Mitchum and Me - Comments

  • I've read this story a couple times and have never left a comment. I'm terrible Facepalm

    You already know I adore your stories and this one is no exception. I love how short the chapters are and how they just give little snapshots of what's going on. Non-linear stories are my favourite and you write them super duper well. I love Callux's attitude, I feel like if I knew him in real life I'd just roll my eyes at him constantly XD and the differences between him and Janiya are great. The chapter where he's wasted and she's going to church really highlighted how different they actually are and I love that.

    I'm really excited to see how the relationship with Callux and Janiya goes, and if Mitchum is gonna be a part of it at all. I really love the characters so far and I can't wait til you update, girl! tehe
    June 16th, 2016 at 02:44am
  • I like your story a lot. I like the way you describe Callux looking at Janiya, its like pure poetry. I like the way you jump back and forth between the past and the present. I think it's a brilliant way to get some insight about Callux through his therapy sessions
    March 24th, 2016 at 10:38pm

    You already know I love your stories. And I really don't know why I haven't been keeping up with this one! Cause damn. I'm so intrigued by this. I love how it goes between the therapy sessions and then the actual heart of the story. Stories written that way always grab my attention and make me want to know what all happened.

    The way you described Callux looking at Janiya in the beginning...I loved the words you used and the repetition of "looking at her hurt." Callux comes off as such an asshole lmfao but i want to keep reading about him anyway. Which is the mark of a truly great writer. Props to you Sam.
    March 15th, 2016 at 07:56am
  • FINALLY GETTING AROUND TO THAT COMMENT FOR YOUR PRIZE omg I'm terrible. But here I am. I read some of this already, I believe, and I loved it so far, so I'll start on chapter 3.

    First of all, I love love love Janiya. And I love the juxtaposition of Callux's situation and Janiya's. He's wasted af and she's going to church. That's so cute.

    Tbh I really like Mitchum. I want him. I love that last line that Callux says. He thinks he's so funny, doesn't he?

    I think I need to go back to the beginning of this story because I think I forgot some of it, so I'm confused. But nonetheless, I love brotherly love. And tbh I lowkey ship Jan with Mitchum more than I do Callux. I think it's probably ciuz Mitchum seems so much sweeter and Callux is a butthole idk. Maybe he'll grow on me.

    Oooo what the heck happened? Why did he want to lie about how hard it was to live with the rents? Drama...

    Ha of course he's terrible with women. I think "mom and I's conversation" is supposed to be worded differently. It might be "my" instead of "I" but I'm not entirely sure. It just sounds weird with the "I"...

    Janiya should marry rich (i.e into the Berumen's like her friend suggested earlier) to get into some great ass schools. Git that cash, girlfriend!


    Is the past stuff them on a date? And them talking? Am I finally getting it, since I forgot the context (my b, I'll go back later and read properly)? Because that's actually really cute. I wonder what happened.


    A GAMBLING PROBLEM OMG. No wonder Callux hates his dad! Everything is unfolding and I'm loving it.

    I love this. I love everything you write tbh but this is just so cute. I get why you're so proud of it. The way you're writing this with the past and present and revealing tiny bits of info along the way is brilliant. I can't wait to read more Cute
    March 15th, 2016 at 07:26am
  • Summary/Layout:
    I adore your layout (well, all your layouts, really), but I think this one really captures the feel of the story.
    I love the little scene you put in for the summary. The last sentence made me laugh and you already show a lot of characterization with just that little bit.

    Wow, Callux seems like a jerk, I mean, I understand people have preferences, but damn. Rude. It makes me wonder if something happened between them.
    I love Janiya's bit, it gives insight on what's more important to her and shows that she doesn't give a damn how Callum is looking at her.

    I loved your description from Callum's bit while he was thinking about Janiya.

    Prologue: Past:
    The image you create is amazing and I love the way of words you have. Everything flows together really well thus far and I'm excited to keep reading.

    Chapter One:
    Ah, so both Callux and Janiya's parents are trying to hook them up? Or rather not hook them up, but see them dating other people? I think that's what I'm getting from this.

