Parts of Me - Comments

  • John just needs to man up and ask Dakota to marry him! He's over thinking too much. Love this though! Keep up the good work :)
    June 7th, 2015 at 05:25pm
  • @ kanitz
    Writing as we speak! On John and Dakota...I'm writing a pretty important chapter for them as we speak.
    June 4th, 2015 at 11:40pm
  • Thank you! I'll be getting a new chapter up soon hopefully!
    June 4th, 2015 at 02:09pm
  • Love this story so much!!
    June 3rd, 2015 at 11:07pm
  • Please please please finish this story!! I love it so much, it's adorable and new and I really want to see where it's going! Dying to see how things on the John/Dakota front pan out.... Still kinda looking for the conflict here, though. Is it that the boys don't want to see their mother or is there something else that's coming? But anyway, great chapter! Please update soon (ꈍ◡ꈍ)
    May 26th, 2015 at 12:57am
  • Eric situation remind me slightly of a really sad but realistic movie "Blue Valentine". I cried my heart out watching it.I hope they find their way back into love.

    I can't even describe how much I adore the cuteness, I don't know if this is the right word, but I just love when life is good and reading about it makes me feel happy.

    I think I've said before, but you deserve a round of applause for your writing skills. You truly have a gift about making everything so tangible, I don't feel like I'm reading, it's like watching the scene develop through my eyes. Plus, you don't seem to take it for granted, working hard to get better every chapter. Congrats, keep making your magic.
    May 24th, 2015 at 05:11pm
  • Eric situation remind me slightly of a really sad but realistic movie "Blue Valentine". I cried my heart out watching it.I hope they find their way back into love.

    I can't even describe how much I adore the cuteness, I don't know if this is the right word, but I just love when life is good and reading about it makes me feel happy.

