Take Good Care of My Baby - Comments

  • I second the comment about Sergio below. I feel like I will hate him less if he was the one in place of Luke (Still hate Luke, can't stand him and can't want for him to get lost).

    Overall, I don't understand Cristiano at all. He is confusing me more and more. He does not seem to care about Molly and Luke anymore. And why he is tolerating such a bitchy character like Irina is beyond me. This is not normal behavior.

    Molly seems all nice and happy with Luke. I am not even sure whether she feels absolutely anything at all for Cris. We have no evidence for that yet, and I doubt it more and more now.

    To conclude, I am still sad. Please make us all happy soon :)

    P.S: Thanks a bunch for the update!
    June 24th, 2016 at 07:02pm
  • Hey there... I really really love the book and I think it's great but as an honest reader I'm getting so tired I'm not sure where the story's heading and the chapters are becoming so repetitive:(
    June 24th, 2016 at 03:08am
  • I like Luke, but I like Sergio more to be a romatic partner for Molly, please bring Sergio back!! rsrsrsrs
    And I hate Irina!
    June 23rd, 2016 at 08:14pm
  • why u still put this Luke on the frame? and its will be great Junior first word is calling Molly mama...
    June 20th, 2016 at 03:15pm
  • Am I the only one who likes Luke? He makes her happy and is treating her well so far. Christiano needs to either open his mouth and express his feelings for her or suck it up. He doesn't treat her well all the time either.
    June 20th, 2016 at 12:02am
  • I've read this entire story this weekend. Omg. Loooove it! Luke needs to go away and nilly and Christiano need to get together. Or maybe junior can call molly mama and then there can be a fallout or something. Obsessed with this!
    June 19th, 2016 at 11:11pm
  • They kissed???? And Molly liked it :(

    Can you hear a booming noise? That's the sound of my heart breaking. The only thing that is keeping me together is your last line - oh yes we trust you and thanks a ton for saying that - I was just losing all sanity imagining Molly and Luke together.

    To be honest, I don't read Luke's parts at all, I just skim through it and start with the rest - that's how much I hate them together. I really hope Molly dumps his ass soon or that he is an ass - hopefully both. Also, wasn't he here only for an interview? What the hell is he still doing here? The interview is done, make him get lost.

    Coming to the chapter, Pepe is right. Cris can not tell Molly what to do with her life. But that does not mean that he shouldn't get upset with her being with Luke. If he is trying to be ok with this and not get bothered, that means he doesn't feel what we think/hope he does for Molly. If he has any subconscious feelings for Molly, this should really bug him. That doesn't mean he should stop her being with anyone, but that should make him want to be with her. Like I am sure you would have something great planned for when and how Cris will react, but I guess that curiosity is killing the cat that is me :P

    I don't understand Irina at all. Each chapter confuses me more and more as to why he is still with her. But most of all, thanks for two updates in the week. You have no idea how it just makes our day to see a notification that this has been updated. :D

    I love this story. I love Molly and Cris. So I am going to do what you asked us - I am going to trust you to make us happy again.

    Kudos and Cheers! Smile
    June 19th, 2016 at 08:40pm
  • Someone kill me please. Right now. I am sorry But I HATE LUKE AND I HATE LUKE & MOLLY TOGETHER.

    I know everyone is doing the right thing by thinking about Molly first but I CAN'T BLOODY TAKE IT. THIS IS PHYSICALLY HURTING ME RIGHT NOW.
    June 17th, 2016 at 09:08pm
  • get bored and i hate all those luke's stuff Sad Sad Sad
    June 17th, 2016 at 07:56pm
  • I knew you were Irish!!! Could get it from constantly saying 'ye' :D Best story ever!!!
    June 12th, 2016 at 11:32pm
  • I hate Luke. I don't care if he is sweet or whatever, I still hate him.

    There is so much to say about so many points, like Nuno and Molly's chat, everyone being so protective about Molly etc. but i can't shake off this dislike yet to talk about these points.

    But it bugged me how Cris is with Irina. He bloody does everything he wants to with her but he still won't let Molly even kiss Luke (I am glad he did that though). Is he so driven by sex that he can't understand what he should really do? I mean to not speak to Molly just coz Irina was calling him was plain idiotic yet convenient for him. Bloody pig. He and that stupid doll is getting on my nerves.

    P.S - Despite everything, I still hate Luke. I don't know what I will do if she goes out with him again. Cris needs to get his act together before that. Oh man, I don't know what you have in mind, but you are scaring me with where this is going :(
    June 12th, 2016 at 11:18pm
  • i really hate this molly-luke date part Sad
    June 12th, 2016 at 11:11pm
  • Waiting for the update :)
    June 12th, 2016 at 09:56pm
  • Agh molly and cris can play with my emotions like no other couple can.... I hope Luke is horrible and cris finally declares his love for Molly. Unlikely but a girl can dream! ;) x
    June 10th, 2016 at 05:55am
  • How could he be so stupid? See I had a feeling he would do something majorly stupid and he did just that.

    Absolutely loved the following moments - Molly asking Cris if he was fine with her going (How I hope it wasn't just a courtesy question), Cris thinking of perfect family, their talk prior to the fight, Molly's liking for the necklace, Nuno and Ricky's near understanding of what's bothering Cristiano - I loved all of that.

    But the jerk totally ruined it. Twice. He could have told her nicely to text him, that he was just trying to keep her safe. But to bloody bring up her horrible past in this was plain diabolical.

    Despite all this, I still cringed when Molly said she was looking forward to it. I hope Luke is a horrible person.

    P.S - Thanks for getting the chapter out despite your schedule

    P.P.S - However, since you have left us on a clifffhanger, we are more than expecting an update this weekend Cool
    June 9th, 2016 at 06:33pm
  • Ohhh Crisitano! Bad move! I was hoping for him to stop the date, but not like that!
    June 9th, 2016 at 02:55pm
  • Love the 2 updates in one weekend!! Yay!
    I am so ready for Cris to stop this date.... does he even care about molly? It would make my life to have them together...Can you make it happen? *crosses fingers* xx
    May 30th, 2016 at 09:01pm
  • YAAAAY update!! I love how everybody is s jealous of the date, it's funny!
    And I have to say that Anna is getting in my nerves! She is transpassing the limits, seriously. I loved everything!
    May 30th, 2016 at 08:45pm
  • Firstly, big thanks for the update:)

    I was really hoping we get to know some details on this godforsaken date, I almost ran through it till the end. I am even more scared now. I continue to have a sinking feeling about this - i can't stand the thought of Molly with Luke, that message from him made me wanna throw my phone again. I need to see Molly and Cris together, it would make me as happy as UnDecima :) So please don't break our hearts here. Sad

    Also, WHY THE HELL IS CRIS SO CALM? Are we overestimating his sentiments for Molly? Thoroughly frustrating this is, you are a master at teasing your viewers Cool
    May 30th, 2016 at 08:12pm
  • @ ak9_sh
    So happy Real won though a little sad for Torres but Junior celebrating with Cristiano makes up for it. No update today but you won't be waiting until next week. Monday or Tuesday I promise. Smile Smile
    May 29th, 2016 at 03:40pm