I know matts grieving I just wasn't him to move on. I know unrealistic I just hate sad things lol!!! I'm glad Brian is there for him!! Of course zacky hasn't proposed yet!!! Can't wait for more
Slowly bit surely is what Matt is doing! Therapy is going to be a big help. I doubt Lydia hates him and he needs to realize that. Things happen in pregnancy all the time that cause death. He can't always blame himself, because eventually he is going to push Brian away. Update soon please!!! I love this story!
I loved these updates!! Of course that fan girl would be like that. I think Matt needs help, death is hard to deal with. Brian loves him, I just feel bad for him when Matt pulls away. Papa gates you silly man and Jan....come on your baby is happy let it be! Update soon!!
Double update!! Yay! I'm loving this and I'm made up about papas reaction. I hope Matt can get past his fears soon. He needs to talk to a professional about the nightmares.
I get that matts emotional cos he's just lost his wife. He's also bound to be confused. I understand Brian too but he needs to be a bit more patient. I hope things work out for them soon.