All out and Over - Comments

  • Oops! Double.
    October 23rd, 2016 at 09:00pm
  • @ Nikki Richardson

    Haha, I'm glad the fortuneteller approves.

    I'm excited for the ending and can't wait until you guys update it!
    October 23rd, 2016 at 08:58pm
  • @ TheGoodMadame
    Can I just say, Malory completely approves of tour user name :). And I love that you like this story! It was a blast to write and I can't wait to see what you think if the ending.
    October 22nd, 2016 at 04:57pm
  • Happy Mibbaween!

    Here's comment 1/2.

    When I first clicked on this I didn't think I was going to enjoy it, but was pleasantly surprised to find that I did indeed enjoy it and read all 19 chapters.

    I'm in love with Malory, I think by far she is my favorite character and I can't wait to see chapter 20.

    I do not like Cara at all but I'm interested to see the outcome between her and her lover. Also I'm a but curious about Ricket and Freddy as characters because it seems there is more to them than meets the eyes.

    I really didn't see any grammar/spelling problems and everything flows with ease. You did a wonderful job depicting the characters and showing their personalities through the 19 chapters and never once did you lose focus on them. I absolutely can't wait to see more from you.
    October 21st, 2016 at 10:17pm
  • @ RoCk_PrInCeSs_PR
    Thank you for that review! I feel like you totally get Malory, but not really. Just wait until you see what she has in store; the circus may never be the same... and who knows, she might get a new bra in the process Image

    @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    I have never wanted to go to Chicago more than after I read this story. That city will never be the same once Mal is through with it.
    October 11th, 2016 at 04:04pm
  • I enjoyed the flashback at the beginning. I liked reading how the bond was born, a piece of what got the ball rolling. And so now they're in Chicago and I'm super nervous... I really can't wait for the next update!
    October 11th, 2016 at 07:09am
  • Commenting as part of the Halloween Giveaway Goodie!

    Reading the first chapter gave me a strong insight and description of Cara, who I believe is a strong woman with the lust that most woman have. I love the idea that the story describes the lives of people that work in the circus. It gives us your creativity and input on how their lives are behind the show.

    I like the connection between Cara and Dmitri in the first chapter because it shows that it’s only lustful. Even though, Cara might want to feel something more, I don’t know. It shows that Cara is not a woman who duels on the feelings of the opposite sex, which made me very intrigue.

    The flashback conversation between Cara and Malory made me want to read more, because from that moment on, I knew Cara was being subdued to spend intimacy with Dmitri, and my only question at that moment was, why?

    In the second chapter, the readers are able to discover who Malory is and what her agenda is. It’s obvious that Dmitri belonged to her at some point and maybe on paper he still does, even though he prefers the bedding of other women. Again, it kept me more intrigue than before and I had to continue the reading.
    Malory pushed her bust up slightly as she looked in the mirror. ‘I need a new bra.’
    I loved this statement. It made me laugh. It reminded me of my own predicament. I imagined her big breasted and uncomfortable most of the time. lmfao

    Getting to know Malory a little more, and the reason why she wants to take revenge on Dmitri is somewhat agreeable. Using Cara, well that’s another story.

    What I’ve read so far really intrigues me. I love the words you use because it connects to the plot and the dialogue perfectly. The emotions of each character are described with perfection and precision. The use of imagery is used correctly and makes me visualize every setting, description and moment. It’s a unique and amazing story. I can’t wait to see what happens further.

    I didn’t really see any grammar or spelling errors. It’s written with greatness. The layout fits perfectly to the story line and it’s one of the things that catch readers’ attention, which you managed to do very well.

    Not only did I start reading it because of the giveaway, but you have gained one more loyal reader. I love this so far and I will be subscribing and checking your other stories as well.

    Overall, this is an amazing piece to the path to perfection.
    Mr. Green
    October 10th, 2016 at 11:03pm
  • @ chelseycate
    I'm so glad you like it! even though its so different from Underestimate me. I was worried the start might be too steamy but I'm not being that describing I hope haha. I truly love Malory and you will love her evil mastermind too, I'm sure of it!
    October 2nd, 2016 at 12:23pm
  • Okay so I'm finally getting to this! It may take a few separate comments over time but here's my thoughts on the first few!