    I think I've said before, but you deserve a round of applause for your writing skills. You truly have a gift about making everything so tangible, I don't feel like I'm reading, it's like watching the scene develop through my eyes. Plus, you don't seem to take it for granted, working hard to get better every chapter. Congrats, keep making your magic.
    May 24th, 2015 at 05:10pm
  • This chapter was so sweet. Poor Eric. He really loves Leah and you can tell she loves him, they just don't know how to get back to where they were. The way that you portray the boys. I'm not a twin, but I know a few. And they are always getting frustrated at people thinking they're one person and not two. I mean, yeah they look alike and they're still gonna have this bond that no one else could break. But they're two different people.
    May 20th, 2015 at 03:19pm
  • This was such a sweet chapter oh my god. I really hope you continue and finish this story though, I love it. And as a twin myself, I think you've done a really good job at depicting the boys as individuals. It's so annoying when people expect you to be the same person. At the same time there's still a bond that other people don't really have or understand.
    I hope you still enjoy writing this fic though, if you aren't enjoying it don't worry about it, move on. :)
    May 20th, 2015 at 12:01am
  • I agree with @utopian-mess this is so realistic. I love this storie so much! Also, poor Eric :( I hope they can fix their marriage. John and Dakota are the best.
    May 19th, 2015 at 10:16pm
  • This chapter was soooo cute, I really love this story ! Your writing is just SO GOOD, I appreaciate the way you put words onto John's feeling and thoughts, it's so realistic !
    May 19th, 2015 at 07:28pm
  • @ IndigoGirl8123
    Even that I can't empathize with her, her narration remind me that postpartum depression is a real thing and it must be really sad and fucked up to feel it.
    May 15th, 2015 at 11:55pm
  • @ everdeen
    Why do you say 'except for'? Curious.
    May 13th, 2015 at 12:32am
  • Except for Emily's narration, I think this was one of my fave chapters. I love that everyone is in this chapter.
    May 12th, 2015 at 06:51am
  • I love this story! So good <3 can't wait for the next update xxx
    May 11th, 2015 at 11:45pm
  • 8123 family for life!! i loved this chapter since everyone was involved
    May 11th, 2015 at 11:04pm
  • @ IndigoGirl8123
    It's not that I feel like she's back for evil. I can understand, also, where she is coming from. Women oftentimes do suffer from PPD and the way she handled it is the way that a lot of women would like to handle it.
    I just feel bad for Dakota because she's patiently waiting for John to be ready to really settle down, I'm sure, and then his ex shows back up? The ex that just so happens to be the real mother of his children? It's a scary situation. It would be for me at least. I would be very insecure if my boyfriend's ex, that he was in love with for so long, showed back up in his life.
    May 2nd, 2015 at 05:15pm
  • @ IndigoGirl8123
    I wasn't trying to say that if she talked to John their love would fix her problem. I think that if she did, to him or anyone really, they would've been able to help more, things wouldn't have been left a mystery for so long, ya know? If she wasn't there, they would've been able to say "Your mother is just getting help for herself so she can be a better mother" or something like that, ya know? It wouldn't have been her just leaving because "she couldn't handle it." And in doing what she did, she DID hurt all three of them.
    I hope Phoenix and Mesa aren't too hurt with her though, I know Phoenix is the more sensitive one and he obviously is a bit more hurt than his brother. I just think she needs to be apart of their lives, she is their mother and I think her playing an active role in their lives would help them all.
    As for the Dakota thing, I'm not saying Emily's purposefully trying to break them up or get between them, but the way everything seems, she will, intentionally or not. Like, saying the whole "I think I already found him but left him behind" thing... So it makes me think that it might be a big factor into their fate as a couple. BUT it /is/ on them as a couple to figure things out, no matter what comes between them, and if it doesn't work out it wasn't meant to, no matter who came back or what challenges were set in front of them.
    So I guess after thinking it over a little bit, my only real problem with Emily is that I wish she would've contacted John and the boys sooner to let them know what was going on. But, I understand she wasn't thinking straight because of the illness.
    May 1st, 2015 at 06:49pm
  • @ IndigoGirl8123
    As I said before, if my "mother" had abandoned me, I would probably forgive her and try to accept her reasons to, but loving her... no. Also, feeling unworthy to be a mother doesn't take away the responsibility you still have towards your children. You got try your best, even if you are not in your best. John could have used the same explanation to leave the kids, saying he was doing it for the best. Also, what if he died? Luckily all ended up to be just fine, but (even understanding her reasons) I still think she IS a selfish bitch. John shouldn't push the boys to meet Emily, if someday in the future they want to, okay, but she has no right to be apart in their lives now.
    Honestly, i think you have a soft spot for Emily because you "gave her life", but this is a case when we all have to agree in disagree.

    Let me be clear about Dakota, I am also an understanding person (more than I should sometimes), so I would also keep my mouth shut from saying negative comments. However, as you said yourself, we are humans, of course she has fears and irrational feelings, so it's not that she's faking it, but I think there's more about her than she shows.
    I'm not worried about Emily trying to break them, which I don't think she'd do, I worry about Dakota feeling second best.
    May 1st, 2015 at 05:58pm
  • @ everdeen
    She wasn't using her mental illness as an 'excuse', just an explanation as to why she left. She had to do it for herself in order to keep herself alive (I feel like I've said this a thousand times because everyone seems to have the same opinion). She couldn't harm her kids and she didn't want to hurt them so she left to get better, saving herself and probably the three boys. It's hard to understand if you're in the certain mindset that most readers seem to be in about the situation, but staying and mothering those boys would have worsened her health, it's as simple as that. They'd have been better off not having that around them as they develop. Of course staying away for so long wasn't right, but she didn't feel worthy of being their mom. Also, she's human. People make mistakes, and hers were out of love for her kids and for John. I think that's all I really have to say.
    Also on Dakota, I don't understand why people don't like the idea that maybe sHE'S JUST AN UNDERSTANDING PERSON. It'd be inappropriate for her to speak negatively about her boyfriends' childs' mother, even if he does so from time to time. But yes, those fears would be completely normal due to Emily and John's history, but Emily has said that she has no plans on getting between John and Dakota.The ring however, may be a couple years.
    May 1st, 2015 at 05:15pm