Let It Be Me - Comments

  • Happy Mibbaween! Here's your second and final comment/rec!

    I've watched a bit of Glee, I think I'm in the season after Rachel falls in love and he purposely breaks her heart to return to the rival group. That being said I'm not sure who Adam or Blaine is since I'm not sure if I've seen their characters yet.

    I feel for Adam in this story because I know how Kurt can be. But at the same time I understand Kurt's pain at wanting to forget someone but not being able to, even when you have someone better. I'm super happy to see them come together at the end and Kurt realize how much he loves Adam. Having Adam be so happy afterwards was something that seemed like an excellent ending to this piece. It was written well, the flow was great, and it put emphasis where it was needed. This is a great story and I adore it.
    October 18th, 2016 at 12:24am
  • Boo! I'm here to deliver a spooky Halloween treat. tehe

    Gonna go right ahead and admit that I've never watched an episode of Glee, so I'll probably miss anything fandom-related if there's anything in this, so I apologise in advance!

    I think it's absolutely heartbreaking that Adam seems to be giving his everything to Kurt, but he seems preoccupied. I can't imagine how psychologically damaging that would be to someone, especially when it comes to your self-confidence. That can't be healthy for Adam, really. I can understand why Kurt wouldn't be over Blaine he was really attractive if I'm thinking of the right person but it just infuriates me! While reading this, you really do just wanna reach into the screen and shake Kurt by the shoulders and scream for him to just look at what he's got in front of him. Even through the description, you can tell how strong Adam's feelings for Kurt are and that's something that he doesn't seem to be getting back, which is really awful to read.

    The ending is lovely though. I like the idea that, although he seems to be doing it slowly, Kurt is finally beginning to get over Blaine and realise that hey, he's got a perfectly good guy in front of him to love with twice as much gusto. Hopefully, they manage to make it work!


    I really only noticed one thing:

    There is was again -- first line, I think is is a typo and should be it.

    Aside from that, I have nothing else to mention! This was a really lovely story!
    October 10th, 2015 at 11:21pm
  • My heart broke for Adam whilst reading this! The amount of description you used and detail you added to get the reader to feel what Adam does is incredible! He is so desperate for Kurt's love, and it's saddening!

    Adam's self-doubt and hesitation are extremely clear, and I truly think Kurt wants to be over his past love, but it's difficult!
    That night when they made love, Kurt still closed his eyes. Adam feared the worst for a tense and heartbreaking moment. What would he have to do? He couldn't keep doing this. "Just once, let it be me," his heart pleaded as it pounded madly in his chest. Aloud he spoke only Kurt's name, a breathless, one-word question. It was the only way he could think to ask Kurt the question burning inside him, to find out if it was really Adam that Kurt was loving presently.
    This tore me up! I would be devastated! It's heartwrenching to see Adam crumbling because he obviously loves Kurt so hard, but Kurt isn't over Blaine, and I feel like yeah, Kurt's probably imagining it IS Blaine he's making love to.

    But as the story ends, I feel like Kurt is really pushing himself to finally be over Blaine, maybe mentally trying to forced himself? I am glad that Adam felt it was pure and that part about Kurt saying his name as an answer was fucking beautiful.

    Tbh, I don't read slash a lot, but this was amazing! I loved the slow build and tension and hesitation and whatnot, and I was on the edge, rooting for Adam! I'm glad that the conflict was resolved, and it didn't feel rushed at all, honestly! You've got a great writing style and it made them sound absolutely beautiful, so kudos!

    I loved this! Crazy
    October 7th, 2014 at 08:55am
  • I liked it. It didn't seem too rushed to me at least for something that was short.
    October 6th, 2014 at 10:50pm