Parts of Me - Comments

  • @ lacemoonz
    I don't know what it is that's got ya'll thinking it's Emily that's going to cause harm. She said she didn't want to come between them. I think if John and D have problems, it's more so between them than between John and Emily, if you know what I mean.
    I guess Emily's reason for leaving was never fully going to be appreciated by everyone, as I've come to learn, but like I've said in a response to this very issue on the tumblr blog, Emily had to go and sort herself out before she was even fit to be a mother. If she hadn't, she would have hurt all three of them in some way or another. Also, her mental illness wasn't an easy thing for her to share with John and sometimes love isn't enough for certain situations. But, as you'll come to see in the next chapter, John's not so bitter. You'll find out why when I post the next chapter.
    The only advice I have from here on out about Emily, is just keep an open mind.
    May 1st, 2015 at 05:10pm
  • @ Shelbysaurusrex
    For some reason all of you think that Emily is back for evil? I know she's done wrong in the past but she had to go, she had her reasons. Anyway, you'll find eventually that her coming back is not the main focus of this story. It's more about Phoenix and Mesa and what happens with them.
    May 1st, 2015 at 03:01pm
  • PS: I think there's more of Dakota than this understanding woman, I think inside she fears to be changed by Emily or never taking the place of #1 girl in John's heart. Plus, he knows (said last chapter) and we know that when you spend so much time and dedication to someone, you expect something in return, for more altruist that you are, there will always be a small part of you waiting for recognition. Listen to Beyonce, John: if you like it then you should put a ring on it.
    May 1st, 2015 at 08:43am
  • May 1st, 2015 at 08:43am
  • Well... There's a part of me that understands Emily, there's a logical side in her decision. However, I still think it's no excuse to do what she did. Six years without giving a sign that she was alive? Seriouly?! Anxiety and depression are real problems, but they aren't an excuse to abandon your own children. As an outsider maybe I don't think about her as a cruel bitch anymore, but she's still a selfish one. Analysing from the perspective of the kids, they may be young to understand, but they are surely right about Emily not being their mom. I'd probably forgive her and let the anger go, but including her in the family is not an option, hell to the no!
    May 1st, 2015 at 08:29am
  • I agree with the person below in all of what she said. Especially in feeling bad for Dakota. Like, how shitty would it be to love someone, be part of a family, for four year and have everything blown to smithereens when someone comes back. I don't necessarily know if that's what is going to happen and I really hope it doesn't but... I feel like John's feelings are going to maybe slowly/maybe not-so-slowly come back for Emily and Dakota's going to get hurt.
    and as far as Emily's excuse... I can kind of see where she's coming from but at the same time it's really not an excuse at all. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for what she went through, that is horrible, especially to go through it alone, but if she would've just been more open, either to John or a professional, things would've ended up differently and she would've been more rational, or at least had other people to help her through it all and help her get better, ya know? I mean, I don't hate her, I somewhat understand.
    I can't wait to see where it goes. Although I probably won't like it so maybe I can, aha.
    No matter which way it goes this is still an amazing fic. Like, no matter what I say about how I disagree with the characters or whatever I adore this story and your writing <3
    May 1st, 2015 at 05:01am
  • I am so excited to see how all of this plays out. Phoenix is so mad at Emily and Mesa really seems understanding. You can tell he's older, because he's taking it a lot better than how you would expect a ten year old boy to take it. I feel so bad for Dakota though. I can just bet it's actually killing her on the inside knowing that her boyfriends ex and mother of his children is back in town.
    April 30th, 2015 at 08:22pm
  • @ tishaz
    My message got cut off but that was the main jist of what I was saying- I'm going to add a few flashbacks later on to fill in little gaps of things that may have been missed with the way this story jumps :) Also I appreciate the opinions and the thoughts, it gives me something to think about and a way to improve.
    ~IG x
    April 26th, 2015 at 02:58pm
  • no don´t, thats the way you wanted it to be, it´s just my opinion love. you do what you got to do, don´t worry about it, just give us another chapter;)
    April 26th, 2015 at 12:07pm
  • @ tishaz
    I probably should have added another chapter of another date because I'm not saying they would never have had awkward moments or dates, but the way this story jumps trough time, doesn't leave a lot of room for the progression of their relationship in the early stages, which is what I'm slightly regretting
    April 26th, 2015 at 03:18am
  • He waited years to date again, and I think that was what threw me off when he met dakota. All he knew was emily for a long time, shit happened, and when he met dakota it all went so well...too well. he didn´t have a couple of awkward dates in between so he could "re-adapt" to the all "being with another girl again" scenario. Dakota is just so nice it kinda bugs me, break some plates woman...cause no one is that understanding. And yeah like you said she´s a good suport system, she understood the situation, helped him and to me he´s confusing gratitude with love. (I´m overthinking waaaaay too much I know)
    When it comes to emily, I guess I don´t hate her because you´ve been hinting there´s a good explanation for what she did. And I don´t want to judge her before knowing the real reason. And even if the only reason was not being ready to raise two kids, it´s kind of understandable (but not excusable because she waited 10 fucking years)
    Maybe I´m reading way to much into this darling and looking for a plot twist where there isn´t one, and that´s one of the reasons i´m loving this story. All this doubts and questions, you´re a very good writer, and kudos for sharing your views on our opinions:)
    April 26th, 2015 at 02:26am
  • @ kanitz
    John'll probably have some form of feeling for Em because of their history that's for sure, but I think she knows not to go there because he needs someone like Dakota.
    Also I didn't put the boys in as much just because it had to focus more on John's feelings about seeing Enily again. They probably won't be in the next chapter a lot, but next chap is a big one for John and Emily!
    April 26th, 2015 at 01:17am
  • @ tishaz
    I was most intrigued by this comment. How do you think their relationship is forced? John was reluctant to date, even after six years after having the boys. But when he found Dakota, she was exactly what he needed, like a breath of fresh air. I don't know maybe I'm biased aha I think she's a good support system and that's something he's been without for quite a while.
    Ask I think you're the first person that doesn't hate Emily
    April 26th, 2015 at 01:15am
  • @ lovelikedez
    She had her reasons to go, believe me. Everyone is pretty stuck on hating Emily but I cant wait for ya'll to read the next chapter- I wonder if it'll change your mind.
    Dakota's had to be pretty supportive I guess because after all, Em is the boys mom and she has a right to see them. If I can say one thing about her future with John, it's that she'll always be supportive but she can't hold her patience forever...
    April 26th, 2015 at 01:10am
  • @ Shelbysaurusrex
    She's very understanding, which is what John needs through all of this. She gets he'd be mad and bitter so her being neutral towards the subject is going to help that.
    I can't wait for you guys to read what I've got next, but the boys might not be meeting her for a while...
    April 26th, 2015 at 01:07am
  • CALLED IT!!! You don't waste time, god bless you.

