You're My Mission - Comments

  • I'm wondering if he's covering up his insecurity and fear not only from her, but him himself. Like, if he doesn't look at it, it's not there. I mean, I could just be looking too deeply into it, but I have a feeling he's not as put-back-together as he's pretending and that somewhere down the track, he's going to fall apart. Which will be scary for both of them.

    As to their relationship, romantic or not, I think it's sweet, but I'm also waiting for something bad to happen - don't know why, it could be relatively smooth sailing from here but lets be honest, he's the Winter Soldier, Hydra's not just going to let him run off and have a happy life. It'd be nice if they did though haha.

    I could only find one thing wrong and it was when he's stepping into Sam's place. You used 'past' when it should be 'passed'. Nothing major, but thought I should let you know Very Happy

    I'm really enjoying where you're taking this story and I can't wait for more!
    May 8th, 2015 at 02:00am
  • Love love this update! Bucky and her relationship is sooo cute! By how he's scared to move forward with a romantic relationship with her and doesn't want to kiss her quite yet because his fear of not really being the old Bucky. Can't wait for the next update and figure out where their relationship goes!
    May 3rd, 2015 at 03:25am
  • BUT HIS HAIR OMG NO! How could you cut it all off? *mourns for the loss*

    Bucky choosing to confide in her instead of Steve is a seriously big step, whether in the right direction or not is yet to be seen however. I think he's starting to piece everything together - and he's confused and conflicted by what he's remembering and what he's lost of himself.
    I think him acknowledging that he's not the same Bucky anymore and that he can't go back to being that man is a great direction to take it. No one really addresses how conflicted he would be with suddenly knowing who he was and how different he is now. So good job on that. Him understanding what Steve is trying to do is also good news, and bad. Steve's trying to get his friend back, but that friend died a long time ago - Steve might have to accept that and learn to care for the man that came out of that death.

    As to the kiss - or near kiss - he's scared. And I don't think he's scared of her, or that being with her wouldn't work. I think he's scared it will work and she'll end up hurt because of him - which shows he cares a whole hell of a lot more than if he'd allowed the kiss. He doesn't want to risk anyone using her against him, or him against her. Which shows great understanding, and good development of his now 'free' self. I really want to see how those walls get broken down - if he lets her in or if he keeps her out. I think that's going to be really interesting to see.

    I loved this, and I'm glad you put in the warning from him, the conflict, instead of having them kiss and going straight to happily ever after.

    Can't wait for more :D
    May 3rd, 2015 at 02:25am
  • I loved this update! I love getting inside her relationship with Fury and her thoughts of him. Also, it was nice to be reminded that she is an Agent. With all her struggle of her feelings towards Bucky has kind of set that she was an Agent on the back burner for a little, but not it's good to see her back in that role of an Agent and her internal battle of feelings when she learned Fury wanted her to put an end to Bucky after she "captured" him from Hydra! Ughhh! I want more already! Can't wait for the next update!!! :)
    April 28th, 2015 at 06:36pm
  • Holding updates ransom for comments, you fiend Grr

    This story, how you've written Bucky, it's depressing. You've written him so well - he really is lost and broken and scared, scared because he doesn't know how to be anything but what Hydra created him to be. He's in a whole new world that's changed around him and he's supposed to be a part of it - it must be so freaking frightening for him, and that's heartbreaking. Especially knowing that he's remembering all these things that were taking away from him, he's lost so damned much and because of Hydra, he can't change that. You get that across every time you write him and the interactions with him. He needs a hug, but in all honesty, a hug would probably look like an attack to him - there would be no comfort found in it, not at first.

    As to Fury, his priorities always get on my nerves haha Steve was right to shut him down and take a stand. Fury means well but I think he loses sightoh-ho of what he thinks is best and what actually is.

    I love this story and I love the way you've written and the depth you manage to get into each chapter without it droning on and on or being full of details that are better felt than read. So very good job. Much envy.

    More soon please and thank you :D
    April 28th, 2015 at 04:12pm
  • I love Stark and I think you captured him to his fullest! :) I enjoyed this update! And love how was quick to take his hand ;) Can't wait for the next update!!! :)
    April 22nd, 2015 at 03:36pm
  • Better get used to the "lost puppy" Jennifer, he seems to like you tehe

    I love how you've written Tony, he's a little bit out there but he's willing to help - even if it benefits him more so haha. He'd love being able to see the new technology, discover something he hasn't thought of, maybe better it. A guy like that loves learning, and the mystery that is Bucky is sure to intrigue him.

