Underestimate Me - Comments

  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    @ sassenach.
    I'm so glad you like it! Be sure to let us know everything you like, and even dislike! I always love hearing those things.
    August 9th, 2016 at 09:14pm
  • lady.bex

    lady.bex (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    Two chapters in and I'm hooked!
    August 9th, 2016 at 11:45am
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    @ pretty-thumb
    I look forward to hearing your opinion. :) And if the book you're reading IRL is any good, please, share. I'm always looking for a good read.
    August 1st, 2016 at 03:54pm
  • pretty-thumb

    pretty-thumb (100)

    United States
    And again, I've actually started on this story! I am subscribed and plan to read more of it as soon as I finish the book that I'm reading irl. But so far, this plot line is amazing and I can't wait to see where the story leads.
    August 1st, 2016 at 04:17am
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    @ Divided I am positive those first person slips were Rowen chapters. I was breaking the habit at the time of writing. Some days I revert back :). I didn't realize we had spelling errors. I would like to know which words you found for that.
    June 30th, 2016 at 02:03am
  • Unown

    Unown (190)

    United Kingdom
    I really like the layout and think it suits the story well. The characters there in the title image always prompted my imagination to envision them in scenes relevant to each character. The green leaf patterned decorative background is very forest-like which further emphasises the setting of the story.

    I think that the tile matches the story well; especially from Josselyn's PoV.

    The summary is very vague and mysterious which I found intriguing.

    Although there were spelling and grammatical errors here and there (including some unintentional use of first person in the later chapters), I enjoyed reading this story because it had good, steady plot development. There is plenty of description to keep our imaginations creating the scenes while there is also enough dialogue for us to get a real sense of the personalities and pasts belonging to characters. However, I found that the flashbacks were most vital in delivering us with their past because there was only so much that could have been said in dialogue, so I thought flashbacks were a nice addition.

    Each chapter had good length. Some did feel unnecessarily long in places but this is only a matter of opinion. The chapter titles are interesting and relatable which I thought was well done.

    Very good co-author work. Well done to you both. :-)
    June 29th, 2016 at 05:43pm
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    Thanks Chelsey! I think Leanne and I both needed some kind words. We're getting a bit worn. Hopefully we'll have you more updates soon though! We'll see. @ chelseycate
    June 20th, 2016 at 09:16pm
  • chelseycate

    chelseycate (150)

    United States
    The flashback wth Rebecca was beautiful. It was a glimpse of Joss and Rowen we hadn't really seen yet: happiness. I felt an innocence and a loveliness in that moment. Joss loves her sister, you can tell that. And can you can tell Rowen (dare I say it?) loved Joss too???

    Ah the name Little One! That pulled at my heart actually. My father calls me that as a nickname so that's cute haha. Emma is so sweet but I do worry about her when all the shit hits the fan haha. I can feel Rowen's pain and I think I was a much needed chapter honestly! The ending about the friends just tugged at the heart haha

    I loved it, as always!

    Favorite line is "Words cannot explain, Little One, how much those days meant to those she once called friend.”
    June 19th, 2016 at 10:30pm
  • Alex Moore.

    Alex Moore. (100)

    @ domi823
    This comment was worth the waiting in threefold! Im so glad you like it this much! Convo will be getting more so that should please you. About the sequel, we wrote so many chapters already that we decided that this should become a trilogy, so there's that. Haha.

    And as Nikki said already Rowen is about to get way more complicated.

    I truly love you for this comment! May Maa be at your side (or maybe Balor?)
    June 5th, 2016 at 08:00am
  • Alex Moore.

    Alex Moore. (100)

    @ domi823
    This comment was worth the waiting in threefold! Im so glad you like it this much! Convo will be getting more so that should please you. About the sequel, we wrote so many chapters already that we decided that this should become a trilogy, so there's that. Haha.

    And as Nikki said already Rowen is about to get way more complicated.

