Copenhagen - Comments

  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This is the best thing I have ever seen in like ever. I am so excited for this. I haven't even started reading and I'm so excited for this. Scooby Doo was one of my favourite things as a kid and this is just making me so excited because I love the whole idea behind this! The title intrigued me when it popped up on my feed and as soon as I read the summary I knew that I just had to read it and comment right this very second.

    The Article

    Aw man, you've got Shaggy down to a fine T here, you really do. I love the fact that he hears a noise and he's instantly wondering who's arrived to murder him or steal from him, haha. He was always my favourite because of that paranoid aspect to his character and I love that you've brought that across in this. It almost made me wonder at the beginning if you were going to do a flashback and then show them all as their after-hunting personas but then I realised it was just the way that Shaggy's stayed, even after leaving the business and that made me giggle a bit. It's just written so perfectly that I can absolutely imagine it as an episode that I'd watch on the television.

    Aw man, that's not going to be fun, the monster being back. I am so excited about this already and I can't wait to move on. I'm hoping we see the reactions from the rest of the squad soon, and see them all getting back together to do what they do best.

    The Investigator

    Of course Velma's already looking into it. Of course. I don't think she'd have ever wanted to give it up. I think anything beating her would eat away, so it's really cool that you've managed to capture that and have her constantly working on it. Even when I read the summary, I kind of saw her being the person to pull everything back together, so it's really awesome that she's the one who's fielding leads and that Ryan managed to pop through the similarities in the case. I'm super-excited to see how she manages to convince everybody to actually get back together.

    I am absolutely in love with this already and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the rest of the team are like in their *ahem* old age. You've brought back my childhood love for Scooby Doo and I can't thank you enough, haha! We need more Scooby Doo fanfiction on here and this one is incredibly well-written and dynamic, so I'm looking forward to reading more!
    January 12th, 2016 at 04:37pm