Sorry, We're Dead. - Comments


    This is marvelous and there is only the first chapter to read which is the introduction of the story. But it's so good and there isn't a single part that I don't love and adore.

    Hands down the most original, original fiction about zombies I have come across. I love the narrator's witty and sarcastic tone. WTF. The zombies can talk!?

    My favorite part of this whole chapter is the last line:
    " I'll show you, but only if you have the stomach – Hold on to that, Someone might try to eat it."

    I cannot wait for more! I'm so pumped for this story.
    April 4th, 2015 at 07:16pm
  • Holy shit. 0_0 This story. Stevie, I love the description of how the world within this story is going to hell and the witty sarcasm of the narrator. I'm so waiting in anticipation for the next chapter (wen you can and want to post it obviously. tehe)
    April 4th, 2015 at 01:28pm
  • @ discoveringclouds

    That's perfectly fine, That's why I put it there. I know the subject is not actually funny, nor should it be, However I felt like challenging the normal with this story and I am a fan of morbid hilarity myself. I am purely writing this for myself in the hopes that other's may be interested in the darker side of humanity, that is all. I didn't plan on romanticizing it at all, it shouldn't be, although I do such things in my other stories. I recommend that you avoid those as well due to your preferences (I am a very dark writer - I tend to write from my own mental issues, hence why my stuff is rather dark and unappealing to most).

    I honestly don't think my writing has the power to do such things, but then again, You never know with others - Hence the disclaimer, I thought it best to warn people about the contents as they will be quite different to what you normally see in stories on this website.

    Oh I know, That's why I enjoyed DBZ, It didn't sugar coat anything, and was a quite depressing series despite it's often comedic additions.

    Take care yourself, I hope you find something more to your liking - Not everyone on here is a nutjob like me, haha.
    April 1st, 2015 at 01:36pm
  • Hi,

    I was about to read your story...and then your disclaimer put me off. So thank you, I won't be reading because I personally believe that death/maiming and psychotic behavior should never be considered funny. One reason may be that I don't want to romanticize could *potentially* encourage people to think this stuff is funny or interesting and they become all sadistic and go psycho serial killer or run off to join a crazy cult.

    Even in DBZ it was considered serious sad/depressing stuff.

    Anyways, again, thanks for the disclaimer.

    Take care.
    April 1st, 2015 at 01:28pm