Dead & Sick - Comments

  • Hold on, wait. I remember you! I read your first two original works and part of the third. This is so amazing! I haven't started reading this edited version yet but when I do, you'll definitely know by all the comments I leave. Is this on wattpad too? I don't get on mibba often anymore, so if it were to be over there I could get to it much sooner.
    September 8th, 2015 at 08:10am
  • I can't believe it's finished.

    Emilyn is your favorite child right? She's the child that you mention the most in the book, so my guess is she's your favorite. I like Emilyn but it would be nice to see more of the other children.

    Haha i love Cory, he cracks me up every time.

    Omg i can't believe you ended this book here. and now i'm not going to even know their response to her saying she's pregnant because of the 2 week time lapse you've mentioned.

    I'm so excited for Bone & Marrow i can hardly wait.
    July 25th, 2015 at 07:59am
  • I just got back from work and i just had to check if you posted another chapter. So i'm gonna make this review quick since we've got something called the ''vierdaagse'' (four days marches) here this week (don't know if you've heard of it, but it's a huge international walking/marching event) and i'm going to watch it since there walking trough our village today.

    Back to the book, i'm already way to attached to some characters, haha.
    you obviously can't kill James, wich i don't think you will.
    I also don't want Daniel to die, but if he doesn't that's going to be huge for your books, because everything will change. but i just like Daniel in this book.
    And Hector and Cory you can't kill them either, but i know i'm not that lucky( they won't survive all four), so that probably won't happen. Just don't kill James he's my favorite.

    i know all the characters i don't want to die are guys, but i'm not that attached to the girls in your book the only girl in your book that i don't want to die is Audrey, but that won't happen since it's her book.

    yeah Audrey's so going to try to pass the baby as Daniel's instead of James's. Wich reminds me your not going to change the baby/baby name right? i love that child way to much for it to change. (yeah i'm going to call the baby it untill it's born or we know what it is).

    I loved the part when James gave Emilyn the stuffed animal that was so sweet.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 09:52am
  • Chapter 22... Oh jeez... EDVARD, NOT EDVARD! Okay... Carrying on, oh man, like I've said before, how you space out the deaths is far more realistic than a zombie killing spree. It makes it more emotional and impactful for the reader, because they really aren't expecting it.
    Chapter 23:
    Just reading Hector's downspiraling new developments make you feel sorry for him. Having read your authors' note, I'm glad Hector only bit Daniel instead of shooting him, it lightly pushes the story in a direction where everything balances on a knife without being overly obvious.
    I shall comment again tomorrow, I'm 75% saddened that I have roughly twenty chapters left to read Sad Anyways, I'm already looking forward to reading the sequel, too. Mr. Green
    July 21st, 2015 at 06:53am
  • Chapter 16:
    Who wouldn't love a zombie car? Also, I'm trying to imagine how the Walking Dead would be if walkers could track them for miles lol.
    Chapter 18:
    Holy crow, I love the eery feeling this chapter had. From the creepiness of her dream, how it morphed into her waking up outside after sleepwalking. My thoughts were the three horses represented Daniel, James and Aaron, but I'll have to wait and see Mr. Green
    Chapter 20:
    ...Oh My God... Was that Junior??!! Very Happy
    July 21st, 2015 at 12:40am
  • Chapter 13-14
    Ugh... Even though Daniel and Audrey aren't real people, I completely fangirled about the kiss, and I am not ashamed. Mr. Green
    I noticed another unique point to your writing, you don't throw all the deaths together. Destiny and Andrew's deaths are the first confirmed ones of the group. The fact that you were able to establish that this story isn't just about wicked zombie killing and badass people, but about the downsides of humanity that existed before the plague, like depression and anger issues. Their deaths are something, that while I was reading it, I was going crazy, unsure one way or another if Andrew would fall and how Destiny would react. I am currently crazy for this story, and at no point in the near future to I plan on stopping reading. Amazing writing, I'm going to go get back to it Wink
    July 20th, 2015 at 02:23am
  • I only finished the first chapter, but I figured I'd come and comment before I read on. I really like the plot for this, I think it's really interesting. The short summary piqued my interest with how mysterious-like it was.

    I do think it started off a little bit slow though. You were really in-depth with descriptions of all of the little things with how her morning was starting, which seemed to drag on just a little bit. I also think that varying your sentence structure could help your chapter flow a little better. It felt kind of choppy because a lot of your sentences were the exact same length.

