Bone & Marrow - Comments

  • I have returned again after binge-reading the last eleven updates I missed. This story drives me crazy haha in a good way of course. I think I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again. I absolutely love your writing style, it always keeps the tension, and even in the calm moments, you're just waiting for something to happen, and it keeps the story very realistic. Many stories foreshadow things too much and make it obvious when a character is going to be killed off, but with the careful planning and abruptness of your stories, it reminds the reader of real life, that at any given moment, something could happen, and if it doesn't, consider yourself blessed.
    James returned! Hahaha I lost it in silent excitement because I originally thought they'd all make it to Maine, and maybe one would return to fetch the rest of them and take them there instead of living at the manor. It's a nice turn of events, and the way he revealed the death of the others fills the reader with a unique sense of dread as it slowly sets in, and you remember how unique and lovable those characters were, and then it clicks that they're gone. And the insane suspense of the birth scene! I was freaking out, trying to figure out if Brittany would die, or if they'd lose the baby, or if the werewolves would tear down the front door and kill everyone. It was suspenseful with a wonderful ending that invokes deep thought in the reader, and really makes me wonder how the experience will be for Audrey and I have this nagging feeling she might lose hers, just because of the small bit of foreshadowing with her thinking about how terrified she was after Brittany had Lily. I am so psyched to read the next update and to find out what lies ahead for the group. You are such a talented author! And congratulations on the baby! Mr. Green
    May 28th, 2016 at 02:19am
  • @ lleaveitalltome

    Thank you for the kind comment! And you're so observant and stinkin' smart. I actually bring that up in the next chapter. I'm super pumped about getting that posted.
    May 4th, 2016 at 05:03am
  • Apparently emojis cause the rest of your comment to disappear...

    My only curiosity is how none of them seemed to wonder what may have come of the runners, since that means they fed recently and they attacked so closely after the other groups departure...
    May 3rd, 2016 at 08:09am
  • I'm finally caught up! You're writing is amazing. And I can't help but hope for Daniel to somehow disappear and for James to take his spot.
    May 3rd, 2016 at 08:07am
  • Congratulations on the baby! Enjoy that stage because before you know it, you'll blink and he'll be a toddler. I miss the newborn stage :) enjoy those baby snuggles

