Growl Howl - Comments

  • Oldjane

    Oldjane (150)

    @ pocahontas.
    Arghhh thank you for noticing!! haha
    June 21st, 2016 at 06:05pm
  • pocahontas.

    pocahontas. (565)

    United States
    In review of this, I just noticed that you have two chapters of the same name: Chapter 9 Animagus and Chapter 25 Animagus.
    June 21st, 2016 at 05:16am
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    Wow, I really enjoyed reading this! I think you captured life at Hogwarts and the Wizarding World really well! I love how naturally the relationship between Blaire and Sirius grew. I especially love that she's Oliver's aunt. (I also snorted with laughter everytime Sirius was described as "barking" with laughter). I can't wait to get started on the sequel!
    March 8th, 2016 at 06:24pm
  • She Said Poptarts

    She Said Poptarts (150)

    Board Moderator
    (I probably could have edited my last comment but I wanted to make it 130 comments) tehe

    I throughly enjoyed this story!! It entertained me, and got me all excited and stuff. I especially loved when, after they became civil towards one another, Sirius jinxed Mallory green for Blaire in potions. That was beautiful and I giggled embarrassingly so.

    The way you portrayed the marauders was just... fantastic. There is no other way I expect them to be or act in school, and you captured exactly how I pictured them to be. Brilliant. My favorite scene was when they all had James's back with Lily, aka, making him look good before asking her out to the Bash.
    “The day that Evans says she’ll go out with me, we’ll know Padfoot has found his soul mate. My bet’s on Wood, though, not bloody Emmaline.”

    “Well here’s our chance, Prongs, Red alert.”

    James’ hand instinctively dove into his hair and ruffled it up. The four of them quickly bounced their heads to the end of the corridor, where shoes were clacking. Sure enough, a bright red blob was strolling and chattering sweetly to a girl from the year below. Whipping their heads back in place, the four of them straightened themselves.

    “Yeah, course I’ll help you with your Charms essay Pete. I’ve finished mine already.”

    “Oh thanks James,” Wormtail’s brows were fixed into a look of genuine appreciation. “Lucky we’re friends. I haven’t started yet.”

    Remus put on a desperate voice, “While you’re at it James, can you help me edit mine?”

    “Sure Moony, I’ll-,” James placed a caring hand on his friend’s shoulder, his words drifting off lazily.

    As Lily continued past them and down the corridor, the four of them watched her go. There was a moment of quiet before they wilted and acted like nothing at all had ever happened. Sirius dug back into another licorice wand, tearing pieces off to munch on. Then, the inevitable happened. James sprung up to his feet.

    “Hey Evans,” he called, hand numbly ruffling his hair.
    March 3rd, 2016 at 03:26am
  • She Said Poptarts

    She Said Poptarts (150)

    Board Moderator
    OH MY GOD. Okay, so I have no idea why I didn't give this a chance sooner, maybe because I was put off by seeing 'sequel' (I have a fear of original/fanfic sequels online) and by how many chapters there is to this fic.

    Anyways, the first chapter was great, I was immediately hooked by the last sentence; "And she was going to find out who." I was basically like 'omg yes!' I'm so in! The introduction of Blair was so good, I could see her itching to raise her hand to volunteer, and I loved it. The second chapter -“That’s Professor, to you Mr. Black. And I advise you not to challenge me to a duel, as I’d hate to escort your ego to the hospital wing,” // I died. OMG. That was beautiful, and so sassy. I love McGonagall. Clap

    So far I love your portrayal on McGonagall and Sirius (I just started chapter 4)! I'm definitely gonna stick around to finish reading this story. I'll be back with another comment! x

    p.s. I love the layout, it's so easy to read!
    March 1st, 2016 at 01:32pm
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    Loved the summary! I love the description of Sirius Black and how frustrated the narrator already seems to be with him. I think it's great you took time to add some character to your summary and make it fun to read.

