Only Us - Comments

  • You did such a wonderful job, don't you worry.
    September 26th, 2014 at 02:32am
  • You did such a wonderful job, don't you worry.
    September 26th, 2014 at 02:32am
  • @ Don'tFearTheReaper
    I'm sorry about the darkness of the text. :o (my PC brightness is pretty much on full most of the time hehe)

    I am really glad that you enjoyed the story and that it struck fear into you (I hope I'm not meaning that in a bad way. It is the part of the criteria that you wanted. :x) <3

    I did realize that Kari was portrayed as gender-neutral, but it was right before I posted this. I liked the concept that Kari could be anyone, so I left it.

    All of those gifs were amazing, by the way haha
    September 26th, 2014 at 01:35am
  • Okay, so I’m back with a clear mind to comment on this lovely, but still really freaky story!

    The only technical piece that I noticed was that the burnt orange text on a black background was a little dark. I had to turn my screen up to its brightest so I wouldn’t have to use the default.

    Now onto the best part of this.

    First off, fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck.


    Are there enough gifs yet?

    Let me just say that I love the beginning, where your main character is reflecting. And the line, And when you love and want something bad enough, you do whatever it takes to obtain it, correct? This leaves me with an eerie feeling. I knew something wasn’t going to be okay. That, followed by this line: Is that why a man, most likely your lover, is on the floor, with blood still spurting from the incision in his throat? Pure fucking chills. Like, nope, I can’t continue. I felt like I couldn’t even read the rest this, because you set it up so well. I was literally scared shitless last night when I read that.

    I also really like how you keep the main character gender-neutral until the very end. Yes, you gave me her name right as she struck Alyssa, but it was sort of a neutral name. Up to the point where they refer to her as Patient #908 and use the pronoun “her”, I kept thinking, Maybe she is a she, but I’m not sure. And I really like that. (I don’t know if you meant for it to read that way, but it was nice. For me, at least. Kudos.)

    Now, let me just say, I was not expecting Kari to abort Alyssa’s pregnancy. Twice. Holy crap. I just. There are no words for this. Aside from spectacular. You did a phenomenal job on this. Just.... Holy shit.
    September 26th, 2014 at 12:20am
  • @ Don'tFearTheReaper
    Haha no problem at all <3
    September 25th, 2014 at 06:14am
  • Uh, wow. Okay. This comment will suck, because it's ten past midnight. So I'm just going to say holy shit, this was amazing, and that I'm going to comment later today when I'm feeling a little less shocked at what I just read. I hope you don't mind.
    September 25th, 2014 at 06:11am