Velvet Touch - Comments

  • @ MyVenusDoom
    Thank you! I had fun with the wording there lol

    I was laughing a bit at the reaction too, I'm doing my best to keep Aleksi likable, even when doing unlikable (I feel those are spelled wrong....oh well) things.

    Thank you! Yeah, I was definitly trying to show that that was exactly all it was. He may be "looking for love" so to speak, but he is still a vampire and holds no feelings for most. Haha thank you!
    August 2nd, 2015 at 08:42pm
  • "A strong bolt shot up through the soft flesh of the man’s chin," I love this wording.

    "He hated feeling clumsy, and although he can’t be blamed for actions in his sleep, this made him feel so." This made me laugh. Aleksi's character is entertaining.

    The last paragraph was intense despite being brief. I like that you used 'fucking' rather than some flowery language to describe the act because that's exactly what it was. You revealed a lot about his personality in this post. I would LOVE to read everything in great detail. The one-shot format is restricting your genius! :D
    August 2nd, 2015 at 07:26am