    And Bucky trusting her, accepting the comfort she offered, is a great step towards being less of a brainwashed assassin.

    Loved the update and can't wait for the next one :D
    April 22nd, 2015 at 09:06am
  • Hahaha enjoyed the fact that Steve was ready to fight right then and there. And yayyyyy for them reuniting! Ready for the next update now! But take your time lol. No rush!
    April 17th, 2015 at 05:11am
  • The bro is strong with those two tehe

    Them in the closet made me laugh, especially when Steve opens the door, I can just picture the look on his face and it cracks me up. Classic. "The newest form of assassin-ry." lmfao

    I loved how you had Steve on edge, unsure of her when he recognized her, and how he slowly came around one he realized she was no threat, that she was helping Bucky and that Bucky was hiding in the closet tehe Too many people are all "Oh hey, best friends now yay!" and ignore the fact that the people had been on opposite sides of the fence.

    As to Bucky being so hesitant about what he remembers, unsure if he should trust the memories or not - brilliant. I really loved that touch and attention to detail.

    I love this story. You must update tehe
    Please and thank you :D
    April 16th, 2015 at 11:09am
  • I think, if he gets any cuter, I'm going to die. Arms

    I just read all of this like a giant stalker and I'm just here like "AHHHH!" *makes squawking noises and flaps arms*

    I love the bond you've created between them, the foundation of trust they have. Him going to her when the shit had hit the fan shows just how dependent of her he is, and how much he trusts her opinion and abilities. He feels safe enough around her to go to her when in danger - even though he didn't know she was SHIELD or that she wouldn't just turn him in or try to kill him. I really like the way you've set them up together.

    And I really like how you've made him vulnerable, but not weak - a common mistake when people try to write characters like Bucky. He's unsure and he's cautious, but he's still able to think for himself and trust to an extent. I'm interested to see how you'll further develop not only Bucky, but the relationship between them both.

    And yay, Peggy Cute broke my heart when I watched that scene Sad

    I really loved this and I can't wait for more :D

    Also, also, topless Bucky. tehe
    April 15th, 2015 at 03:32pm
  • This is sooo good. Can't wait for the next one!
    April 11th, 2015 at 03:11pm
  • Awwwww! I love how their relationship is developing! Gives a sense of Bucky starting to full trust her. Though I don't see why he wouldn't since he came for her help to begin with! Can't wait until Steve is reunited with his best friend who actually remembers who he really is!:)
    April 11th, 2015 at 02:35am
  • You can never update a story too fast! I absolutely love this story :)
    April 8th, 2015 at 01:37am
  • I know I'm late on this! But I'm loving this so much! And I don't think it's going too fast! It's going perfect with your plot! Can't wait for more!!!!! :)
    April 7th, 2015 at 04:27pm
  • Ahhh!! You're bringing Peggy into this! I can't wait to find out how she reacts to seeing Bucky. I've always wondered how that conversation would go. Oh, and you're giving me so many Post-TWS Bucky feels right now. Ugh. Love this story. Swoon In Love
    April 7th, 2015 at 02:16pm
  • I liked this story a lot, it’s almost like Captain American which I love because he’s my huntey. If it’s totally based on CA I’ll die. Anyways, I loved everything in here, the layout/banner, everything that’s what I like. I’ll just stop it at that!
    April 1st, 2015 at 12:20am
  • Poor Bucky.... But I can't wait for getting away from the movie plot! Can't wait to see what you have in store from there! :)
    March 29th, 2015 at 05:06am
  • Bucky is sure fine and can distract me from my mission any day. ;) hahaha. Really loved this chapter! Can't wait to see where it goes from here! :)
    March 24th, 2015 at 05:01am
  • Oooh, she's undercover?! I totally didn't see that coming at all! I can't wait to see where you're taking this once you've played out the events of the movie!
    March 23rd, 2015 at 10:05pm
  • Ahem alright here we go.

    I know nothing of marvel or captain america but I'm going to say that this story is very well put together so far. I actually easily got into it and I'm already loving it. I've gone ahead and subscribed I can't wait to see what else happens with this story.
    March 23rd, 2015 at 05:57pm