First Kiss - Comments

  • THIS WAS ADORABLE!! I loved this so much and it's simplicity and shortness is really admirable considering that I'm fucking crying right now. Awesome job, dude! And you say it wasn't thought through, pfft wtf. I'd like to see your writing when it /is/ thought through because jeez, I bet you'd be a fucking goddess. Really enjoyed this fic, it deserves a lot more attention and I'll be sure to share the link with some friends. But really, this made my day, it was so cute. I'm usually a silent reader (bad, I know), but this was so good that I had to let you know your work was appreciated. Because of that however, I haven't checked your profile yet, but I sincerely hope you have more things written there, if not, it's cool, I understand. (Though I'd love you more than anything if you had more stuffs for me to read) I also realize I'm a little late as this was posted "about a year ago", but I hope you see this and know that you did a fucking fabulous job.
    January 22nd, 2017 at 06:22pm
  • Aww, it was so cute bs I love it. And I would like to imagine them going home and just banging it out XD but it was adorable and amazing
    September 3rd, 2015 at 11:16pm
    August 18th, 2015 at 07:14pm
  • this is like a lOt better than mine was and for that i must respectfully say that i dislike u bc wtf the fUck how do u just come in here and write this and say its not thought through like mine was a fucking trainwreck but urs wasn't thought through lE AVE
    August 18th, 2015 at 02:49am
  • that was so god damn cute omg. i actually am not a huge fan of the original video, but maybe that's because there was no scene like this in it. this was just so nicely executed, all the little details and character quirks and.... this is nice???? i like it :o)
    August 16th, 2015 at 12:49pm