Dirty Little Secrets - Comments

  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    This story has a lot of potential but I know you have already been doused with the fact that their are spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and tense mistakes. Now, I really love the idea of messing up the lives of all of these relationships and I think I'm the most excited for Lucky. Joseph seems so dorky but in a cute way that makes me want to die and Brook makes me want to give him the biggest hug in the world. I would slap Tristan and Joseph is really sweet so I really don't wanna see Luke fuck up. I would love to see more.

    Note: If you would like someone to proofread your chapters and help fix your mistakes, I would love to help. When I first started writing, my chapters were beyond terrible but I had someone eventuality proof them and I became a better writer in the process. Just message me if you are interested.
    June 16th, 2015 at 05:07pm
  • PoeticMess.

    PoeticMess. (150)

    United States
    Hey, I saw this on the comment thingy. Thought it'd be worth a read. :) The first thing I noticed is the grammatical and tense errors. Right off the bat there's some stuff that threw me off: "Don't lie I know you love me, I'm mean who wouldn't" I laughed, In this, there needs to be a comma and a period. Comma after "Don't lie" and a period at the end of the speech, before the quotation mark. There always needs to be some kind of punctuation after the speech (every time). If there's a speech tag such as "I said", "I laughed", etc, then there's a comma, but since this character's laughing is due to the pillow being thrown at him and not how he said the words, there should be a period (which means you should take out the comma after "I laughed").

    as luke throwed another pillow at me, hitting me smack in the face. "Throwed" is not a word. It would be threw for the past tense. Teasing him was my favourite thing to do, I loves it when he gets all frustrated and angry with himself. Also, "loves" isn't the correct tense either. Since it's "I", it would be "love" instead. (But also, be careful because those sentences are in two different tenses. Past tense and present, so you might want to rewrite them so they're both in past. I.e- use "I loved it when he got all frustrated")

    In the second chapter, it's basically the same things. "Thru" is not really a word. "Through" is the correct version. "Thru" makes me think of a "Drive-thru" and even then it's not technically correct. You also want to make sure that Brook's dialogue is clear. Since she's basically talking to herself, it can get a little wonky.

    And for the self harm. Just be careful how you portray it. Personally, I won't read stories with self-harm in them because I don't like it, but if you want to feature that, make sure you write it maturely and accurately and don't just throw it in there with no repercussions. Self-harm is a major theme. If it doesn't play a part in your story, it shouldn't be there.

    Basically, just clean up the spelling/grammar and try to put more details in. Where they are, what they're doing. Everything can be written out like the readers are watching it happen. (What are they sitting on, what do they feel when they move, what does the room look like? These are all questions that need to be addressed while you're writing. It'll make it more vivid.)
    June 12th, 2015 at 10:42pm
  • hangsang.

    hangsang. (210)

    First thing's first: I can relate to your summary on a spiritual level. The best thing to do is fuck up fictional characters' lives, haha.

    You definitely need to go back and revise your first chapter. There were a lot of grammar, spelling, and tense mistakes that needed to be changed. It did kind of deter me from the story itself, just because my mind kept pointing them out so I had to go back and read the passage over. I would've loved more description on Joseph and Luke's personalities and appearances. Perhaps more of a description of where they are? When reading a story, most like to feel that they are actually there, watching everything unfold.

    I stopped halfway through the second chapter due to unexpected mentions of self-harm. At the beginning of the story, I believe there should be some sort of trigger warning to tell your readers that triggering material may be involved.

    All-in-all, I see so much potential for this story and I wish you the best of luck writing it!
    June 12th, 2015 at 10:05pm
  • Mr.Sunshine

    Mr.Sunshine (100)

    Loving it! More soon okay?
    May 29th, 2015 at 01:16pm
  • gayboy101

    gayboy101 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ A. J.
    Aha, thanks ;)
    April 30th, 2015 at 05:43pm
  • A. J.

    A. J. (100)

    United States
    I fricken LOVE your summary!!!! Will get to reading this soon.

    PS. you have excellent taste in character's looks!
    April 29th, 2015 at 08:03pm