    I truly love you for this comment! May Maa be at your side (or maybe Balor?)
    June 5th, 2016 at 08:00am
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    Thank you @ domi823! The ladies of this story are magnificent creatures, but don't count the male persuasion out just yet. There's a lot of complications to Rowen's character.
    June 5th, 2016 at 04:27am
  • Dom.

    Dom. (170)

    United States

    I still have a ton of catching up to do (like... a lot) but you've been waiting for this comment from comment swap long enough.

    First and foremost, your imagery in this story is exquisite. Every detail flowed through my head and I can see these things happen as if they're happening in front of my eyes. You leave just enough to set up each chapter but also leave the reader wanting more. For example, who is Maa? Who is Balor? When I first read their names I figured they were gods of some sort and I wanted to know more about them. You're introducing these new religions gradually into the story which is nice so it's not a lot of information right away. Also, I do like dialogue in stories. Although I wish there was a tad more from what I read so far, I also like that there isn't a lot at the same time. Because of your detail, the flow of your story is just right. Not too slow, but also not too fast.

    I love the contrast between the two religions, how one seems so violent and one seems so peaceful. It's also interesting that one of them is a false religion to the other. Kind of like in reality. Some people think Religion A is fake but people of Religion A think Religion B is the fake one. The death ritual Joss has as a believer of Maa was nice. Simplistic, but there was something beautiful about it.

    The characterization in this is well done as well. I haven't seen a lot of Elrik yet but I can already feel the hatred you're trying to get across. I like Rowen's nature as well. He's technically violent and the believer of a war religion, but he also seems sweet at the same time. I mean, he gave a woman a compliment. Speaking of women, I love the idea this story has! Strong female leads are what this world needs more of. I love Joss. Whenever she has a flashback I feel for her and I loved the reveal of her scars! I was also like Crazy when you revealed she knew Rowen. And I just love Meredith's love for her! It's easy to see how much these two care about each other. And can I say I liked the little snippet of Evelyn I saw? I was expecting her to come off kind of nasty and someone who would tease and glare at Rowen the entire time and I'm glad that isn't what I ended up getting. And I already like Merek even though all I've seen of him so far are flashbacks (I'm actually just about to read his chapter so hopefully he stays nice and this sentence isn't suddenly awkward haha).

    I also have to applaud you both for the writing style. The styles mesh together so well that I couldn't even tell this was written by two people.

    I should probably catch up now as I see there's a sequel in the works. Here I go! Great job, ladies!
    June 5th, 2016 at 12:53am
  • Alex Moore.

    Alex Moore. (100)

    @ Lady Nikki Nightmare
    @ chelseycate

    Awe you guys! I am so blessed with two great friends and great co-writers! you make me blush!
    May 26th, 2016 at 07:58am
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    @ chelseycate
    I didn't tell you how much I appreciated your comment on Rowen's chapter. That man became a part of me as I wrote him, and as Leanne well knows, his father resembled a mixture of people I had to deal with (none of them were quite as cruel but they came close.)

    And now what you said about Joss. Very Happy She is stunning in her own right. Leanne did something amazing when she pulled that character out of her hat, and honestly I sometimes struggled to keep up. This scene with Joss wanting Rebecca but being stuck with Emma was my absolute favorite too. Surprisingly, if I remember correctly, this was the one chapter we didn't have to re-write at this point.

    :) Gregory will play a huge part in the sequel, so be sure to look out for Deliver Me as we bring Underestimate Me to a close.

    Thank you again for reading, and thank you for your comments. You really do make our days brighter!
    May 24th, 2016 at 04:19pm
  • chelseycate

    chelseycate (150)

    United States
    I'm sure I've said this before but it needs to be said again. This story has an amazing way with imagery and description. You can take something as simple as a boulder or a forest and really bring it to life.

