Underestimate Me - Comments

  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    So I've been away from mibba for a bit but so I had some catching up to do but I still love this story. I worry about both Josselyn and Rowen for different reasons but I really hope they'll finally actually listen to each other soon. Looking forward to reading more!
    November 28th, 2015 at 06:30am
  • Alex Moore.

    Alex Moore. (100)

    @ chelseycate
    Wait and see what we have in store for Rowen, and Joss, and possibly even Kolby?
    November 6th, 2015 at 06:18pm
  • chelseycate

    chelseycate (150)

    United States
    @ Lady Nikki Nightmare
    I am so looking forward to that! His character is so well developed, I know you guys will write it well.
    November 1st, 2015 at 05:30pm
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    @ chelseycate
    I have to agree with you now... Rowen doesn't understand anything. He's still living in his closed mindedness. I wonder how you guys are going to react to him when he comes out of that closed misunderstanding.
    November 1st, 2015 at 03:07pm
  • chelseycate

    chelseycate (150)

    United States
    I'm curious where the women will settle next and for how long they will have to travel before they can actually settle. Josselyn needs to take care of herself, I'm worried now about her wounds. Although, I do think Meredith will tend to that. Maybe in more ways than one? Haha. That last line was interesting, I'm so intrigued in how that plays out.

    I think you wrote the scene so well, having to pack up and move and start over. Leaving in the night, Joss being a little paranoid, it was very uneasy -- but in a good way for the tone of the chapter. I don't know, the women are strong but I'm worried about them a little. And of course Rowen had to make a snarky comment. I love it haha.

    As for what Joss recalled about Rowen said: I don't necessarily think Josselyn uses the sisters, I just don't think he quite understands the dynamic they have going on. She does a lot for them, even letting her own well-being slip a bit. Overall, great chapter as always! Very excited for the next one.

    Favorite line is, "Snapping her head back to the greenery, they seemed to laugh at her, hanging silently from the branches.
    November 1st, 2015 at 11:03am
  • Alex Moore.

    Alex Moore. (100)

    @ chelseycate
    Nikki and I love Kolby so much, we are so sad we killed him in his first appearance, but trust me you will start loving him too. How? Just keep reading haha. And living is easy with eyes closed? Thats a bit of my beatles inspiration (A). Nothing but thieves here haha.

    @ arkham knight.
    Thank you so much for your elaborate comment! I am so glad you liked it and I will certainly take your feedback and review the first chapter for some editing!
    October 21st, 2015 at 12:12pm
  • kim wonshik.

    kim wonshik. (2255)

    United States
    First of all, your layout is absolutely great and very befitting!

    Your writing has a really great flow. You give enough description, but it's not overbearing. I like how you write your characters, it makes them appear very three-dimensional and that's something every writer should always strive for. You also have great personification and I loved how you described her arrows as "trembling" in her quiver. It's really great and a nice way to keep your writing fresh and to keep the attention of your reader.

    One thing I would say or point out is that you seem to reiterate certain things like details. For example, in the same line as the arrow: "The arrows in her quiver trembled in anticipation of their sole flight towards enemy or foe." I wouldn't say that you'd need to use another word for enemy like "foe" because it's already been made clear to the reader what the arrow will be sent at and such. Of course, this isn't always a bad thing! I actually do the same thing when I go into detail, but for something like this I would say you wouldn't really need it. Just my own personal opinion though!

    Anyways, the way you progress with the story is really great. Especially with the way you end the first chapter with the final line, "This was war." It's like one of those epic trailers where you can just see what's going down and then it leaves you wanting more!

    Overall, I think this is a great story and think you'll both be going places with it so definitely keep it up!
    October 21st, 2015 at 03:40am
  • chelseycate

    chelseycate (150)

    United States
    Okay finally getting to comment on the latest chapter!

    I really sympathize with Rowen, having to see Kolby die and then be burned. How horrible that must be. I also have to say, it says a lot about your all's writing ability that I root for Joss in her chapters but with Rowen in his. Haha. There's this tug of war that happens, and I love both characters so much! Haha.

    Anyway, great chapter! I loved that conversation that Rowen had with the woman. That was some deep stuff! The way you keep painting the picture of Rowen's struggle is great.

    And side note, I love the gifs and photos you add in at the end of the chapters.

    Favorite line was, "Living is easy with eyes closed. And I have a feeling you walked though most of your life blind to all the suffering."
    October 12th, 2015 at 06:21pm
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    I can't wait for you to see what's coming next! Mr. Green

    @ chelseycate
    You always leave amazing comments! Seriously, I aspire to be a commenter like you. I'm so glad you pick up on the things Leanne and I stress over. We hope but can never be sure the reader will feel what we want them to feel.

    I just posted Rowen's chapter, so I hope you guys like it! Thanks for reading, and commenting!
    October 4th, 2015 at 05:07pm
  • chelseycate

    chelseycate (150)

    United States
    Oh goodness, this chapter gave me so many feelings! First, I loved the tug-of-war that Joss is going through. Is she a monster? Is she not? You just feel the shift and the change in her as the chapter progressed. It's becoming increasingly clear that Maa's powers and strength over her is intense.

