In the Morning - Comments

  • JamieAllOver.

    JamieAllOver. (300)

    United States
    I'm not a fan of Hayley Williams, I'll admit (and I feel that's a dangerous thing to have said...), but this is just... wow. I don't even know where to start. I guess I'll start with the layout. It's so simple but elegant; I love it. The only problem I had with it was how small the font is. For someone with terrible eyesight as it is, it was a little difficult to read without enlarging the screen. The characters were set up pretty perfectly, especially since you gave some insight to their past together and how they'd progressed into a couple. To the story itself, I liked how cute it started out with the sunrise and the love and aw. I'm a sucker for those kinds of things (which surprises everyone who knows me in real life). If a guy constantly tried to get up early every morning just to see a sunrise with me, I'd more than likely melt. Then when it gets to the smut... lord, I need to go shower in Holy Water after that. Had to stop a few times to fan myself. I greatly enjoyed your writing style, and I always enjoy odd ships (at least, it's a little odd for me... is this an often-written-about ship? I can't even tell). They seem like two people who wouldn't go well together, but you wrote them so well that I almost feel like they really are together. Great fic all around!
    December 29th, 2014 at 08:25am