Illuminate - Comments

  • this is great! i love how it's about three people not just two and you switch it up. and parker oh my goodness is the cutest thing. i keep picturing him as lonely boy dan in gossip girl. i just want him to be happy!
    January 12th, 2015 at 06:40am
  • I actually shouldn't tell you how many times I've read this. I couldn't tell you anyway because I lost count somewhere after 5.

    I love myself. "I'd do that anyway, idiot." That's totally me right there. Would I kiss you? Yes, you idiot. Duh. Also, love the way he kinda just stands there, dumbfounded for a second, then moves into action. Then he asks who's room, damn I love him.

    I'm gonna jump around a bit here. I wanna know so bad what the hell he did or what I did or what the fuck caused us to fight after what I'm assuming was an extremely enjoyable night for the both of us. Of course I storm out wearing little to no clothing.

    Kevin seems like a sensible fellow. Is the thought of your brother and I having sex really reason to die? Nevermind, I answered that one myself. I love how you lead in with that one. And just refer to Harry as the British Adonis. That's my favorite. Kevin goes along with it. Good for him.

    Can't wait for the next one! xx
    December 17th, 2014 at 03:16am
  • I actually shouldn't tell you how many times I've read this. I couldn't tell you anyway because I lost count somewhere after 5.

    I love myself. "I'd do that anyway, idiot." That's totally me right there. Would I kiss you? Yes, you idiot. Duh. Also, love the way he kinda just stands there, dumbfounded for a second, then moves into action. Then he asks who's room, damn I love him.

    I'm gonna jump around a bit here. I wanna know so bad what the hell he did or what I did or what the fuck caused us to fight after what I'm assuming was an extremely enjoyable night for the both of us. Of course I storm out wearing little to no clothing.

    Kevin seems like a sensible fellow. Is the thought of your brother and I having sex really reason to die? Nevermind, I answered that one myself. I love how you lead in with that one. And just refer to Harry as the British Adonis. That's my favorite. Kevin goes along with it. Good for him.

    Can't wait for the next one! xx
    December 17th, 2014 at 03:16am
  • I love that the seventh word of the first chapter is fuck.
    That means this will be a great story.

    I'll continue on reading now....
    December 12th, 2014 at 06:06am
  • I'm gonna just pretend like the ending didn't happen until I get to the end of this comment, which is going to be so extremely difficult for me.

    First of all, my poor little heart strings nearly got ripped out by sad lil Parker. I hate seeing him that way but also, I love it. Wow. Poor babe. Also I love that part where he says he doesn't like being human. You don't either. Neither do I. It's totally a gross thing, ew.

    (Still flailing over the ending. Definitely struggling to keep that until the end.)

    OKAY, girl you really are obsessed with Harry though! Damn, you have put some serious thought into this. I can honestly see everything you wrote about him being true and I could see a connection like that between the two of you. It's funny because I feel like we always choose our little crushes so well. It's almost more of a personality thing rather than a looks thing, isn't it? Weird. Why the fuck won't he kiss you? I was waiting for it. I was totally just waiting for it. Maybe he's gay ;)



    Also, I could totally envision you cleaning up mass amounts of alcohol and then slowly finding clothing articles, becoming slightly more aware, and then BINGO! right in front of your face, you know what's going on.

    I'm stoked! And not just for me. I mean, yes of course for me but I'm even more stoked for Parker. Good for you dude. I'm not sure how you got me there, but you got me there. Four for you. Hell ya bro.

    I'm sorry but that last paragraph is just TOO clever. What a clever bit of writing that is. I'm too obsessed with it.

    I'm gonna go have unclean thoughts now. Thought you should know. Knew you wouldn't wanna know. Told ya anyway.
    December 5th, 2014 at 04:14am
  • I'm actually so obsessed with this.

    I'm such an asshole but I don't even mean to be. Poor Parker :( Maybe he should make a move! Like, honestly, he can't be pissy if he makes everything a secret, jeez. Sometimes girls just need to lose their panties and then get them back a few hours later after a cute boy's show. It's a tough life and someone's gotta do it. I love how he chains the door, what a dick. Lol, "are you my dad now?" such a me line. I say this to Joey at least twice a week. I wonder how often I'll leave Parker speechless in this one, hopefully a thousand times.

    Now on to you and Harry though omfg what are the chances he'd be there?!?!?!? Also, you describe Webster as though you've been there a thousand times, but then again I suppose all venues are mostly the same. Sweaty and gross to begin with...

    Anyway, you go girl! Hell ya ditch my ass and go get coffee with the British Adonis. That was an amazing line btw. Amazing and true, as it happens.

    Also OH MY GOD as I was typing this comment I was thinking about how Parker was all pissy about hickies and he was prob thinking about if he left them there and then I was thinkin about that so that's always somethin to think about.
    December 4th, 2014 at 06:57am
  • I think I need the next chapter asap
    December 4th, 2014 at 06:15am
  • Okay so I'm gonna cry in general because I'm so excited we're writing again but then we add Parker into it and I know I die. Okay.

    I love your relationship with him (ooh, tragic adoption story, I'm about it!!!) and it's honestly too cute.

    “Please don’t tell me you’re going lesbian for my sister,” Parker pleaded.

    “Would you rather I go gay for you, lover boy?” Kelly responded quickly.

    One hundred percent me, yes. I'm so oblivious. How stupidly cute of me. I especially love how you're in on it though, that should make everything about twenty times more interesting.

    Also, too obsessed with your description of the three of us. My cute lil California implants into my rough and tumble city of New York, ugh. I'm a sucker for tattoos, khakis, and band tees. Obviously. And of course my powerful influence has helped build a backbone. I'm good for that. FEAR NO MAN, TAKE NO SHIT. That's my motto, or at least, I try to make it my motto. I'm glad y'all are rich as fuck. Take me in, buy me pretty things!

    I am a breed of my own, aren't I? I try. I need to actually get on this dark purple thing, it's my trademark. Loyal, yes. Standing up for everyone, YES. Also, my parents would be totally stoked if I got into NYU. I could never pay for NYU. Maybe I'll apply there. Good idea, Simone. Thanks!

    Yeah, I would be the troublemaker that suggests skipping orientation. I would also be the one that finds John O'Callaghan and then pursues him. "An ungodly level of determination" is right.

    Also, I'm about to fangirl hard and real Parker would hate it but he's not here right now so he can suck my ass. I LOVE HIM AS A LOVESICK PUPPY. Okay, I have a suspicion that he's definitely like this in real life. Imagine his tall lanky body being all pathetic and brooding but so adorable!! Ugh, I love it. Yes, I'll love you.

    And then, stage right enter a handsome stranger. I know who it is omfg and your description of him totally shows your extreme love for him, I'll tell ya that. I absolutely can't wait to see more of him omfg.

    I'm gonna write another chapter now, so I can get another chapter now ya feel.
    December 4th, 2014 at 04:42am