a friendship way. But poor Dougie third wheelin' and I feel it so hard, dude. I third wheel all the time. SO IN COMES TOM TO TRY TO RESCUE HIM SOMEHOW WITH A PENIS. LOOK AT THE DRAWN PENIS, DOUGIE. LOOK AT IT.

    Oh no. Then...then the fight scene comes and it tears me apart because goddammit, Harry. You lil' shit. Dougie's tired of trying to hide it and he doesn't want to keep up with making it seem like a joke or some "bromance" when it's so much more than that. TIMING. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS BAD TIMING WHEN IT COMES TO PUDD, HARRY. ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW DO I NEED TO GET THE SHOVEL. But then I can breathe again because eventually they stop keeping it a secret and make it public that they love each other, which makes their relationship grow stronger. And the wedding. Ah, the so-called "wedding" they had. Watched that video and it was so adorable I like died a thousand times. Thanks.

    Then we're back to the present and DOUGIE CAN KEEP THE DOG YAY! I like how they remained friends and Izzy didn't try to get in the way of their love. She seems so lovely and it's sweet how she and Dougie got along so much that he even invited her over for dinner. And she has a boyfriend now, which is nice because that little detail shows that she's happy with someone for herself, too. Cute

    The ending was so cute because seeing Izzy wasn't so bad because in a way she kinda helped get them together due to her interactions with Harry making Dougie have that talk with him. I might be looking into it too much, but I think that's interesting and it was nice how nothing bad happened with Izzy. And they name the dog Blix and I like that name. I like it a lot, it's perfect and they have their cute little nicknames and are sitting on the couch together and oh, I loved this so much.

    This was amazing. Once again, you blessed us with wonderful fluff. I agree with Jacqui about the present/past thing. Your transitions were wonderfully done and worked smoothly in a way that we could easily understand. Anyway, I got so many feels from this and enjoyed it a lot. Still don't understand what you were worried about because this was absolutely perfect. Great job, my lovely clarity. In Love Arms
    July 28th, 2014 at 10:38pm
  • eve's elixir.

    eve's elixir. (250)

    So I read the description first and ouch. Cry
    I've steeled myself for this.

    I love your introduction of Izzy; it's adorable. She seems like a sweet girl. Cute I'm imagining her as one of those innocent--looking girls, with a fringe they attempt to hide behind, you know?
    Your description is A+ with the memory of the hotel. It's concise, and gives me just enough. The background of your layout also makes me think that's the flooring / walls.
    I’ll remember you fondly as the Sneezer in the strings section of the orchestra, lmfao I'm in love with this line, oh gosh. You didn't write it, but I think she's turned even redder -- if possible.

    Your transition back to the present is beautiful -- though if I could suggest your line about him being "dragged back to the present" being removed, only because you kind of go from present to past, and flow back to the present so smoothly, it doesn't need an indication. It was simply meant to happen that way, with the description of the middle events.

    This is gorgeous, and beautiful and I don't know why I said ouch at the start, because Izzy was absolutely beautiful, and while I understand why Dougie would be jealous over that, it's still adorable.
    Also, I'm so impressed of your knowledge, good job. I like how it's peppered throughout; I could keep up without any troubles.
    July 28th, 2014 at 01:34pm