Bisig - Comments

  • this feeling of longing is expressed through the whole piece & i can't even begin to explain the truth or overburdening repetition of lies people tell ex 'pain dulls w/ time...' as the nostalgic hue of what you're actually feeling once looking back on a lively presence is definitely something that time can't heal. amazing choice of wording
    July 8th, 2015 at 01:19am
  • The emotion you've managed to pull out of me from this one isn't what I want to be feeling, but that speaks to you as a writer. The description, the thought process, the emotion, everything about this drabble pulls at my heartstrings. From beginning to end you've created something that is honestly perfection.

    That last line though... That last line is the kicker for me. You aren't quite saying that you want that person, as much as you are saying that you want the comfort they offer. And that means so much to me.

    Amazing job, recommended for sure.
    July 2nd, 2015 at 04:39pm
  • Your drabbles always make me so jealous Hand

    Your descriptions are gorgeous and you can tell an entire story in such a small amount of words. You also add a lot of emotion, which I like, but it isn't in a super obvious way that makes it seem like you were trying to make it super emotional. If that makes sense.

    It's just simple and nice and emotional and I loved it tehe
    June 22nd, 2015 at 11:11am