    Chapter 1

    A story that starts out racy and sexy is bound to be good! Lol. There's something so intriguing about circus and sideshow acts. They're creepy, mysterious, yet very alluring. It's refreshing to have a story that's different than what's out there and touches on that topic. From the very beginning, you had me curious about the characters and where the plot was gonna go. I like that readers know right away about what acts the main characters do I the show. Cara seems like a little firecracker (fire pun intended) and I'm so curious as to what her plans are and what her and Malory have going on. Great chapter and I shall keep reading!

    My favorite line is, "Dmitri might not have a fire act but he was playing with fire."

    Chapter 2

    Malory is a sassy women, I can tell. Her intentions with Cara seem questionable. None the less, you've painted the scene and the picture so well! Cara does come across slightly predictable but I'm guessing there's more to her. Not sure yet how I'm supposed to feel about Malory! I'll let you know as I read how I do, haha. I'm not sure what's going on, but in a good way!! That flashback has me baffled! I want the full story.

    Again, a great chapter!! I'll read more during the week and comment as I go! Favorite line is, "Some of us have early mornings since our jobs can be seen well enough during daylight hours."
    October 2nd, 2016 at 03:24am
  • @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    Oh dear Melia, I wish you enthusiasm for this story was contagious. If we got more comments like yours we'd be the happiest writers ever. I will update soon, I promise. Maybe you can infect some other mibbians with your love for this story in the mean time? haha.
    September 19th, 2016 at 10:16pm
  • I knew Freddy's jealousy was going to break soon! Oh, dear. But who is her saving grace???? Update ASAP! I'm on pins and needles over here!
    September 19th, 2016 at 06:26am
  • @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    You always make my day so much brighter with your comments! What will happen with Cara and Dmitri, well... only time (and chapters) will reveal haha so keep reading and commenting while we drench that thirst.
    September 7th, 2016 at 08:37pm
  • Ric is so good at sleazing and sneaking around! He and Mal make quite the pair; I mean, not as a couple but as those who are aware of all. I'm nervous about Chicago...I'd like to see this reach its climax, I would love to know what is planned for Dmitri (and what will befall Cara)...but at the same time, I kinda want those two to come out unscathed. Mal has her own issues and I just hate seeing them get drawn in to her game, though they are hardly innocent.
    September 7th, 2016 at 05:51am
  • @ TheDevilsHalo;
    Dont you make me blush! Haha. New chapter of All out and Over will be up somewhere this weekend en Underestimate me has been updated just recently!
    August 26th, 2016 at 08:03am
  • @ Alex Moore.
    Your stories are amazing!
    August 24th, 2016 at 11:23pm
  • @ PhenoBarbiDoll i think you totally get this story and I truly love you for it!

    @ TheDevilsHalo;
    You have been such a great reader and commenter to us on underestimate me I'm thrilled to see you like this story too. How did we ever deserve you haha
    August 24th, 2016 at 09:57pm
  • I'm only on chapter 2 but I'm already hooked. The detail in each chapter is amazing and it held my attention all the way through... I can't wait to delve deeper into this.
    August 24th, 2016 at 05:58pm
  • It's getting more and more complex, even as the two of you reveal the back story little by little. Freddy's jealousy is a dangerous thing; if he's not careful, he could screw everything up, or lose his patience waiting for his revenge to unfold. As much as I don't care for Cara's behavior, I can't help feeling sorry for her. She's at the mercy of Mal, and that's not a good place to be.
    August 22nd, 2016 at 03:31am
  • @ Red_Zyx6661
    Sorry for my late response to your comment. I am so glad someone is still clearly reading this and leaving comments. I wouldn't know what I would do if you didnt.
    August 15th, 2016 at 10:10pm
  • I am on the edge of my seat, no scratch that I was on the edge and I tried to move more on the edge and fell off!!!
    I am so curious on what exactly Freddy has planned for Dmitri and Cara.
    August 11th, 2016 at 10:11pm