    The first chapter was great. I thought it was a nice intro to Blaire (I especially loved the description of her in that first paragraph) and a great setup for the rest of the story. I love that you started off the story by giving us an idea of what the story will focus on (at least for the first few chapters).

    I think your description of Lily, Sirius, and James (and their relationship) was perfect. I think I smiled all through the second chapter. I really liked how McGonagall was written here as well. And I thought it was cute that the ever-studious Blaire found herself distracted/amused by Sirius's antics.

    I can't tell if McGonagall is matchmaking for education or romance, but either way I like it! I'm definitely subscribing and hopefully I'll be able to finish the story by the end of the weekend.

    I don't think I've read much HP fanfictions, but so far I love this one. I think your writing style is fantastic and you're creating characters that are all charming in their own way.
    February 14th, 2016 at 04:12am
  • elsa of northuldra

    elsa of northuldra (550)

    United States
    This is so great. I've only read the first two chapters but I'm in love and will definitely be reading more. Your writing is inspiring and perfect and just so amazing. Your description was so lovely, just as lovely as the layout. I really am enjoying this story so much.
    To be honest its the first HP fic I've ever read and soooo glad that this is my first. You wrote it so beautifully.
    February 10th, 2016 at 02:27am
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    I'm three chapters in and I am ALL ABOU THIS.
    February 1st, 2016 at 06:32am
  • hangsang.

    hangsang. (210)

    Okay, so I just finished this and, oh my god! I loved it so much! Your writing is beautiful and you created such beautiful imagery. At first I wasn't sure about the ending but now that I've read it over two more times, I'm absolutely in love with it!
    I'm definitely excited to read the other two you've got out thus far, so I'm going to go do that. Great job!Cute
    January 30th, 2016 at 03:37pm
  • hangsang.

    hangsang. (210)

    I love how you described Sirius. It looks like you've already got him down in terms of characterization and that made me so excited to read this and see what's to come!

    Chapter One:
    I love the mystery this first chapter provided. You really got to see what Blaire was all about and her seeing the dog/animagus. It definitely set up the story and that made me want to continue.

    Chapter Two:
    “That’s Professor, to you Mr. Black. And I advise you not to challenge me to a duel, as I’d hate to escort your ego to the hospital wing,” You captured McGonagall's take-no-shit attitude perfectly! I absolutely loved that line, oh my god.
    Hmm, the way he looked at her...

    Okay, I'm going to stop the comment there simply because I'm getting so into this story. I'm definitely excited to see what's to come! I didn't notice any mistakes and everything was very smooth. Well done!
    January 29th, 2016 at 12:32pm
  • Oldjane

    Oldjane (150)

    @ pocahontas.
    Thank you so so so much for the wonderful, comprehensive comment! I'm so amazed with you! Haha. I'm so glad you hosted the competition, otherwise I wouldn't have had so much fun writing this. :) Can't wait for Project Potter to be judged!
    January 15th, 2016 at 12:58pm
  • pocahontas.

    pocahontas. (565)

    United States
    Your layout is so lovely! The simple, and easy-to-read approach really brings focus to the image you've chosen for the banner. You've known for ages that I'm ecstatic about your entry. What excites me even more is that you've continued it beyond the contest - times TWO - so I'll definitely be reading both and subscribing to the third. Project Potter winners will be posted shortly!

    Chapter 1: "Motionless lumps" as a description already has me like "aye 10/10"... lmfao

    Chapter 2: The exchange between Sirius and McGonagall was absolute comedy; realistic, and true to what we've been told of both characters.

    Chapter 3: Cat mug for a cat animagus...nice touch! I can hear her voice in my head even. Through this I've noticed that you tend to split your paragraphs unnecessarily, but I can't object to more space between lines and your work is otherwise perfect in spelling and grammar.

    Chapter 4: Could someone be a turtle or cow animagus? That seems so wild; I can't imagine why anyone would want to haha Unique detailing you give~ // hanging limping by his chest. = limply?

