Lost - Comments

  • ‘You’re lost, aren't you fella?’ It settles on the window sill, fluffing out its delicate chest. It shouldn't have let it in, birds aren't meant to be in here.

    I shouldn't have trapped it.

    Maybe Morgan was the bird all along.

    This was so heartbreaking, omg. Such a fantastic metaphor but also heartbreaking. I was so drawn in by this relationship (or I guess technically ending of a relationship) between Alex and Morgan. This was such a short piece but there's so much emotion in it.

    Girl you needa write more because I'm basically in love with your writing. Coffee
    May 2nd, 2016 at 08:38pm
  • I love, love, love the way this is written. In Love And I would love, love, love to read more. tehe
    January 15th, 2015 at 02:51am