    Not sure how I feel about Emily because I'm p sure John still has feelings for her but then y'know what if she doesn't have feelings for him anymore or realizes that she is a shitty person and doesn't deserve John because Dakota is perfect.... or maybe it's gonna be a love-conquers-all kinda thing? No idea. Wish the boys were in this chapter more, though!
    April 26th, 2015 at 12:57am
  • First off, Dakota is amazing. I would have been secretly fuming at the baby Mom a showing up out of the blue.

    Man, John is not taking shit. He's obviously furious and hurt. I wonder if he's gonna talk to him and the boys. In fact, I wonder how the boys are gonna take it.
    April 25th, 2015 at 09:26pm
  • Wow finally Emily shows up. After 10 years. And I never really realized until John said it, but he wasn't the only one she left. She did have friends so I really want to hear her side of the story. What makes someone get up and leave everything behind?

    And how is Dakota feeling about all this? She's been with John for 4 years and she knew when she first got with him that he still had feelings for Emily.

    How are the kids going to take finally meeting Emily as well? Ahh just so many questions.
    April 25th, 2015 at 08:43pm
  • “Dakota, this is Emily. The woman who ditched her kids when they were just babies.”

    “Like fuck are they your kids!”
    YOU TELL HER, MAN! Seriously, who does she think she is?!?!?!? She just gave birth to them, she has no right to be called "mother".

    I said Dakota was awesome, what a woman...

    I had previously expressed that I believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason. So, even that it sucked big time that Emily left, John had to raise the kids by himself in order to be a better man. Also, even if he had met Dakota before, he could only be with her after changing his old ways and being in a better state of mind, you know?

    I still think Emily is a cruel bitch, good luck at softening my heart.
    April 25th, 2015 at 07:21pm
  • maybe my sixth sense is all wrong, but dakota seems kinda fishy to me, she´s way to perfect you know what I mean, and their relationship seems kinda forced, I feel like john was just tired of being alone and thats why he settled with her. I actually ship him more with halvo rather than her:)
    and emily...yeah what she did was sooooo wrong, but I just can´t hate her, I feel like she just belongs with john. I don´t know why but i´m guessing the reason she left was a health issue....
    good story btw and sorry for the rant, but it´s raining and I got nothing better to do.
    April 25th, 2015 at 06:38pm