Drifter - Comments

  • Hi there! I'm here to judge for this contest!

    Can I just say how I love the simplicity of the layout + the summary? It gave me enough for me to be invested into the story without giving away too much.

    As for the content itself, I was hooked from start to end. This is written in a way that's captivating and told me so much without writing a lot, if that makes sense. Even though this only has two chapters, I have a strong sense of who Kelly's mother, Kelly and Erin are - even Patrick, as personalities. I have no idea what direction you're going to take with this and that's something else I love about this story: like the characters (Erin and Kelly in particular), it feels unpredictable but in the best way.

    I really enjoyed reading this and I hope you continue, though if I had one criticism I felt like it didn't relate to the contest of a character being "bad" as some of the other entries did. I'm not sure who was supposed to have done the "bad" thing per say, but I like that you can point out the flaws of each character which I suppose can tie into the contest also. So basically, I like how you interpreted the contest and I'm subscribing!
    July 18th, 2017 at 03:25pm