Villainy - Comments

  • Chapter one already has me rooting for this villan. Very charasmatic, very cool. It's easy to see her point of view. The comment about people walking around with ignorant grins really rings true in today's society, especially in regards to all of the awful things going on in the world. People don't want to face the truth. Ignorance really is bliss.

    I love that she sort of latched onto this "nice" man and is later kicking herself for being naive. It's very refreshing to see someone be candid and unapologetic about their flaws. I feel almost as if this character is narrating a movie and the events they're describing are being shown in montage format. I really like it.

    Your style of writing is wonderful and this character you've created is so captivating. The entire idea is great; character flaws don't get explored enough. Everyone just wants to see the good side. I'm very very excited to see what you do with this story
    July 15th, 2015 at 11:57am
  • Chapter one already has me rooting for this villan. Very charasmatic, very cool. It's easy to see her point of view. The comment about people walking around with ignorant grins really rings true in today's society, especially in regards to all of the awful things going on in the world. People don't want to face the truth. Ignorance really is bliss.

    I love that she sort of latched onto this "nice" man and is later kicking herself for being naive. It's very refreshing to see someone be candid and unapologetic about their flaws. I feel almost as if this character is narrating a movie and the events they're describing are being shown in montage format. I really like it.

    Your style of writing is wonderful and this character you've created is so captivating. The entire idea is great; character flaws don't get explored enough. Everyone just wants to see the good side. I'm very very excited to see what you do with this story!
    July 15th, 2015 at 11:53am
  • I love the idea, I love your writing, I love every bit of this. I love the layout, I love the title, and I love how the main character is so relatable. I'm not seeing any spelling or grammatical errors. Your way with words is unique, and the voice you've given to this character really gets me. I just love everything about this and I'm definitely subbing to it!
    July 11th, 2015 at 09:55pm
  • I love everything that you wrote so far! I love the idea, I love your writing (no major spelling mistakes, good grammar, beautiful words, etc), I love everything. I like how you protrayed your main characted because you can rely to her in some ways. Plus, your story made me think about my own idea, my own life. I can't wait to read more from you x :)
    July 9th, 2015 at 08:10pm
  • I liked this more than I think I expected to. She (whatever her name is. I’m just going to imagine her as a Jamie) really reminds me of myself. I feel like I do understand where she’s coming from and what she means about everyone being a villain. Tea, writing, no kids… she may as well be me, honestly. Maybe you’re just writing out my life story? Even if you’re not, I do hope that she finds a person who understands her. Even if that’s the complete opposite of what I want for myself. Alone and content for the rest of my life… unless Jack Barakat falls in love with me… And now that I’m rambling completely off-topic, I’ll just say that this is really great and I hope you figure out what you want to do with it! If you need any help with ideas or something, you can always come to me! I’d be glad to brainstorm something for you!
    July 9th, 2015 at 07:45am
  • I really like this so far. I really like the theme you have of everyone being villains. And that the story actually starts in the second chapter. You opened it up nicely. I do feel like in the first chapter the flow could be a bit better. It feels almost to diary-like, which might be what you are going for. But, if you want it as an introduction that isn't like that, you might want to change your word usage. The flow is helps keeps a reader involved. If a flow isn't there, for me personally, I won't keep reading. Other than that, it seems like a good start!
    July 7th, 2015 at 12:37am
  • Wow, first commenter! I feel honored haha. To answer your writers note; stories do not need to go somewhere. If you need to write just write.

    Now onto the story: first your layout is nice and simple, very good for reading. I like how you just dive into someones (we dont know who yet) thoughts and such.

    I truly like how this story truly starts in the second chapter. And i love the city comment; I live in a big city of the Netherlands, and people can be rude. I really like this story; it is very different from anything I have read on here. Keep that originality!
    July 6th, 2015 at 08:51pm
  • Wow, first commenter! I feel honored haha. To answer your writers note; stories do not need to go somewhere. If you need to write just write.

    Now onto the story: first your layout is nice and simple, very good for reading. I like how you just dive into someones (we dont know who yet) thoughts and such.

    I truly like how this story truly starts in the second chapter. And i love the city comment; I live in a big city of the Netherlands, and people can be rude. I really like this story; it is very different from anything I have read on here. Keep that originality!
    July 6th, 2015 at 08:50pm