Blank Space - Comments

  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    I remember reading about Loki from mythology because I'm into that type of stuff but he never really interested me and neither did Thor. I can say I almost fell asleep in the first Thor film lol yes their voices is a bonus but seeing how nice they are is a nice change because some of the American actors look so douchy lol like they are annoyed or don't put effort into their answers in an interview. Sad really. Me too. I was like don't understand the hype but the dragon sounds awesome lol

    Music helps me a bit but not as much anymore unless it's soundtrack music with no words. Lyrical music distracts me now when I write lol I'll be like what did I want to say?
    January 14th, 2015 at 01:40am
  • KillJoySynner

    KillJoySynner (100)

    United States
    @ teenagedream91
    Lol I believe I like Loki way before The Avengers and Thor. I think I syartedbliking Loki in either The Mask, or Son of the Mask, one of those two, Tom just heightened my interest in Loki some more. Lol I like Ben and Tom because they way they act is amazing (well I think its amazing) and they just bring you in. Their deep voice is just a bonus lol. Lol I heard about that hype and was confused for a bit till I saw who they were talking about and was just like 'well alright!' Lol Smaug!

    Their is probably one of my first stories I won't delete, but as for Tue others, I might or might not. Still really up in the air with them. Writing has helped me as well. Its also keeps me destracted too. Lol
    January 14th, 2015 at 12:59am
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    @ KillJoySynner
    Deep voices ugh I can just listen to them all day. I never really have any preference until I heard Tom speak bit only when I started to like him as an actor. When I first saw him play or in the Avengers movie it didn't do anything for me. I thought the first Thor movie was a drag to the point nothing stuck out to me and the Avengers I didn't understand why girls loved Loki do much until my cousin showed me multiple videos of Tom doing interviews then I understood why lol sometimes it takes me to see them in an interview before I really start liking them. Ben as well. I had to warm up to him. I've noticed that I don't just randomly like someone because they are good looking it takes time for me haha. I remember my dad dragging me and my brother to see fantasy and science fiction films and I thought it was so nerdy but most of the time I loved the films lol he took me and my brother to see The Lord of the rings trilogy and I liked them but was in total shock how numb my butt felt by the end of the first film lol then we kept going back each year. So when the hobbit films came out I wasn't intrigued because the book bored me to death. XD but seeing the trailer for the desolation of Smaug really interest me and I remembered there was a dragon. So that pulled me in. Then when my friends told me the dwarf craze that is going on in tumblr for three dwarves that were unbelievably hot I looked it up to see it was Fili, Kili and Thorin. Nothing really moved me until I saw the film. First I thought Kili was hot, months later Thorin and now Fili which translated to me liking them as actors watchig countless interviews haha.

    I don't think I would have the heart deleting my first stories. I still have them and even though I cringe at some of the things I came up with...they were good ideas but badly executed it humbles me to see where I started and how I improved over the years. Writing has seriously saved my life. I would have lost myself in my insanity if it wasn't there this escape of fantasy.
    January 13th, 2015 at 05:50pm
  • KillJoySynner

    KillJoySynner (100)

    United States
    @ teenagedream91
    Oh my goodness yes! The deep voices does something to me. Lol makes me go blank for a moment and has me forgetting what I want to say. Lol, I saw The Hobbit movies and I was just 'where has this been all my life?' I'm the same way, if I see a movie and the book, I try to take little pieces from each and mix it into the story.

    I'm the same way too. I have a couple of stories that I plan on deleting because a) they were the first ones I've ever written and b) they really suck lol. I have to update some of my stories though, still need to get the kinks out lol
    January 13th, 2015 at 04:23pm
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    @ KillJoySynner
    Aww thanks lol. I just love Richard. I am a complete sucker for deep voices. Ugh can't get enough and if they don't have a deep voice it takes a lot for me to like someone if they aren't genuine either. I'm just in a Hobbit craze right now actor wise. I don't think I can actually write a story based on the actual book or film lol

    Me too. So many plot stories that are flooding my laptop it's crazy and sometimes I reread it and think what a load of crap lol then delete it. I used to write on pen and paper but my hand can't keep up with my mind so I type now. Well if you write a story I would love to read it. I'll be thinking too. Just doing random name changing games lol
    January 13th, 2015 at 12:26am
  • KillJoySynner

    KillJoySynner (100)

    United States
    @ teenagedream91
    Sweet! That sounds like an amazing thing to do. I know this one author who I think write about The Hobbit, but its mostly like the Elf king (hope I got it right lol, I want to read the book though so I can get a better understanding of it other than the movies) but I'll still read it if you write a story about it lol

    Yes! I have like, so many stories ideas written down that its not even funny. And when I wrote down thebplot orbfrist chapter down on paper, I swear I keep going till like, chapter ten. Lol I will, I think I have tpbdig deep to find a good name for Toms fans lol
    January 12th, 2015 at 04:13pm
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    @ KillJoySynner
    Me too. I get crazy impatient!! I'm half way with the second chapter of this story btw so it will be posted soon. Also I'm plotting something for a Richard Armitage story. There aren't any on here...which I find sad since The Hobbit was huge. Oh well, it will be the first story I guess lol

    I do too!! If it doesn't fit for one character I wanted to write for then I realize it fits in another from a different story. Sometimes that one character trait makes me write a whole new story lol which is how I start writing stories like crazy. Me too. If you find a name for Hiddleston fans let me know lol. Once you figure out how to pronounce his name your like on it's easier than you thought haha.
    January 11th, 2015 at 10:48pm
  • KillJoySynner

    KillJoySynner (100)

    United States
    @ teenagedream91
    That is true. I love when we the story is exciting in each chapter. I get all antsy forbthr next update, I fan girl over a story lol.

