Theory of a Dead Girl - Comments

  • PoeticMess.

    PoeticMess. (150)

    United States
    The all white layout is very reminiscent of hospitals and death, which is a really cool contrast to the summary. People really only talk about how someone "lived" once they'd died, and that ties in nice with the layout.

    In the first paragraph of the first chapter, you talk about Paige in past tense, "never had", "was okay", etc. But in the third paragraph, it switches to present tense, "Has always", "goes on and on". Then you switch back to past. I would just switch it all to past to keep the tone cohesive.

    The first chapter gives us a lot of information about both of the girls. We don't figure out Lyric's gender or name until more towards the end, but we know a lot about her personality. He's hesitant, but Paige is losing herself in the world. It's a cool dynamic.

    I was surprised when it switched POV (I think), but Thomas's POV is really interesting. He's going through a quick succession of things he misses and then gets stuck on Paige. It becomes more real then. Not just snapshots of things, but him with her. The tone changes though. It goes from less "magic' and airy, to hurt.

    I was confused when they started talking about the graduation party. Was Thomas there? I thought this was his POV? Suddenly it's Paige and Lyric? (EDIT: I think that the chapter title is called Thomas and it's all in Lyric's POV. The title paired with how romantic the beginning is made me think that it's a boy reminiscing on her. Whoops).

    I got confused and now I don't know. I had to reread the second chapter so I could digest it as Lyric's POV instead!
    June 17th, 2016 at 06:06am