    The sisters rely on Josselyn so much and I honestly think they'd all just fall apart without her. Even though I don't really like Meredith (I love the character and how you've written her, I just don't like her haha.), I do like that she sort of stood up to Josselyn. It was almost like a "hey, get your shit together, woman." Great scene!

    That ending though was tragic. That last line just made my heart drop. I'm so looking forward to the next update!

    Favorite line is, "Her face was calm but it was the silence before the storm."
    October 4th, 2015 at 09:59am
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next :)
    October 2nd, 2015 at 12:34am
  • Alex Moore.

    Alex Moore. (100)

    @ Artist Vs. Poet
    As we said to you before; we love how you just get what we want to portray. You even pick lines we love too! Again thanks for being such a great human being!

    @ Enkay18
    Thank you so much for you lovely comment. We are happy to see our very long story still draws some new readers. Usually the length scares them off. If you can point out those few mistakes; maybe we can edit them? Constructive feedback is always helpfull.
    September 1st, 2015 at 07:59am
  • Enkay18

    Enkay18 (100)

    United States
    Okay, I've only read the first three chapters, but I like how it's going, so far. I'm a fan of strong female leads, and I have a basic understanding of the situation, which is good, for only 3 chapters. Josselyn is relatable, and Meredith seems like a strong second-in-command. I also like Rowen, even though I already don't like his dad. I also kind of like the brother. I hope he doesn't become evil. If he does, it could be interesting, but, it could also be too predictable, if it wasn't done right.
    In general, I'm more or less on board with the sisters' cause (though I though they were bio sisters, and that there were, like, 3 of them, in the first chapter. Lol.) I wonder if there were another way to go about it but, for what I've gotten of the time period, so far, I suppose it could be worse. I also wonder if these girls want to go so far as to be like the Amazonian women, or if they simply want to bring about a change.
    Suppose I'll have to keep reading, then, huh.
    Good work, so far.
    Also, very few mistakes. A couple, but hardly worth mentioning. Good. I have confidence in this.
    August 31st, 2015 at 09:02pm
  • chelseycate

    chelseycate (150)

    United States
    Okay so, in slowly starting to not like Meredith for some reason. And while I love Joss, and I understand why she killed Kolby, I wish she hadn't. Rowen brought up a great point; these women will never fill the hole that Joss has for Rebecca. Kind of like just a bandaid over a major bullet wound. I wonder how much longer Joss can keep her strength.

    I love the battle that's happening inside of her, though. Trying to stay stoned faced and tough, but still aching inside. Seems like Rowen brings out both sides of her like no other.

    This was truly a great chapter, guys! I loved it. And yes, the chapter title had me thinking, "uh oh!" Haha.

    My favorite line was the exchanges between Rowen and Laila:

    "When did she become such a monster?" he growled under this breath.

    "The day you came upon us."
    August 29th, 2015 at 10:36pm
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    @ Rine Lona
    Thank you so much! I really don't know why you're suspicious of Merek either, but I love that you are. Maybe there's some good reasoning behind it. Thanks again for reading, and I'm glad you like Rowen!
    August 23rd, 2015 at 09:50pm
  • Rine Lona

    Rine Lona (100)

    United States
    I just spent a ridiculous amount of hours reading this from start to end... I couldn't stop and now I'm so tired for it! It's really good, I do find myself frustrated with Joss. I'm constantly amazed at how stubborn and desperate people can get! (Kudos on really capturing that and making people feel that with her) Personally I really like Rowen and I hope he gets out somehow. I'm suspicious of Merek for some reason, I don't know why. But anyway, I really just wanted to say that I truly enjoy this and look forward to continuing to read it!
    August 23rd, 2015 at 09:19pm
  • Rine Lona

    Rine Lona (100)

    United States
    I just spent a ridiculous amount of hours reading this from start to end... I couldn't stop and now I'm so tired for it! It's really good, I do find myself frustrated with Joss. I'm constantly amazed at how stubborn and desperate people can get! (Kudos on really capturing that and making people feel that with her) Personally I really like Rowen and I hope he gets out somehow. I'm suspicious of Merek for some reason, I don't know why. But anyway, I really just wanted to say that I truly enjoy this and look forward to continuing to read it!
    August 23rd, 2015 at 09:19pm
  • Alex Moore.

    Alex Moore. (100)

    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    Your enthusiasm for this story is contagious and you make Nikki and me fire up our story Magic again! Thank you so much!
    August 23rd, 2015 at 09:15pm
  • Lady Nikki Nightmare

    Lady Nikki Nightmare (215)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    @ Xxzackysangel6661Xx
    FINALLY! Welcome to team Rowen. Cute I'm kidding; but I am glad this story makes you feel things. That was our goal to make this story bring out all the feels the characters have to offer and to develop amazing characters.
    August 23rd, 2015 at 08:20pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    Oh. My. God. JOSSELYN WHY?

    I don't like seeing her do that. Especially if the guy hasn't done anything wrong to her. I kinda wanna slap Meredith am I wrong for thinking that? I wish she would actually listen to what Rowen had to say instead of just believing everything out of his mouth was a lie.

    Well played guys. Your story makes me feel things. But that's what I like about it aside from the description and everything. I look forward to seeing what happens next.
    August 23rd, 2015 at 06:11am