    I do really love the description you put into this, even though the chapters are short.

    Chapter One: Past:
    Geez, Callum really is a dick. It's good the shrink doesn't take any of his bullcrap though.

    Chapter Two:
    Well, that first meeting was hugely awkward. I hate being in situations like that, honestly. I loved Janiya's reaction, though!

    Chapter Two: Past
    Oh snap.

    Chapter Three:
    Once again, I laughed at the little bit from Callux. He's such a jerk, but I can tell there's a depth to him, plus he's sarcastic.

    Chapter Three: Past:
    This is my favorite chapter. I know it's what was used as the summary, but there's just something I really like about it.

    Chapter Four:
    “And that’s why you'll be the family’s hope and joy after I fuck things up.” I loved this so much.
    I wonder if Janiya has feelings for Callux? Or maybe she at least wants to be friends with him? I could be wrong about both of these things and she actually doesn't like him, though. In which case, oops.

    Chapter Four: Past:
    I wonder if there's jealousy from Callux to Mitchum. I feel like it is because Mitchum is successful in school and his home life was good- or at least better than Callux's.

    I really love what you've got so far. Everything flows super well and I didn't notice a single mistake. I'm definitely subscribing and recommending! Well doneCute
    January 9th, 2016 at 04:56am
  • I just binge read this and holy crap it's one of the best things I've ever read on here! You do such a fantastic job with portraying emotion in so few words it makes me kind of jealous! I love Callux, and I can't wait to see what is in store for both Janiya and Callux and his brother!

    I really can't begin to express how much I love this. Please, update soon!
    January 7th, 2016 at 07:28am
  • I can't wait to see how the past intertwines with the present.

    Also, I like how you're somehow able to express tone without using much description, or any at all. I seriously don't know how you do it. Either that, I'm completely bonkers and am just interpreting it how I think it goes.

    Keep up the good work Smile

    Thanks for the shout out tehe
    January 4th, 2016 at 02:18am
  • I'm actually subscribed to this! Now I'm even more excited.

    I absolutely love the summary. It's very inviting.

    Prologue: The set up of this is wonderful. I love the descriptions you use when it's Callux, they're quite blunt, and I honestly wasn't expecting it. With Janiya, holy hell that was such a great turn. The last sentence really resonates with me because I too have found myself asking the same question once upon a time.

    Prologue past: Holy hell I am in love with this. It's so short, but it packs such a punch, and you leave it off at such a great spot.

    One: I seriously can't think of a single thing to say other than Callux and Janiya are currently playing tug-of-war to decide who my favorite is.

    I can say that I'm loving the way you're telling this story.

    One past: Again I love the set up of this story. It swings back and forth effortlessly, although I am curious as to the connection, just as much so as I am excited to find out what that really is.

    Two: "A giggle not worthy of a ripe fruit." - I am strangely in love with this line.

    Janyia's busy saying oh my god and I'm busy saying holy crap! This is so good. I'm already bowing down to you.

    I actually read all of it and I'm still just blown away by how much I love this. I truly think you've put a lot of thought into it, and that you're slowly going about tying together the strings so when it's finally finished it makes a pretty little package to be set off to a publisher because this is just incredible.

    Honestly, I can't rave enough about this. I can't wait to see where this goes. Keep going with it!
    January 2nd, 2016 at 09:25am
  • Hey hey! I love this, like, really. I didn't know if you knew this, but your layouts are beautiful by the way! Anyways, I like your original stories, I'm trying to write's definitely not as good as yours!!! Update pwease ??
    December 11th, 2015 at 11:11pm
  • Good story! Sometimes I have to go back and read it again, just to see what's going on, but I like that. I haven't read a story where I had to do that before, and that makes this very exciting! Great work! Can't wait for an update!
    December 10th, 2015 at 01:21am
  • I want Mitchum. Can I have Mitchum? Lick
    November 13th, 2015 at 06:59am
    also this layout is perfect, but what's new tehe
    August 5th, 2015 at 04:40am