Lifeline 2.0 - Comments

  • Jacoby Shaddix soaked to the bone I'm liking this visual. I'm also liking the appearances of the firemen great job in the details. :)
    November 12th, 2015 at 06:54am
  • The detail you use in this story is awesome and I like the idea behind it as well, I noticed a few mistakes as I read through but nothing that stopped me reading. Good job with this :)
    November 2nd, 2015 at 02:40pm
  • so far this one its a lot more detailed
    October 22nd, 2015 at 11:12pm
  • Prologue: This line “…actually how she actually felt.” Is really awkward to read. Take out one of the actually’s and it’ll be better. Also I noticed a lot of little things like ‘She would changed the subject on me…’ you don’t need the ‘d’ on changed because of the ‘would’ in front of it… you don’t need the words ‘on me’ either because it’s implied.
    Ch. 1: ‘…I already told you this seventeen times already.’ Really watch those repeated words in the same sentence like that. You have this issue of switching between past and present tense during dialogue. Like ‘…she state’ rather than ‘…she stated.’
    As I read this, I do remember your first story (I can't remember if I commented but I did read it during my down time in school.) I love the idea and the bands you are bringing to life in this, but there’s a lot of grammar issues. I use Microsoft Word, so spell check/grammar check catches a lot of my errors (My writing might be illegible if it wasn’t for word) I suggest using the free version Word online or using Google Docs for the checkers like that. Maybe even find an online editing website so you can avoid writing that’s hard to read and showcase this wonderful idea you have here. You do have beautiful descriptions with Kiki’s mustang and the scar on your Trinity's face. Even your phrasing of the drunk mom’s dialogue is well done (not many people can pull off spelling out drunken dialogue like that). Just be careful of your tenses because things like that get the best of us.

    Good luck with this, and sorry it took me so long to get to this comment from my give-away.
    October 12th, 2015 at 05:37pm
  • @ Skullchic
    Yeah? Which version are you liking more so far?
    October 12th, 2015 at 02:22am
  • I still remember reading the original version of this story a few years ago
    October 10th, 2015 at 11:21pm
  • All the sadness :( great job as usual though! Loved the chapter! Can't wait for more! hopefully the next chapter will be a bit more cheerful for Trinity. :D updaaaaate!
    September 30th, 2015 at 03:18am
  • Loved, loved, loved, LOVED it! It all sounds like a dream come true until the end. I can't wait to see who finds this mysterious belonging and to see what happens because of it :3 Update soon ladeh!
    September 24th, 2015 at 03:57am
  • Loved, loved, loved, LOVED it! It all sounds like a dream come true until the end. I can't wait to see who finds this mysterious belonging and to see what happens because of it :3 Update soon ladeh!
    September 23rd, 2015 at 11:47pm
  • Loved the update! I feel this story revamp is coming along swimmingly! Great job on all you've accomplished with this thus far. :D Can't wait for another update! Keep em coming!
    September 3rd, 2015 at 08:36am
  • Ah, the introduction of the beautiful Avenged Sevenfold and the sweet introduction of Motley Crue. You have nailed Vince Neil down to a T my friend that's what happens when you read the autobiographies and you know your stuff. Nicely done and I'm excited for some up-coming chapters.
    September 3rd, 2015 at 08:02am
  • I always enjoy when a chapter leaves me speechless. This was a very excellent opener, very descriptive, and a perfect set up to introduce the characters of Trinity and Kiki. I really cannot wait for the up-coming chapters.
    August 25th, 2015 at 09:27am
  • I love the idea of revamping this story! I've been wanting you to finish it for what seems like a lifetime now, but I'm just glad to see you come back to it. :) I can't wait to see what lies ahead and to experience the journey all over again!
    May 25th, 2015 at 07:11am
  • @ hellz_belle
    Thank you soo much! :3 To be honest, I had to look at places in Wisconsin you've visited to see where the hell to put it! It's sad and creepy I know, but was very much needed! I am in the process of working on the first chapter!
    May 25th, 2015 at 06:19am
  • Now THIS is very impressive!
    A revamp of a story that never quite fully got to blossom but I believe that with this new beginning it's going to be truly amazing. I love how you put Columbus in there. It's an area I know and love especially for all the ideal places where they could have a kick ass concert. I love how while this prologue was so short and sweet that it was enough to set the ball rolling for something truly magical.
    Great job!
    May 25th, 2015 at 06:16am