    Now you are an evil woman with your heart wrenching cliff hanger. I love your story and your characters. Daniel is nice but to me he doesn't have the strength needed to save them all which is why I liked James. He's strong and he could have saved them all. I like him with Audrey not Daniel so it broke my heart a little that you had him leave. Still love the story all the same :) looking forward to your next chapter.
    April 16th, 2016 at 10:13pm
  • Congratulations on your son! Such a healthy weight. It'll get easier. Having a newborn is rough. But so worth it.
    April 4th, 2016 at 07:44pm
  • Ohhh shit. Update soon!
    March 8th, 2016 at 07:14am
  • Just finished after starting at the beginning a day and a half ago hahaha, so much nostalgia in some parts of this but also loving the differences and how its not exactly the same as the older version! Looking forward to seeing how this pans out :)
    March 6th, 2016 at 06:16pm
  • I dunno why, but this entire story, I've imagined James looking like Mikey Way from My Chemical Romance haha
    When I write, I typically end a chapter anywhere between 10-20 pages. Depending on the content. Like if it's a gunfight of some sort, I let it drag out because there's more action. But if it's just twenty pages of a couple cuddling, that gets boring fast haha. I think ten or fifteen is usually my normal chapter length.
    My first thoughts on the giant dog, was if it was one of the animal mutations that were mentioned earlier as test subjects. That'd definitely change things a bit if they had to watch their backs for more than just zombies.
    I like how sarcastic Audrey is towards Bridgette. It's like letting out your own anger and annoyance towards her just by reading the snide comments she makes haha. Can't wait for the next update!
    February 2nd, 2016 at 07:01am
  • Ooooh what an exciting turn the story has taken hahaha Mr. Green Bridgette and her mother seem like a shit load of trouble and a couple pain in the asses. I'm looking forward to the time when Audrey finally blows her top and goes off on the both of them haha.
    You could really feel the hurt in Audrey's narration when she gets stuck awkwardly in the bathroom with James and Bridgette, and all I could think was ouch... I really did like Daniel with Audrey during the first book, and the first chapters of this one, but that ass sent her, pregnant! Out into the wilderness on her own, therefor, forgiven or not, he's still an ass to me haha, and James is, too, for not showing up to take care of her. Agghhhh this is the first story in a long time to make me yell at my computer screen in frustration hahahaha. Epic writing, I'm super psyched for the new update!
    January 29th, 2016 at 05:10am
  • Ughhhh I'm so mad I missed these updates! So I've been reading nonstop for the last six hours, trying to get caught up. I just read chapter 17.... And I must say, you wrote it so incredibly. The way it's written, makes the reader really wonder what it could be on the other side of the door. And nothing really clicks until Audrey confronts Kora's father, and then it's like a legitimate freak out moment, because you realize they were never really safe, they never escaped the kidnappers, they ended up where they were meant to be anyways, and it's very chilling and disheartening, and makes you second guess every sentence you read. I would really love to see this story published! There is never a dull moment, you're always wondering, and on the edge of your seat reading, because little things always point in the direction of tragedy. And it's so realistic! You're definitely right! Little to no zombie stories involve the struggle with diseases. Like, on The Walking Dead, there was one diabetic character, but she only lived for a third of the episode, and you never found out what might've happened, or how hard it is to live without your medicine/insulin. Also! Daniel kicking her out was very unexpected! It was really unique to read, though, seeing Audrey conform to being alone, and then she ends up at the manor again, and almost seems like she does not fit in anymore. I am sooo excited to keep reading the last few chapters I have, and I'm looking forward to future ones! This story is glorious and perfect beyond words. Mr. Green
    January 28th, 2016 at 12:41am
  • I'm in Pennsylvania too and it's insane here.
    January 24th, 2016 at 09:19pm
  • i know, i know. my last comment was 3 months ago.
    But i'm still here. I've been a silent reader for a while.
    i just wanted to let you know that i'm stil reading and loving it, and i kinda like Helen and Bridgette (i'm probably the only one) even though they are annoying and i want to punch them (i think not the only one), haha.
    Lately i also started thinking that something is seriously off with Hector.
    Cory is still Amazing, loved him in the last chapter.
    And i'm still rooting for James but Daniel is very likeable in this version.
    But where the hell is Brittany? Junior was mentioned a few chapters back but again where is Brittany?
    January 5th, 2016 at 05:17pm
  • This chapter hit me so hard in the gut
    January 5th, 2016 at 04:05am
  • I love this story! I binged read the first part and it was amazing. Not overly cliche and really good and same with the second part. I love James the most. He's a well thought out character and very real I love him. Can't wait for another update
    December 28th, 2015 at 05:05pm
  • Whoop whoop! Oh how I love updates, great chapters dear. I can't wait to continue following their journey.
    December 23rd, 2015 at 09:32pm
  • Amazing story, I stumbled on the first part yesterday morning and just now finished the last chapter. It's one of those grippers that has me reading all the hours of my day away, and for that I thank you. Seriously a tremendous tale, you could honestly make a living off of being an author.
    December 10th, 2015 at 02:49pm
  • I feel bad for feeling how I do, but I'm a mixture of happy and sad that Audrey was kicked out. I've been wanting her to dump Daniel and go with James for a long time. So now that she is sorta with him I'm so happy. Saying that, I'm also sad that she was seperated from her family without much fight. But I'm sure you have it all under control and you'll do good with this story. It's already amazing! :) thank you.
    October 20th, 2015 at 05:57am
  • Finally I'm caught up! I was behind by 4 chapters! Wow! I was not expecting Daniel to turn so cold toward her :( Though I am liking how this story is moving :) Love it!
    October 9th, 2015 at 05:49am
  • What the .....
    Seriously? wow what a twist.
    i can't believe he kicked her out.
    can he even do that? I would think Kora had more autority than Daniel because it's her house
    Nobody even stood up for audrey except brittany. Damn they pissed me of.
    just wow.
    October 3rd, 2015 at 02:51pm