    That being said, your writing style seems to really fit the topic you're writing about and the plot is really interesting. Well done! Cute
    July 20th, 2015 at 12:21am
  • Woo, I read the first seven chapters, and I just want to say, your writing is amazing. After they were kidnapped, my thoughts were "How could this ever pull off into a zombie story?" I think you did it perfectly. Most stories, would have introduced the zombies and apocalypse by seeing a heard on a road, a bunch of trashed cars or just roaming corpses. So I loved how you eased from one storyline into the next, and I'm excited to find out how they're connected. Your characters and their actions are so real, the story is very detailed and interesting to read, and I, being a zombie fan, am loving reading this. Anything infection, apoctalyptic, or of that nature lol. I definitely plan on finishing this story, and reading the sequel. Mr. Green Amazing work!
    July 19th, 2015 at 05:42pm
  • What only 2 chapters left! that's so soon.
    But fortunately there is Bone & Marrow
    I thought the layout from Dead & Sick was creepy but it's nothing compared to the layout from Bone & Marrow.
    Is book 2 going to continue right after or a few months after Dead & Sick?
    I would like to see how Audrey's pregnancy progresses.
    July 18th, 2015 at 03:22pm
  • Whoops! Silly double post
    July 15th, 2015 at 11:08pm
  • I'm only just about to start chapter 3 but HOLY MOLY. I was pretty apprehensive by this story's summary as its not really what I read but I am so glad you posted in the Comment Swap thread. You pulled me in from the beginning and I can't wait to dive in and see how it all plays out.

    Audrey seems like such a strong character. You did an amazing job of creating a setting and characters I actually care about already. The descriptions of Nate and the cop being shot suddenly were so vivid. I was reminded of Stephen King's The Regulators.

    Brian seemed so nice, I'm already upset over him. I really hope the three girls work together to figure out an escape plan- and I REALLY hope the father isn't in on it!

    I just wanted to comment before I read any more because honestly, this is so good and I'm just so excited for it. I'm sure I flood your comments once I get further along :)
    July 15th, 2015 at 11:08pm
    July 15th, 2015 at 04:48am
  • I've been waiting for these last chapters for what feels like forever, and now there finally here. Very Happy
    Can't wait for the part when Audrey tells James she's pregnant.
    The part when Junior found out he was going to be a dad was very cute.

    Because i'm still not sure on how many hours time difference there is between our countries and i would like to know if there is a huge difference. It's now 8:24 pm on the 12th of July.
    July 12th, 2015 at 08:31pm
  • @ illyria
    Thank you! When I posted that chapter it was nearing midnight on July 2nd. When you posted your comment, it was 2:30 pm on July 3rd. Not sure if you're ahead of America (Pennsylvania) or behind it a day, but either way thanks for the wishes!

    I'm so glad you liked this chapter, been working on it for 3 days, haha. I didn't realize how long it was till after I posted it. I love that I had James go to school for pharmaceuticals. It's really playing out nicely. I also feel really bad for Daniel, even though I'm the writer, haha tehe
    July 3rd, 2015 at 09:04pm
  • I don't know if it's still your birthday since it's 14 hours ago you posted the chapter.
    I don't think it is because you said you've had to work and talked about tonight, (right now it's 8:30 pm here in the netherlands) but if it is the same day.... Happy Birthday

    very long chapter, and i don't even have the time to read it, my alarm clock goes at 2 am ( i have to work tomorrow). i have to go to sleep, but i just had to read your chapter. that's a good excuse right?

    awwww Daniel's such a sweet man.
    Poor Wendy i felt so bad for her when she had the allergic reaction.
    i really thought James new that Audrey was searching for the pregancy test and i love that James knows so much about medicine.
    Also love loved the last part of the chapter
    July 3rd, 2015 at 08:29pm
  • Happy birthday!!!!!
    July 3rd, 2015 at 06:09am
  • @ illyria
    She was pregnant, I just introduced it differently. Very Happy
    June 29th, 2015 at 01:11am
  • Wow i didn't expect Brittany to be pregnant.
    Very mean of you to end the chapter there. Now i need the next one.
    I'm excited for the rest of the story, Brittany wasn't pregnant in the previous version.
    You sended Junior with them on the run, i didn't expect that either because you said that he was more of a lover than fighter. So that was surprising.

    Edit: now that i'm thinking about it, i think Brittany was pregnant in the previous one. but i kind of forgot it. or am i wrong and wasn't she.
    June 28th, 2015 at 08:16pm
  • I'm so in love with this story! Good job!
    June 28th, 2015 at 02:17am
  • I'm loving this story so far. Please continue writing! X
    June 22nd, 2015 at 08:07pm