Lack of Sleep - Comments

  • A7Xmcs

    A7Xmcs (100)

    United States
    Capsicle...Robocop...hips, backs....too damned funny LOL I'm sorry I'm just now getting around to reading this. I don't know why I forgot that it was up...but I loved it and it made me snicker greatly!
    August 19th, 2014 at 04:45pm
  • Shatterheart

    Shatterheart (140)

    United States
    Hello! Just found this one shot and thought I would drop a comment.

    First off, can I just say I LOVE the layout?? It's simple, yet easy to read the content...and the black and white picture of Bucky/Sebastian Stan...Happy face That brooding expression can be a weapon against humanity...

    Believe it or not this is my very first Bucky fan-fiction. And I rather enjoyed it a lot!! ---Not that I wasn't expecting not to enjoy it, but I didn't know what to expect since this was my first.
    I loved that you included other Marvel/Avengers characters! Especially Tony and his sass...

    It was very fluffy, as promised, and man, I loved Rhyleigh and Bucky's chemistry. I enjoyed this read very much!!
    Other notes...I didn't catch any grammar or spelling errors, which is another added bonus!

    Overall, this was a great one-shot!! Great job!
    July 30th, 2014 at 08:15pm