Meet With the Devil - Comments

  • First off, I really like the way the first chapter started; it drew my attention in and made me wonder what made her so happy. I love the dynamic between the siblings and the contrast between their personalities, it's definitely easy to relate to. I love how Anna seems to have a habit where she does things without realizing it (like when she discovered she was standing on Steve's desk). As someone who does little things all the time without realizing, I can relate to it. Though, I never have found myself standing on a desk without realizing it before, haha.

    Sometimes you'll miss the comma that goes before a name/person's title when they are being addressed, such as here: '“I see Anna,” he said loudly...' and earlier in the chapter. 'on higher ground, when delighted', there doesn't need to be a comma here. Other than these, I don't have any other grammar errors to point out, so good job there.

    It's a fairly fast-paced and fun story. It's really easy to read and looks to be a nice plot.
    March 3rd, 2015 at 12:51am
  • So, this story was the exact opposite of what I was expecting because I was taking it down the fantasy road and kept expecting him to sprout horns and a tail and start carrying a pitch folk and poking her with it. This is a fantastic take as well; don’t think I don’t like it because I really, really do! I love the relationship between the siblings because it’s easy to relate to (for people who have siblings) and it’s super common. Your relationship building skills in this is very well done and I can’t wait to read more. My only problem I personally had was when the dialogue got to shout-y or it felt like to much happening at once if that makes sense? Like when Vane, John and Anna were in the same room and like when everyone is talking at once and it’s overlapping chaos! I really do love it though and I’m subscribing and recommending!
    March 2nd, 2015 at 07:35am
  • @ Divine Faery
    O.O I never heard of those. Will check them out though (:
    January 31st, 2015 at 02:41pm
  • @ Tipsy Returns
    It reminds me of heavens lost property and baka and test.
    January 30th, 2015 at 09:41am
  • @ Divine Faery
    Really? Woah! Haha, which anime, hun? I'll have o watch! Haha. And yep, that guy is the boss. (:
    Yep, made the layout myself and you happen to be the first person who liked it, so thank you! Arms
    January 30th, 2015 at 06:57am
  • This is funny so far, it reminds me of an anime, why do I think the rude guy is going to be her boss? lol I like the layout too it fits the feel of the story, did you make it yourself?
    January 29th, 2015 at 07:17am
  • @ Dancing.With.Myself
    OMG thank you! I'm so glad you like this! Thanks thanks and thanks! Arms Arms
    And you too! Have a very happy new year! :D
    December 31st, 2014 at 04:20pm
  • This is for the gift swap.
    I absolutely, positively enjoyed reading this. Your writing is superb and the characters are written and developed flawlessly. Honestly, you are one hell of a writer. I was absolutely intrigued the whole way through. You developed your lead character so well that I actually began judging her, if that makes sense. Which is a good thing. It means she was developed well enough for me to have an actual opinion of her, which isn't always the case in some stories. You are seriously a great writer. I'm actually a tad bit jealous! Hahaha. Please don't stop writing. And I am definitely recommending this for sure!
    Happy holidays! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a very happy new year!
    December 29th, 2014 at 09:34pm
  • @ EmzyStilinski
    Oh My GOD! You just made my day! Thank you so so so much! Arms Arms
    I've never received anything as great as this. I don't know. Oh God, thank you!! Couldn't have asked for anything more on Christmas! Arms

    And Merry Christmas to you my dear! (:
    December 24th, 2014 at 10:30am
  • This is really great. The characters are flawless and your use of grammar is perfection. Teach me your ways. You are my idol with your story writing. It feels Im reading a book and I would buy this one. Oh Anna!
    December 24th, 2014 at 05:18am
  • @ Rick Grimes;
    Hehe thanks! :D
    December 10th, 2014 at 05:16am
  • @ Tipsy Returns
    T-Totally welcome, LOL. Love yaz too!
    December 9th, 2014 at 04:05pm
  • @ Rick Grimes;
    Yayy! Yayy! Yayy! So happy you liked this! Thank you! You just made my day! :D That was such an awesome comment. I remember back then, I got my bestest comment ever on my other story from you! Thank you so much for being so supportive. Love ya <3 (:

    @ Ne0nAbyss
    Haha. I know, she's weird. But portraying her is so much fun hahaha. And thank you for reading! Hope to do a better job in future! (:
    December 9th, 2014 at 02:12pm
  • Well, it was interesting. I personally don't like it as I'm not exactly a person that likes this sort of thing but it's interesting nonetheless. I think it has really good grammar and I don't see any flaws so that's good. As for Anna, I personally don't like her. I mean don't get me wrong you do well with her character it's just for being 22, I believe she's a bit....dumb? I hope thats not rude T^T
    December 8th, 2014 at 11:46pm
  • I really love this. It's unique and different {in a very good way}. I really like this and you have it very well written too!
    December 8th, 2014 at 02:13pm
  • @ Lex Luthor
    xD Thanks for reading! (:
    December 6th, 2014 at 04:19am
  • Well, that was definitely something. I don't even really know what to say. Honestly, I didn't like it. It was just a bit too... ditsy. Anna acts like she's on some extreme uppers, and is crazy.

    Maybe I just didn't get it...

    Good luck with the rest of it.
    December 4th, 2014 at 07:45pm
  • @ MissyPrissy
    Aw, thanks for reading! I'm so glad you're liking this! (: Hopefully, I can update soon.
    December 4th, 2014 at 05:57am
  • I can't wait to see what happens!! :)
    December 3rd, 2014 at 06:27am
  • @ Goddess of Muse
    Yayyy! Thank you! Gawd, I'm gonna die. This is such an awesome comment! I feel like I just won over a castle haha. Thanks again! I'm glad you enjoyed! Cute
    November 15th, 2014 at 04:16am