    I really appreciated Meredith's thought that Josselyn was trying to make Emma into Rebecca. How heartbreaking to long for a sibling. In the flashback scene, I like the point you made that the marks on Joss could only be from wild animals or human monsters. And indeed, those humans who hurt her are no better than wild animals. That whole scene was beautifully written! Probably one of my favorites so far.

    I'm curious about Gregory! Definitely want to learn more. Emma questioning keeping Rowen alive is good. I know all the sisters must be wondering too. I love that you ended with Joss speaking of her fallen sisters. It really does show how much they mean to her and the character Joss has. As always, and as I've said every time, wonderful chapter!!

    Favorite line is, "It had rained for days and the river had swollen to a broader and stronger version of itself." It's so poetic and lends to what I said earlier about the imagery! Also you used the phrase "divine violence" and that's just beautiful.
    May 24th, 2016 at 05:59am
  • chelseycate

    chelseycate (150)

    United States
    I really want to just give Rowen a hug, haha. Elrik, once again, has gained a bit of my hatred. The cruelty that he has towards even his own son is awful. I think that the flashback scenes scattered throughout the chapters really adds to the story. It tells just enough to have things make sense while still making you wonder.

    Rowen's a stubborn man, that's for sure. The scenes with his comforting his little brother after his own beating is heartbreaking. I think it's clear both the sisters and the men have all had their struggles that shaped them into who they are.

    Although a very simple sentence, I think my favorite line is "What happened to her?" Because it's so powerful. Great chapter!!
    May 20th, 2016 at 09:00pm
  • Alex Moore.

    Alex Moore. (100)

    @ chelseycate
    You are a doll! Thank you so much for another elaborate comment! And I have to say, this first part of the trilogy is getting to the end. Only 10 or so more chapters and we will be continuing with 'Conquer me.' Hopefully it will get as many fans and great people like you that Underestimate me has received!
    May 2nd, 2016 at 07:12pm
  • chelseycate

    chelseycate (150)

    United States
    I had a little catching up to do so here's my comments for the latest two chapters!

    Chapter 50
    I like that it started right off with a flashback scene. Rowen was sassy even back then which is awesome. I think it shows that you've got a consistent character with a well written personality.

    Jealousy is not a good look on you, Rowen! His mouth is gonna get him in some trouble, I suspect haha. Meredith's line of “I would love to cut of that snake between your legs. The one that makes you feel superior!” is pure gold! I laughed out loud at that one.

    Once again, hate Elrik! And Hadrianma mustache suits him pretty well I think! Haha. Great chapter! The flashbacks really showed a great glimpse into the past. The tension and growing dialogue between Joss and Rowen is much loved!

    Favorite line is, "Now it only reminded him of ashes of the woman she used to be."

    Chapter 51
    From the beginning of the story I've loved the part that the gods play in the story. And I certainly love the idea of Maa sparing Rowen and knowing his heart. There's great symbolism in the fact that neither Joss or Rowen like showing off their scars. Physical or mental. This chapter really shows how tough she is and how much Maa is inside of her.

    Okay that flashback scene has me curious! I need more on that! Lol. I understand Meredith's attitude and viewpoint. I love that she can make Joss feel such wonderful things. I do worry about the sisters travels and road ahead.

    Favorite line is," My sisters needed a monster, so I became one.” Wonderful chapter as always!
    May 2nd, 2016 at 07:39am
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    Thank you!!! I love lord of the rings and I'm stoked that's the vibe we ended up giving off.@ alexander bernadotte
    April 24th, 2016 at 08:07pm
  • Alex Moore.

    Alex Moore. (100)

    @ alexander bernadotte
    I give all credits of the layout to Nathaniel Trent, He was so great to make it for us! We love it too of course!
    Its a huge compliment that you get this lord of the rings feeling haha, I'm a huge fan. I'm pleased to hear you like Rowen, and I am sorry to see that you stopped reading just as the action is starting. I urge you to read on, because there is much to Rowen and Josselyn yet to uncover. War is coming right?
    April 24th, 2016 at 09:14am