    I do the same too. I think it over to see if the character would do a certain thing and when I feel like they do, I put it down. I'm still thinking of a name for Toms fans, lol. I used to cal Jared J-Pad, lol. But after learning how to say his last name I dropped J-Pad. And that is true, lol
    January 11th, 2015 at 08:15pm
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    @ KillJoySynner
    Those are the best ones. I think most people can write them, but the problem is to not make it boring. Sometimes writing chapters that don't have the climax can be mundane and wanting every chapter to be exciting is hard.

    Yeah, I usually just make up shit on what their antics would be or if they display a certain type of thing or if they share a small detail in their life. We aren't going to get them right all the time because we don't know them personally. Well if we did i don't think we would be writing about them anyways lol. I would wear the Cucumber button all day every day, but what would Hiddleston's be? I have no idea. He does have a unique name, jumps off the page that's for sure. Cumberbatch is such a fun word to say lol. Ugh, when I first heard it I didn't even try to pronounce Jared's last name, called him Jared P. for the longest time lol I would be super freaked out, but someone has to learn those speical things somewhere and it gets passed around.
    January 11th, 2015 at 09:05am
  • KillJoySynner

    KillJoySynner (100)

    United States
    @ teenagedream91
    That is a good idea. I've read some stories that a relationship started out like that and it was very well written that I was a bit in awe on how well they transitions.

    Same here. I've only gone as far as interviews or learning what kind of middle name they have, but only for a story, I've never gone as far as knowing what they wear when they sleep or how they eat their food. Lol that'll be an awesome thing to do! Adorable little buttons here and their. Lol whe n I first heard his name I was like 'well aren't you adorable!' Lol when I first heard of Jared Padelecki I was like 'how do I pernounce your last name dude??' Whoa! Of be weirded out for a bit.
    January 11th, 2015 at 04:56am
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    @ KillJoySynner
    Always the struggle when they know each other because you don't want to sound cliche and even if they are friends they are always the best of friends. Why can't they be friends and slowly transition to best friends and then a couple if that is what someone is targeting. But like you said it's just hard.

    Oh yeah like they know what the eat and stuff. I only watch interviews and even then I try to remember for story wise things but even then I always twist their personality for my fitting. Yes!! We should make pins of cucumbers with a smiley face or one that's blushing lol it would be cute!! Ugh I can't get enough! Hiddleston would be hard since his name you can't really get creative with his. Honestly when I first heard his name I'm like is he the joker or something for the Riddler? I remember going to a supernatural panel and some girl bought gummy bears for Jared Padelecki and I'm just thinking how in the hell did you know? Lol he ate them happily while answering questions too lol too funny.
    January 10th, 2015 at 11:41pm
  • KillJoySynner

    KillJoySynner (100)

    United States
    @ teenagedream91
    Yes! I get so conflicted when I write down how they know each other. And even when I get an idea on how they are together or how they know each other, I still feel like I can do it a bit better then before.

    I can't really dance, maybe the waltz and some others I can't really remwvwr the name, but that's basically it. Even when I have qltz I'm still a bit iffy about it. Cucumber and a Hiddleston fan for life! Lol I think another name name for Toms fan base could be Hiddles or something lol. In a Cucumber and a Hiddles. The obssesvie kind of fans scarw the hell out of me. Like when they know every little deta about a persons life, I just think 'whoa, how do you know all of this??'
    January 10th, 2015 at 09:43pm
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    @ KillJoySynner
    That or you feeling like you start a story the same way over and over again. It can get repetitive. Like should the romantic interest know each other, be best friends, already a couple? Possibly married? So many endless points but hard to decide which would be best for your story.

    I would bust a move too bit I'm way too shy for that. Even if I can dance to a few things. I'm not the greatest dancer but once I let loose I'm all over the place. I dance all over the dance floor. It does and even Benedict says for the fans not to call themselves that and they still do it. Figures that the one thing he ask for his fans to do they don't follow which is funny because you would think the only person they would listen to is the one they are obsessed with. Isn't it? I'm a Cucumber all the way!! Never knew Tom's fans were Hiddlestoners lol sounds like these fans sound pretty sketchy. Cumberbitches and Hiddlestoners. Sounds like the wrong type of crowd.
    January 10th, 2015 at 02:15pm
  • KillJoySynner

    KillJoySynner (100)

    United States
    @ teenagedream91
    No matter how many times I have to write darbble, I always feel super awkward for some reason. And I agree with the change.