    Chapter 5: I am most definitely enjoying this! I remember when you joined you posted a bunch of chapters super fast, so I'm glad to see you've gotten a whopping 100 subscribers!

    Chapter 6: I have a feeling I know who Ches is going to find as a date for Blaire hah What an ace friend // you finished = You

    Chapter 7: I can practically see Sirius rubbing his nose and smirking. Blaire is a naughty one. I love it. What house did you say she was in? Because that was mighty Slytherin of her I'd say.

    Chapter 8: But I suppose Sirius is equally so. What a bully!

    Chapter 9: Actually laughed out loud at "Did you want to bloody bathe me" and now my sister thinks I'm mad. The idea of human transfiguration is so interesting, especially in relation to animagi. Would they not be the same thing? Would one expose the other? Hm. Never thought about it so deeply until now.

    Chapter 10: The way you write James and Sirius together is a m a z i n g! You wrote that James and Blaire sat next to each other, Sirius across from them - but then that Sirius thumped James on the back...from across from him? It's such a small thing but I'm quite good at envisioning writing so it seemed just a tad off. I wonder what those two will be up to now. Hm. // each other something. = each other sometimes? // a bit too happy that it’s = and it's?

    Chapter 11: This was so cute until the mention of "Snivelly" came up Cry My heart is so broken ahck. I love how Sirius tries to pin the animagus deal on Severus though; clever. I see you noted a layout change. Unfortunately I can't quite recall the original. // unless their unregistered = they're (contraction they are)

    Chapter 12: This was just brilliant. You seem to be progressing your story at the perfect rate. There's no insta-like. Though 12 chapters may seem long to some, I think it's perfectly realistic. Fanfic about Sirius has never really interested me for some reason, perhaps having no face to pin it to or originality. You're definitely setting a high bar here!

    Chapter 13: Quidditch Sirius sounds siriusly smokin'. Reading Blaire's worry over him made me worry over him. Like, edge of my seat, eyes wide worry. And he's definitely rubbing off on her, which makes this story all the more realistic. I love it.

    Chapter 14: I'm smiling like a looooon oh my god this is great. Of course it's James t to ruin the moment. I'm actually kind of bummed that Lily didn't try to make conversation with Blaire. Makes her seem a little more harsh though, which seems pretty accurate.

    Chapter 15: Aw poor Lupin! It never occurred to me that the scar thing could happen to him. (I'm more of a Blaire than a Ches, clearly.) But just like every other "imperfection", this just adds to the perfect realness of your work. I applaud you.

    Chapter 16: Escaped zoo raccoon...same. I can't tell you enough how much I love this haha What a way to end a chapter though, finally! And the GIF, how darling.

    Chapter 16: Who is Emmaline and why is Sirius taking her even? And after the halfway ending, too. // after I’m finished = I'm finished with or I've finished

    Chapter 17: The boys all together are quite interesting. You're very good at bringing all their personalities out, and showing how its more a 3 vs 1 than four of them. // Salazar Slytherine = extra E there love, or is this an inside thing between the four?

    Chapter 18: McGonagall being so willing to transform into a cat for a student, yesssss. I wonder if Blaire caught that McGonagall basically admitted Sirius was an animagus, or if she heard the phrase as "you two"....... Cliffhanger. Good thing it's all done!

    Chapter 20: Sirius Black body part shoes. Charming. Literally, I guess haha

    Chapter 21: With as much as Blaire thinks about that dog she's seen, and as often as she looks into Sirius' grey eyes....gah HOW has she not realized yet?

    Chapter 22: This Barnes lad, where do you find so many pleasing GIFs of him? These really bring some of the scenes together, especially this one. He's quite lovely to look at.

    Chapter 23: What a way to ruin a moment. It's like the song from The Little Mermaid should be playing!

