Blank Space - Comments

  • @ KillJoySynner
    Aw thanks a bunch. He will be his sweet self eventually, but right now he's going to be distant and act like she is beneath him. I find it easier to write asshole characters than sweet ones haha that and Tom and Ben are so easy to write for some reason. I can picture them being the overly romantic ones in their relationships, treating their women like queens.
    haha yeah! I can see that. Probably near tears when he sees his kids going to preschool or graduating from high school or college. I think he probably have empty nest syndrome later on in life lol I can see him cuddling, hugging, kissing and telling his children how much he loves them every single day. That just warms my heart thinking about it or seeing men act like that around their kids.
    Tch, hell yeah! Cameron will be the parent who has very high self esteem children because their parents taught them they can do anything. She will probably be that parent who gets the materials like oh you want to build a rocket? I'll get you the want to be a dancer? Private lessons only from the best haha
    January 8th, 2015 at 06:25am
  • @ teenagedream91
    I think you will write Tom in this story amazingly and I have to say, adorably too:P
    Lol I do see Ben as being one of those dads, and it'll be insanely cute to see that and I imagine Ben being the emotional parent once his child starts doing his or hers milestones and going to the first day of school.
    I see Cameron the same way, like if her kid wants to be something like a rocket scientists or a baseball player, I see her saying 'go for your dream kiddo. I'm not gonna stop ya' lol
    January 8th, 2015 at 05:38am
  • @ KillJoySynner
    Yeah. I've always wanted him to be a little different since this is a different time period and he can't always be the sensible one. A lot of people were racist back then so I thought why make it wash and have him love everyone and make this different? He will be fighting his own demons with it. It would be and I can definitely picture Ben being super clingy to his kid and showing everyone pictures lol I think he will be the dad that takes pictures and videos everything. That baby is going to be spoiled rotten in the best way. I know! I was like okay! Haha I think because Cameron Diaz wants to have a baby so Benji was like why not get married so we can start? Then easy does it man. I think she will be a super cool and chill mom. Not really worrying about her kid while I think Cumberbatch would fuss over his haha
    January 8th, 2015 at 01:38am
  • Tom being bad is pretty scary, yet amazingly awesome! Yet sweet to things he love:P well that's just me:P I know, I was thinking the same thing, and of the wedding is being pushed to spring, that will be awesome! And about Cameron Diaz, I was like, whoa! Good for you girl!
    January 7th, 2015 at 09:41pm
  • @ KillJoySynner
    Aww you are too sweet! I've written certain plots out so hopefully it's well received and it's different since I always write Tom as the perfect gentleman who is kind and warm and this one well he's different lol. I was shocked when I heard it but then a little part of me knew that maybe she's pregnant after the engagement was announced or they are about to have a family. But yeah rumors are swirling that they are going to pull up their wedding for early spring before the baby gets here. I think is über cute when a bride is pregnant when she gets married. We all know it's going to be a private affair and people will be begging for pictures lol so many people are getting married! Feels so random haha Cameron Diaz got married. I was like didn't expect that so soon but congrats anyways lol
    January 7th, 2015 at 09:30pm
  • @ teenagedream91
    You should! I swear by the next update I will love it! And I know! When I heard, I was about to cry out of happiness for themXP I'm super happy for them:P
    January 7th, 2015 at 09:22pm
  • @ KillJoySynner
    Thanks! I'm hoping to write more. I just love this story already. I know! The years Ben has been talking about wanting a family of his own and now he's going to be a daddy. It's so exciting. I know it probably devastated some hearts that she's pregnant lol
    January 7th, 2015 at 09:16pm
  • Very excited to read some more:D on another note... I'm so happy for Benedict and his fiancée!
    January 7th, 2015 at 05:40pm