    Lol yes! Love that he can just stand and bam! Dance moves going everywhere as well as hips lol. It's amazing, if I can dance, I'd be doing the same as Tom. I agree with the Cumberbitches. When I heard that some (possibly all) call themselves that makes me cringe a bit. Like, no, don't call yourself that! Think of something better. Cucumbers is adorable as hell! I'm proud to be a Cucumber and Hddlestoner:P lol.

    I know the feeling of feeling embarrassed by parents. Lol, but I still love my ma lol
    January 10th, 2015 at 07:30am
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    @ KillJoySynner
    I'm getting better at it and it's harder to write a story when the couple is already together unless I have them break up the first chapter or it's a Drabble/one-shot then I can write it easy lol sometimes the quality of work goes down because the character loses herself with the person she's dating and I personally think they do change but still keep most of their qualities.

    Right?! He doesn't even hesitate to bust out a move. He looks so comfortable doing it too. He's just one of those people that doesn't care. Reminds me of Ellen when she dances around her studio. I can picture Tom dancing around his house or any filming production in his costumes lol. I feel like Ben's humor can also be a coping mechanism when he first started to break himself out of his shell and I agree he looks so adorable when he looks shy. I saw a pattern of him looking down or wiping his hands on his pants making this weird faces or hissing in awkwardness. Especially when the person tells Ben about his fans and how much we love him haha. He's getting better at it now. We all know he doesn't like our his fans call themselves Cumberbitches and I fully agree. I don't like the word so I was talking to my cousin when we were at Comic Con last year and she's like why don't you call yourself cucumbers instead? My reaction was omg that would be so cute!!! His symbol as a cucumber lol and his logo would be a cute version of a sliced cucumber. Oh man we died laughing. The things you come up with when you are waiting in lines for hours.
    Me too. I just love dry humor and it seems that British people have a lot of that haha Americans don't really have it and they tend to be put off. I would say something and instantly people think I'm bitchy lol

    It is and usually the kids would think their parents are superheroes but embarrassed when the parents become too attached or do something lame lol
    January 9th, 2015 at 09:28pm
  • KillJoySynner

    KillJoySynner (100)

    United States
    @ teenagedream91
    Lol it is a bit hard to write the couple finally together, but I think after a while, it kinda gets easier. But their are some times when you're just like,'meh!' Lol

    I've notice that about Tom too! It's pretty damn adorable when he just starts throwing out moves and I'm just like 'what an adorable dork!' And Ben too. He's so cute when he's shy, I always feels like he blushes during the interviews in the beginning and then bam! This goofy dork come out to play. Lol I think dry humor is a bit of the best humor.

    Being loved is always they best feeling to give yo a person you really care about and they return the feeling. Especially with a child because they see you as an unstoppable hero who will always be their
    January 9th, 2015 at 03:46pm
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    @ KillJoySynner
    It will be. Won't be like Pride & Prejudice status but it will be something for sure haha there is a lot to build up to that moment so I'm excited. I'm pretty build with build ups but when a couple finally gets together my brain turns to mush and I can't write for crap lol

    It's hilarious. Tom is quite a dancer lol he danced in so many of is interviews and I found Ben being more open the more interviews he does. I found his shy and pretty quite beforehand not really paying attention to him and then he lets out his goofy side which I admire because so many actors are so stuff and weird when it comes to interviews. Joaquin Phoenix when he did an interview with Ellen a few days ago I couldn't stop laughing at his dry humor. I'm a sucker for that since I'm quite dry and sarcastic myself.

    Yeah it became a ritual lol so experiencing it firsthand I know that baby and if they have more children they will seriously be loved.
    January 9th, 2015 at 06:36am
  • KillJoySynner

    KillJoySynner (100)

    United States
    @ teenagedream91
    Awww, it'll be cute when they cave into their feelings lol. I'm the same too, but if I have to write the fluff, I write the fluff as well as I could.
    Yeah, I have only watched some, and I see their sweetness. Its so adorable too! Lol
    Awww, that's good that your mom is like that and you call her once a day, very, very sweet of you and your brothers to do that
    January 8th, 2015 at 11:39pm
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    @ KillJoySynner
    Haha they will have their cute moments when they both cave into their feelings. I'll admit that I'm not good with fluff but if it comes out unintentionally then all the better lol what may be fluff to you may not for me.
    I have seen plenty if interviews of them both I think that's why I love writing about them because I get a grasp of what they might really be like and also reading personal encounters from fans. I met Tom a few years back and he is a total sweetheart. I think so too. My mom is the same way. She spoils us and always very attached to us. My brothers and I always have to call her once a day.
    January 8th, 2015 at 11:27pm
  • KillJoySynner

    KillJoySynner (100)

    United States
    @ teenagedream91
    Lol I will be like 'that adorable bastard! Quit doing that!' But still love it none the less on how you write it.
    I see Tom and Ben the same way! From the interviews I have seen(not too much though) of them, they are such sweethearts and have a good head on their shoulders. And that'll be the cutest thing ever! Seeing Ben cuddling with his children.
    Lol I agree with you on that with Cameron, she's very badass and awesome
    January 8th, 2015 at 06:37pm