    Chapter 24: Dang though, I was hoping she'd have been on a first-name basis with him finally. YESSSSS, go Blaire! Anyone would follow after being dissed like that! // didn’t apparatus inside = apparate?

    Chapter 25: Oooh. Was not expecting that one.

    Chapter 26: And I definitely wasn't expecting that one either. They can't flirt, but they'll duel. Magnificent personality detailing.

    Chapter 27: Oh, the drama of it~ I do wish there'd been a bit more about Remus. It seems a big decision to make to tell someone he hardly knows about his predicament.

    Chapter 28: Another thing I haven't throught about is human transformation of an animagus. Or did I mention that with the last mention of it? She should transform him into a cuddly panda or something. I typed that as I read, and now I'm like wait what. What an awkward way to find out/speak about how Remus is a werewolf! Whoops?

    Chapter 29: That was so cute! Especially how her almost words pretty much mirrored his thoughts. I'm surprised James wasn't back to ruin this moment too lmfao

    Chapter 30: YES YES YES This was such a great chapter, and such a great story overall! Never have a read a story, fanfic or original, that progressed at such a slow and realistic pace. A single kiss in the final chapter is absolutely unheard of for me, and you executed it flawlessly! I can't wait to see where this goes. This is definitely one of my favorite entries so far! In Love
    January 15th, 2016 at 09:51am
  • FleursMortes

    FleursMortes (100)

    United States
    Awww!!! Love it so much! How about more time on her relationships with the other Marauders and Lily?♥ That would be adorable. One big family lol
    November 9th, 2015 at 11:41pm
  • Lexi Wombat

    Lexi Wombat (105)

    United States
    So I read this while sitting in my break room at work and I screamed out loud at the end oh my GOD!!!! FINALLY! I am so happy I found this story and I cannot wait to read the sequel, thank you for writing this c:
    November 9th, 2015 at 01:33am
  • gooney2

    gooney2 (100)

    United States
    I loved it! So glad they finally kissed. I really hope you make a sequel and explore their romance farther !!
    November 8th, 2015 at 07:44pm
  • helena_88

    helena_88 (100)

    aawe yay Outstanding!
    they're just so darn cute together!! when he tried to ask her to come over to the Potter's for dinner... AND THEN HE KISSED HER, FINALLY!!! In Love

    sad to see this end, but fingers crossed that you'll do a sequel, i'd love to read more about those two AND their friends Cute

    yeah, it was awesome! totally crazy and just.. I need to see Papa Roach and 5FDP a third time... XD
    November 8th, 2015 at 01:54pm
  • Oldjane

    Oldjane (150)

    @ acid_rain88
    Oh my gosh! Your trip sounds amazing!! :D I hope you had fun!!!! <3 Dance
    November 8th, 2015 at 06:57am
  • Lexi Wombat

    Lexi Wombat (105)

    United States
    They are the cutest! KISS HER YOU PONCE!!! -shakes fist at screen-
    More please!!!
    November 7th, 2015 at 10:14pm
  • helena_88

    helena_88 (100)

    so happy to come home from my little trip (concert with Devil you know, Papa Roach and Five Finger Death Punch + boat trip) to find two chapter of this story Cute

    haha so cute that she did her very best to avoid him the first few days after she heard them talking about her... and then HE TOLD HER about remus!! whoop! that's awesome! and I just love that she took it so good, and then the teasing about their assignment..
    that she's been dreaming of him as a puppy.. that was just too darn cute!

    he's thinking of telling her that he likes her??
    well.. guessing that wont be easy.. she seems to be always running away or avoiding him.. tehe
    he might have to tie her up or something! XD

    AND I just love the sound of sequel! Cute
    November 7th, 2015 at 06:03pm
  • gooney2

    gooney2 (100)

    United States
    Oh this was such a cute chapter. I love how you write Sirius hes adorable. I cant wait to see what happens when he tells her or just kisses her:) Im also really looking forward to the sequel!
    November 5th, 2015 at 02:19am